We left the hotel early in the morning because of the Qinghai International bike competition. We rode the bus for a very long time and rested on a prairie.

We played games, running, and walking. We played Mary go round , and Marco Polo .

We played Duck Duck Goose too.

I was good at playing Duck Duck Goose.

We played Marco Polo on this picture.

I was playing Marco Polo. If the person who said Marco he or she can say Marco again. But he or she will need to freeze. The grown-ups said we can not run on places like Qinghai lake as the altitude is very high. But we were all well .

A picture of me chasing after Leon.

We played and played until we were very excited and tired. We saw a group off sheep, all the kids ran to Chase them, they walked to the road. But a bus passing by scared them of the road again. Then we went to the bus and sat on it.

But a traffic jam came and we needed to wait for a long time to go to Er lang jian .

When we got to Er lang jian we were so happy to see the hotel and went to unpack our things. And after unpacking our things, we went to make letters and had our suppers went to sleep late for the night.
The smell was not very good outside of the hotel because there were horse stables around.