

作者: 子非_Faye | 来源:发表于2020-10-08 18:06 被阅读0次

Four Regexes Application  in Trados for locating and replacing inappropriate usage of punctuation in C-E Translation

Regex-1Chinese Pause Mark Checking and Replacing

The Chinese pause

mark (“、”)is generally replaced by comma (“,”) in English. Regex-1 serves to check theexistence of the remaining of Chinese pause marks and replace them with comma.

Regex-2Chinese Ellipsis Checking and Replacing

Regex-3Chinese Book Title mark

The Chinese

ellipsis mark can be regard as the combination of two groups of its English counterparts.Regex-1 servesto replace Chinese ellipsis to English one.

In Chinese, book title marks are used whenever a book or a passage is mentioned, regex-3 helps to check whether any book title mark is accidentally remained in the English translation and the translator need to replace it manually to Italics format for books or quotation mark for passages.


full-width & half-width.

The quotation mark is in half -width in English whereas in full-width in Chinese. Nevertheless, it can be confusable if input method is not set well. Regex-4 helps to check any remaining of full-width quotation mark and replace it with half-width ones to keep the consistency of translation.


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