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The macro policy shifts of leading economies, characterized by continued accommodative monetary policies and somewhat expansionary fiscal policies, all point to their efforts to counteract the downward pressure.
While no one should underestimate the difficulties and challenges, we must not lose faith or feel pessimistic, as we can also see many positive factors in the global economy, not least the impressive progress of the new round of technological and industrial revolution.
We meet at a time of profound and complex changes in the international landscape.
World economic growth has remained in the positive territory, yet it has been weighed down by factors such as sluggish international trade and investment, and rising protectionism. New uncertainties and destabilizing factors are mounting. The situation on many fronts is intricate and volatile, compounding market unease. Major international institutions have successively revised downward their global growth forecasts, something rarely seen in recent years.
一个中国政策 one-China policy
恶意注册知识产权权利 bad faith registrations of intellectual property rights
饱受争议 beset by controversies
文物修复 restoration of cultural relics
高级别会议 high-level meetings
你输我赢、赢者通吃的零和游戏 a you-lose-I-win and winner-takes-all game
在欧洲大陆面临不确定因素之际巩固中欧合作关系 consolidate China-Europe cooperation at a time when uncertainties are rattling the European continent
中欧全面战略伙伴关系 China-EU comprehensive strategic partners ..
共同关心的重大国际和地区问题major international and regional issues of common concern