How to master anything by Jim Ro

How to master anything by Jim Ro

作者: 迷恋成长 | 来源:发表于2019-12-27 10:06 被阅读0次

    1. self-reliance. I am the person responsible. I can do the job.  re-learning. never explain, next complaint. 

    2. See your image.  you are in control the situation, you are in control of your life.  the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you learn. 

    3. Become a person of high value.  build a system, how to fix, always can fix. 

    4. Self discipline.  I will do the best job I can.  I may make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes.  if you want extraordinary fortune, you must do something extraordinary. 



          本文标题:How to master anything by Jim Ro
