Who You Are

Who You Are

作者: 周贝儿儿 | 来源:发表于2014-12-17 22:40 被阅读27次

    Sometimes you might think that your life is a mess.

    But instead of complaining about it,try to accept it and live with it.

    So what?This is my life. Maybe I messed it up,but everything will get better in the end.

    Don't feel sorry for the things you've lost ,just try to think of all the things you've got.

    I know it hurts when you cannot get what you want,especially when you've expected it for so long long a time. But don't blame it on yourself. You've been all good and honest, it's just that you're not the one.

    It's ok  not to be ok. Just be true to who you are.



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