Port Arthur: A Monster Heroism
Author: Richard Barry
The sea attack on Port Arthur began on February 9th, 1904, at noon. The land isolation occurred on May 26th, when the Second Army, under General Oku, took Nanshan Hill. Four grand series of Russian defenses from Nanshan down the peninsula were then taken by the Japanese. The capture of Taikushan on August 9th, of Shokushan two days later, and of Takasakiyama the following day, drove the Russians into their permanent works. The real siege of Port Arthur began, thus, on August 12th, and continued for four months and nineteen days.
The failure of the first grand assault, continuing seven days from August 19th, forced Nogi and his army to go slowly about the terrific job of digging a way into the fortress. In the following four months there occurred six more grand assaults, the periods between them being occupied in mining, sapping, and engineering.[16] What was known as the second assault was made from September 19th to 25th; the third from October 29th to November 1st; the fourth from November 28th to 30th; the fifth from December 4th to 9th; the sixth from December 18th to 20th; the final assault from December 28th to 31st. The morning of January 1st, 1905, General Stoessel, the Russian commander, asked for terms of capitulation, and the following day these terms were submitted and ratified.
The grand strategy of the Japanese operations was simple. It comprehended one brief design: to demonstrate on the west, where 203-Meter Hill is, while the infantry and the heavy ordnance smashed the Russian right center, where are located the principal Russian forts, Keekwan (Cock’s Comb), Ehrlung (Two Dragons), and Panlung (Eternal Dragon). Four and a half months of sapping, mining, bombarding, and hand-to-hand fighting, than which history holds no record of more desperate contest, won the forts of the Cock’s Comb and the Two Dragons for the Japanese. The fall of the Two Dragons on December 31st brought Stoessel to his knees.
In all the long history of military exploits, there is not one that can compare, in point of difficulties surmounted, with the reduction of Port Arthur. That this fortress should have been taken by assault entitles the Japanese operations to rank with the finest work done by any army in any age; that it should have been taken in five months from the day on which the investment was completed (the day on which the Russians were driven into their permanent works) is an exploit which has never been approached. For Port Arthur’s defenses had been laid out on the most modern plan. Nature, moreover, has cast the topographical features of the place on lines that are admirably suited to defense. The harbor is surrounded by two approximately concentric ranges of hills, the crests of which are broken by a series of successive[18] conical elevations. The engineers took the suggestion thus offered, and ran two concentric lines of fortification around the city, building massive masonry forts on the highest summits, and connecting them by continuous defensive works. The inner line of the forts lay at an average distance of one mile from the city, and constituted the main line of permanent defense; the outer line, at an average distance of a mile and a half from Port Arthur. Beyond these again were the semi-permanent defenses. The positions of the various forts were chosen in such a relation to each other that they were mutually supporting—that is to say, if any one were captured by the enemy, it could not be held because it was dominated by the fire from the neighboring forts; and, indeed, it often happened that the Japanese seized positions from which they were driven in this way.
In the majority of cases the slope of the hills was very steep, and what was even worse for the Japanese, smooth and free from cover; so that if an attempt were made to rush the works, a charge would have to be made over a broad glacis, swept by the shrapnel, machine gun, and[19] rifle fire of the defenders. Once across the danger zone, the attack was confronted by the massive masonry parapets of the fort, over which the survivors, cut down to a mere handful, would be powerless to force an entrance.
The defense of Port Arthur, however, did not stop at the outer line of fortifications, but extended no less than eighteen miles to the northward, to a point where the peninsula on which Port Arthur is situated narrows to a width of three miles. Here a range of conical hills, not unlike some of those at Port Arthur, reaches from sea to sea; and these had been ringed with intrenchments for troops and masked (or hidden) emplacements for artillery. Between Nanshan and Port Arthur the Russians had built four more lines of intrenchments, reaching from sea to sea, all very strong and admirably suited for defense. Now it must be borne in mind that all this wonderful net-work of fortifications, strong by nature of the ground, strong by virtue of the great skill and care with which it had been built, was distinguished from all other previous defensive works by the fact that in this fortress, for the first time, were utilized all those[20] terrible agencies of war which the rapid advance of science in the past quarter of a century has rendered available. Among these we may mention rapid-fire guns, machine guns, smokeless powder, artillery of high velocity and great range, high explosive shells, the magazine rifle, the telescopic sight giving marvelous accuracy of fire, the range-finder giving instantaneously the exact distance of the enemy, the searchlight, the telegraph and the telephone, starlight bombs, barbed-wire entanglements, and a dozen other inventions, all of which were deemed sufficient, when applied to such stupendous fortifications as those of Port Arthur, to render them absolutely impregnable.
旅顺港的防御带并非止于外侧防线,而是向北延展至少18英里,直到其所在的辽东半岛收窄为3英里宽的地方。这里的一系列圆锥形山丘从海边通往海边,与旅顺港的一些山丘没什么不同;山丘各处布满步兵用堑壕,以及隐藏式炮台。在南山和旅顺港之间,俄国人另外修建了四道从海边到海边的堑壕,每一道都极其坚固,非常适于防守。值得一提的是,这个因地利之便及建造者的巧工和用心而异常坚固的绝妙防御网络,截然不同于以往的其他防御工事。要塞内,由过去四分之一个世纪里科学的快速进步催生出的可怕战争工具,全都首次得到了应用。我们或许会提到其中的速射炮、机关枪、无烟火药、高速远程火炮、榴弹、带弹匣的步枪、能极大提高命中率的望远瞄准镜、能即时给出敌人与己方的确切距离的测距仪、探照灯、电报和电话、照明弹(starlight bombs)、带刺铁丝网,以及其他十多种发明。所有这些想必会让旅顺港极其坚固的防御工事变得坚不可摧。
The Russians believed them to be so—certainly the indomitable Stoessel did. And well he might; for there was no record in history of any race of fighters, at least in modern times, that could face such death-dealing weapons, and not melt away so swiftly before their fury as to be swept away in defeat.
But a new type of fighter has arisen, as the sequel was to tell.

On February 8, 1904, the first blow fell upon[21] Port Arthur in that famous night attack by the torpedo boats. On February 9th occurred the engagement between the remnant of the Russian fleet and the Japanese fleet under Admiral Togo which ended in the Russian retreat into the harbor and the closing of Port Arthur by sea.
On May 26th the Japanese Second Army, which had been landed at Petsewo Bay, attacked the first line of defense at Nanshan, eighteen miles north of Port Arthur, and gave an inkling of the mettle of the Japanese troops by capturing the position in a frontal attack. The Japanese pushed on to Port Arthur and there followed, in quick succession, a series of bloody struggles at the successive lines of defense in which the Japanese would not be denied. The fiercest fight took place at the capture of a double height, Kenshan and Weuteughshan, which Stoessel re-attacked vainly for three days, losing three times as many men as were lost originally in the attempt to hold the position.
On May 29th Dalny was occupied, and became the base of the besieging army. A railway runs from Dalny for three miles to a junction with the main line from the north to Port Arthur.
On August 9th to 11th the outlying semi-permanent works Taikushan and Shokushan, lying about three and one-half miles from Port Arthur, were taken, and the Russians driven in to their permanent positions.
The army detailed for the capture of Port Arthur was 60,000 strong; Stoessel at the date of the battle of Nanshan probably had 35,000 men.
Encouraged by their uninterrupted success in capturing Russian intrenchments by dashing frontal attack, the Japanese, particularly after their brilliant success of August 9th to 11th, believed that they could storm the main defenses in like manner. They hurled themselves against the Russian right center in a furious attack upon the line of forts stretching from the railway around the easterly side of the town to the sea. For seven days they battled furiously. But the wave of conquest that had flowed over four lines of defense, broke utterly against the fifth; and after a continuous struggle, carried on day and night, beneath sunlight, moon, and searchlight, they retired completely baffled, with an awful casualty list of 25,000 men.
On September 1st the Japanese, finding that they could not take Port Arthur by assault, settled down to reduce it by an engineering siege. This latter was carried on by means of “sapping and mining,” supported by heavy bombardment, its object being to shake the defense by terrific artillery fire, blow up the parapets and other defenses by subterranean mines, and capture the fortress by fierce assaults delivered from concealed trenches close to the fortifications. Sapping and mining may be described as a method of attack by tunneling. The Japanese found that they could not get into the forts by a rush above ground, so they determined to burrow in below ground. The main attack was directed against the line of forts to the east of the city, or the Russian right center. The first operation was to cut a deep trench, not less than six feet in depth and a dozen or more feet in width, roughly parallel with the line of forts, and at a distance of about 1,000 yards therefrom. From this trench three lines of zigzag trenches were dug in the direction of the principal forts of Ehrlung, Keekwan, and Panlung. These trenches were about six feet deep (deep enough[24] to hide the sappers from view) and eight feet wide (wide enough to allow the troops to march to the assault four abreast). The zigzag consisted of an alternate approach and parallel, the former extending diagonally toward the fortification, the latter parallel with it. The angle of the diagonal approaches was always carefully mapped out by the engineers, and was so laid with reference to the enemy’s forts that it could neither be seen nor reached by shell fire. The digging was done chiefly at night, and the soil was carried back through the excavated trenches in gabions and on stretchers, and dumped out of sight of the enemy. As the parallels were advanced across the valley or level spaces, they were roofed at intervals, with planks covered with soil and grass, so that as the Russians looked out toward the ravine in which the army was supposed to be encamped, there was nothing to indicate that the enemy was cutting a series of covered roadways, right up to the base of the forts themselves. Of course in many cases the trenches were located, and desperate night sorties were made in the endeavor to break up the work. But it went remorselessly forward.[25] When the foot of the fortified slopes was reached, a second great parallel, extending around the whole face of the fortified eastern front, was cut—this latter for the purpose of assembling the troops for the final dash upon the forts. From this parallel the Japanese cut tunnels straight through the hills until they found themselves immediately below the massive parapets of such forts as they wished to reach. Here cross tunnels were cut, parallel with the walls and immediately below them, in which tons of dynamite were placed and the wires laid ready for the great explosion—much of this being done, it must be remembered, entirely unknown to the Russians, secure in their great fortifications overhead. The work of the sappers and miners was now complete.
9月1日,发现强攻难以见效的日本人,决定借助修工事围攻旅顺港,进而将其收入囊中。后一种办法具体说来就是进行坑道作业(sapping and mining),辅以狂轰滥炸。其目标为:以猛烈的炮火撼动对方的防御工事,以地下坑道摧毁对方的胸墙以及其他防御设施,再派人从靠近堡垒的隐蔽式战壕中发起猛攻,将要塞一举拿下。坑道作业或许可以被称为一种通过挖掘坑道发起攻击的方法。日本人发现自己无法在地面上快速突入堡垒,于是决定通过在地下挖掘坑道攻克之。主要目标则为旅顺东侧的堡一排者说俄军的中右翼。第一步是挖一条深壕,深度不少于6英尺,宽度约为12英尺,大致与那排堡垒平行,距其约1000码。再从这条堑壕出发,朝着二龙山、鸡冠山和盘龙山等三处堡垒的方向挖三道Z字形壕沟。这些壕沟深6英尺(足以让坑道作业者藏身其中而不被发现),宽8英尺(足以让四列士兵并排推进,发起袭击)。Z字形接近壕与平行壕依次衔接,前者斜斜地向堡垒方向延伸,后者与堡垒平行。斜向接近壕的拐角通常经过工程人员的精心规划,与堡垒之间有着十分精妙的关系,为视线和炮火所不能及。挖掘工作主要在夜间进行,挖出来的泥土则用土笼和担架经由挖好的壕沟运回。横贯山谷或平地的平行壕开挖期间,顶部每隔一段距离就会被人用泥土和草遮住,这样一来,当俄军望向应该驻扎着敌军的山谷时,就无法察觉敌人正挖掘直通其堡垒的秘密通道。当然了,很多时候,这些壕沟会被发现,俄军会在夜间出动战机搞破坏。但日军还是不屈不挠地推进着这项工作。他们抵达防御工事所在斜坡的脚下时,挖掘了与俄军整条东侧防线面对面的第二道平行壕——旨在供军队集结于此,对堡垒发起最后的猛攻。从这道平行壕出发,日军挖掘了通往山体内部的隧道,一直挖到其想要突入的那些堡垒的巨大胸墙正下方。他们又从这里开始,挖了一条位于胸墙正下方且与之平行的横向隧道,在里边放上数以吨计的炸药,并布设好导线,以便制造大规模爆炸——值得注意的是,躲在他们头顶的堡垒中的俄国人,对他们做的很多事情毫无知觉。坑道作业者的工作至此完结。
It must not be supposed that while this slow work was being carried on, the garrison at Port Arthur, or the city itself, or even the fleet in the harbor, was being left in peace, or had any respite from the harassments of the siege. For as soon as the investment was complete, the Japanese erected hidden batteries in various carefully-selected positions, until they had no less[26] than 300 guns trained against the city. All the furious assaults that failed so disastrously were preceded by bombardments, the like of which had never been witnessed in the history of the world. These batteries consisted of regular siege guns of from 5 inches to 6 inches caliber, a large number of naval guns of 4.7-inch and 6-inch caliber, and the regular field ordnance of the three divisions and two independent brigades composing the Third Imperial Army.
By far the most formidable pieces used in the bombardment, however, were the powerful 11-inch mortars, which were mounted in batteries of from two to four in various positions behind the ranges of hills which effectually screened the Japanese from Russian observation. The pieces are the Japanese latest type of coast-defense mortars, such as are used along the Straits of Shimoneseki and about the Bay of Yezo. They were brought by sea to Dalny, carried by railroad for a distance of fifteen miles to the end of the track, and from thence were hauled by hand over special tracks laid direct to the emplacements. In some cases, indeed, the guns were dragged on rollers through the sand, as many[27] as 800 men being required to haul a single mortar; for the mortar barrels, without the carriage, weigh eight tons apiece.
不过,用于轰炸的最令人生畏的工具,是强悍的11英寸迫击炮——每两门或四门为一组架设在多个地点,位于让俄军难以观察日军动向的山峦后边的多个地点。它们是日军装配的最新型海防迫击炮,其在关门海峡沿线及虾夷地(Bay of Yezo)附近使用的也是这种。日军将这些迫击炮经海路运至大连,经铁路运送15英里至铁轨尽头,再以人力沿特殊的轨道运至炮台。事实上,有些时候,迫击炮是被置于带滚轮的支架上,拖拽过沙地的,拖拽一门迫击炮需要多达800人,因为不算炮架,光是一个炮管就重达8吨。