作者: 尽倚伏兮 | 来源:发表于2020-11-13 10:17 被阅读0次

    The Rose(Amanda McBroom)


    Some say love it is a river                  流水似愛

    That drowns the tender reed            葦柔亦傾

    Some say love it is a razor                 利刃似愛

    That leaves your soul to bleed          靈亦滴血

    Some say love it is a hunger              饑渴如愛

    An endless aching need                      痛亦索極

    I say love it is a flower                        我愛如花

    And you , its only seed                        委爾潤之

    It's the heart afraid of breaking         懼碎之心

    That never learns to dance                 拒之不舞

    It's the dream afraid of waking          懼醒之夢

    That never takes the chance               無生之念

    It's the one who won't be taken         毋納之人

    Who cannot seem to give                    似予不予

    And the soul afraid of dying                毋逝之靈

    That never learns to live                       難參存道

    When the night has been too lonely   孤寂是夜

    And the road has been too long           途無窮盡

    And you think that love is only            唯幸與強

    For the lucky and the strong                可得愛否

    Just remember in the winter                猶記凜冬

    Far beneath the bitter snows                蒼雪覆下

    Lies the seed that with the sun's love  瑰籽尚暖

    In the spring becomes the rose             春來盛放



