

作者: Sincerity_ | 来源:发表于2019-05-30 10:27 被阅读0次

    1. Retrofit基本使用

    1. 注解的分类:

      1. http请求方法的8种注解: get,post,put delete,head,patch,options和hettp
      2. 标记类: FormUrlEncoded ,Multipart,Streaming
      3. 参数类:header,body,path,filed,fieldMap,part,partMap,query,queryMap
      4. @query参数:类型1
      5. @query参数:类型1
      6. @Url参数 :把URl当做参数传递过来
      7. @Body参数以json形式传递过来.
      8. @Part 上传单个文件
      9. get/pos请求网络
      10. post请求:
           Call<Comment> reportComment(
               @Path("newsId") String commentId,//@Path所有在网址中的参数(URL的问号前面)没有key
               @Query("access_token") String access_token,//@Query:URL问号后面的参数 有key
               @Field("reason") String reason); //@Field:用于POST请求,提交单个数据 使用@Field时记得添加@FormUrlEncoded
       //  reason 是补全的url  post的数据只有一条reason 
    2. 网络请求

      Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() //注释1
      //                .baseUrl("https://www.baidu.com/")
                      .build(); //注释2
              API api = retrofit.create(API.class);// 注释3 创建动态代理模式
              Call<TransitionMode> call = api.acquisitionOfTranslationContent("car");
              call.enqueue(new Callback() { //注释4
                  public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
                      Log.e("TAg", response.body().toString());
                  public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {
                      Log.e("Tag", t.getMessage());
    3. 源码解析:

      1. 注释1:Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() //注释1

        private static Platform findPlatform() {
            try {
              Class.forName("android.os.Build"); //判断是否是android平台
              if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT != 0) {
                return new Android();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
            try {
              Class.forName("java.util.Optional"); //是否是jdk8 Retrofit支持lamuda表达式
              return new Java8();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
            return new Platform();
          //  目前版本去除了对IOS平台的判断
         static class Android extends Platform {
            @Override public Executor defaultCallbackExecutor() {
              return new MainThreadExecutor();
            @Override CallAdapter.Factory defaultCallAdapterFactory(@Nullable Executor callbackExecutor) {
              if (callbackExecutor == null) throw new AssertionError();
              return new ExecutorCallAdapterFactory(callbackExecutor); 
            static class MainThreadExecutor implements Executor {
              private final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
              @Override public void execute(Runnable r) {
        //JAVA8  仅仅在java8上运行
        static class Java8 extends Platform {
            @Override boolean isDefaultMethod(Method method) {
              return method.isDefault(); //
            @Override Object invokeDefaultMethod(Method method, Class<?> declaringClass, Object object,
                @Nullable Object... args) throws Throwable {
              // Because the service interface might not be public, we need to use a MethodHandle lookup
              // that ignores the visibility of the declaringClass.
              Constructor<Lookup> constructor = Lookup.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Class.class, int.class);
              return constructor.newInstance(declaringClass, -1 /* trusted */)
                  .unreflectSpecial(method, declaringClass)
      2. 注释2 retrofit.build

        public Retrofit build() {
              if (baseUrl == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Base URL required."); //如果url为空,抛出异常
              okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory = this.callFactory;
              if (callFactory == null) {
                callFactory = new OkHttpClient(); //构造默认的网络请求工厂
              //MainThreadExecutor默认的构造器, 默认返回的是android平台
              Executor callbackExecutor = this.callbackExecutor;
              if (callbackExecutor == null) {
                callbackExecutor = platform.defaultCallbackExecutor(); //构造默认方法回调执行器
              List<CallAdapter.Factory> callAdapterFactories = new ArrayList<>(this.callAdapterFactories);
              List<Converter.Factory> converterFactories =
                  new ArrayList<>(1 + this.converterFactories.size());
              converterFactories.add(new BuiltInConverters());
              return new Retrofit(callFactory, baseUrl, unmodifiableList(converterFactories),
                  unmodifiableList(callAdapterFactories), callbackExecutor, validateEagerly);
      3. 注释3API api = retrofit.create(API.class);

            Utils.validateServiceInterface(service); //判断传递过来的参数是否是interface
            if (validateEagerly) {
            return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service },
                new InvocationHandler() {
                  private final Platform platform = Platform.get();
                  @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args)
                      throws Throwable {
                    // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.
                    if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
                      return method.invoke(this, args);
                    if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {
                      return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);
                    ServiceMethod<Object, Object> serviceMethod =
                        (ServiceMethod<Object, Object>) loadServiceMethod(method);
                    OkHttpCall<Object> okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);
                    return serviceMethod.adapt(okHttpCall);



