

作者: Cece一只兔 | 来源:发表于2017-12-14 13:37 被阅读0次

豆瓣9.9的蓝色星球2 +英文学习文稿

随笔:这是我看过最震撼的纪录片没有之一,英国BBC制作,只看了第一集画面加上背景音乐就感觉浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。颠覆我们对地球以及地球上的生物的认知,在远离城市之外,陆地之外,人类之外的另一个世界。 各种新奇的海洋生物和我们想不到的他们所拥有的智慧,会使用工具来吃蛤蜊的猪齿鱼,xxoo后从雌性变雄性的鱼,最萌的冲浪宽吻海豚也有一辈辈流传下来的经验和智慧(bottlenose dolphins 看完之后想转世做要一只自由自在的海豚 ),看心机鱼如何捕鸟,在海底跳魔法舞的蝠鲼( Mobula rays)等。看完之后感觉我苍白的语言是在无法表达出我的震撼,想来想去,先整理出一小段的英语文稿,帮助自己和大家学习交流。

腾讯视频链接 :(一定要看!一定要看一下!一定一定要看一下好吗!绝对值! 重要的事情说三遍!)https://v.qq.com/x/cover/t6udtxyvbhbbxv2/z0024xgmy6h.html

随便截的图都这么美 xxoo后就变性了的鱼hhh 蝠鲼(好难打的字) 这不是特效,看视频21:48,超美


0:00-2:44 开头

The ocean, seemingly limitless, invoke in us a sense of awe(威严), and wonder, and also sometimes, fear. They cover 70% of the surface of our planet, and yet, they are still the least explored. Hidden beneath the waves, right beneath my feet, there are creatures beyond our imagination. With revolutionary technology, we can enter new worlds...and shine a light on behaviors in ways that were impossible just a generation ago. We've also recognized an uncomfortable fact, the health of our oceans is under threat. They are changing at a faster rate than ever before, in human history. Never has there been a more crucial time to reveal what is going on beneath the surface of the seas. In this first episode, we will journey across the globe, from the warm water of the tropics to the coldest around the poles. To bring us a new understanding of life beneath the waves.  This is Blue Planet II. 

看起来无边无际 seemingly limitless 

恳求,请求我们  invoke in us

从来没有过 Never has there been or there has never been 

揭示 reveal

以崭新的视角 To bring us a new understanding



Never has there been a more crucial time to reveal what is going on beneath the surface of the seas.


在从来没有过的(Never has there been) or 感觉是更常见的(there has never been)

更紧迫的时间(a more crucial time)

来揭示(to reveal)

海底世界(beneath the surface of the seas)

发生了什么(what is going on)



