

作者: 邱梅_qiumei | 来源:发表于2019-02-22 13:31 被阅读62次

    **  薄荷阅读《心理学百科》笔记整理



    >>  "The mind is like an iceberg; it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water."

    — Sigmund Freud —

    **  一.早期研究

    *2500-600 BC,The Hindu Vedas describe consciousness as “an abstract, silent, completely unified field of consciousness”.

    **  很久很久以前,大约公元前2500-公元前600年吧,在离我们有点近、离他们(欧洲人)有点远的南亚次大陆上——印度经典《吠陀经》将人的“意识”描述成“一种抽象、静默、统一的感知领域”。

    **  Hindu Vedas 吠 陀

    **  “吠陀”用古梵文写成,是印度最古老的文献材料和文体形式,主要文体是赞美诗、祈祷文和咒语,是印度人世代口口相传、长年累月结集而成的。

    **  “吠陀”的意思是“知识”、“启示”的意思,是印度宗教﹑哲学及文学之基础。印度教徒认为吠陀是apauruṣeya(梵语),意思是“不是一个人,超越人类的”和“非个人的,无作者的”。

    >>  1567,Swiss physician Paracelsus provides the first medical description of the unconscious.

    **  时间的齿轮咔咔地转动,我们来到公元1567年,瑞士医生帕拉塞尔苏斯(Paracelsus, 1493-1541)第一个从医学的角度描述了“无意识”:

    **  他在著作Von den Krankeiten(Of the Diseases)中,Paracelsus谈到一种叫做猥亵舞蹈症(choreomania,英文名为dancing mania)的疾病。14-17世纪的欧洲大陆上,发病的成年男女和孩子会疯狂地跳起舞来,直到精疲力竭为止。为什么人们会出现这样的症状呢?观点众说纷纭,有人认为是邪教作祟、也有人说这只是人们释放压力的极端方式。

    **  心理学家们将其定性为一种群体性的癔症(a mass hysteria),而Paracelsus认为这种病全然是患者内心的观点和想法——可以说就是想象——造成的。一些本身没有病、却对此病信以为真的人误以为自己患了病,从而表现出一些发病的症状。

    **  不论是儿童还是成人,他们患病的原因都可以依此解释。其中儿童并非通过思考,而是通过感知来产生了想象。原因是:他们的视力和听力非常敏锐,无意识的情况下会出现关于他们所看到或听到的幻想——无意识的概念就这样诞生了。

    >>  1880s,French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot uses hypnotism to treat hysteria and other abnormal mental conditions

    **  到了19世纪80年代时(1880s),法国神经学家让-马丁·沙可使用催眠术来治疗癔症以及其他异常的心理症状。这对于弗洛伊德的研究有极大的启发。

    **  二.弗洛伊德的研究

    >>  The Introduction of Unconscious 无意识

    The unconscious is one of the most intriguing concepts in psychology. It seems to contain all of our experience of reality, although it appears to be beyond our awareness or control. It is the place where we retain all our memories, thoughts, and feelings.

    **  “无意识”是心理学中最引人注目的概念之一,它似乎能够解释所有我们周遭的经历和感受,特别是在我们感知范围以外的东西。

    >>  The notion fascinated Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, who wanted to find out if it was possible to explain things that seemed to lie beyond the confines of psychology at the time.

    **  弗洛伊德对此十分感兴趣,希望能用这种想法跳出当时心理学研究的思维定式,开创新的心理学学说。

    **  Think out of the box:跳出思维定式

    >>  Those who had begun to examine the unconscious feared that it might be filled with psychic activity that was too powerful, too frightening, or too incomprehensible for our conscious mind to be able to incorporate.Freud’s work on the subject was pioneering.

    **  当时这个新奇的概念吸引了很多的心理学先驱,但大多数人担心这种“无意识”充斥着超自然的力量、对于我们的意识层面是过于强力、无法理解、令人恐惧的。然而弗洛伊德率先对这个概念进行了研究,他的许多工作在当时是十分具有先驱性的,吸引了后来众多追随者、启迪了后人的思想。

    >>  He described the structure of the mind as formed of the conscious, the unconscious, and the preconscious, and he popularized the idea of the unconscious, introducing the notion that it is the part of the mind that defines and explains the workings behind our ability to think and experience.

    **  他提出了心灵是由意识、无意识和前意识构成的,并且是他把“无意识”的观点推广开来、使其为学术界所知晓的。

    **  1.Hypnosis & Hysteria 癔症与催眠术

    >>  1885,Freud’s introduction to the world of the unconscious came in when he came across the work of the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, who seemed to be successfully treating patients for symptoms of mental illness using hypnosis. Charcot’s view was that hysteria was a neurological disorder caused by abnormalities of the nervous system, and this idea provided important new possibilities for treatments.

    **  1885年的时候,当弗洛伊德正要向世界介绍“无意识”的时候,他无意中发现了让-马丁·沙可 利用催眠治疗心理疾病颇有成效。沙可的观点是:癔症是一种由神经系统异常引起的神经紊乱。

    **  2014年Time呼吁是时候结束对女性滥用Hysteria一词

    **  这是因为以前人们认为只有女性会过度情绪化、患上癔病

    >>  He then encountered Joseph Breuer, a well-respected physician, who had found that he could greatly reduce the severity of one of his patient’s symptoms of mental illness simply by asking her to describe her fantasies and hallucinations.

    **  后来弗洛伊德遇到了奥地利医师约瑟夫·布洛伊尔。布洛伊尔发现简单地让他的一个病人描述他的幻想或者幻觉就能够极大地缓解心理疾病的症状。

    >>  Anna O was diagnosed with paralysis and hysteria. Breuer began using hypnosis to facilitate her access to memories of a traumatic event, and after twice-weekly hypnosis sessions all her symptoms had been alleviated.

    **  安娜·O被诊断为麻痹症和癔症。随后布洛伊尔医生开始利用催眠帮助这位病人——安娜·O——唤醒创伤性记忆,减轻了她的痛苦。

    >>  Breuer concluded that her symptoms had been the result of disturbing memories buried in her unconscious mind, and that voicing the thoughts brought them to consciousness, allowing the symptoms to disappear.

    **  布洛伊尔总结:她的症状是由埋藏在无意识心灵中令人困扰的记忆所导致的,而思维将它们带到意识层面后症状就消失了。

    >>  Breuer became Freud’s friend and colleague, and together the two developed and popularized a method of psychological treatment based on the idea that many forms of mental illness (irrational fears, anxiety, hysteria, imagined paralyses and pains, and certain types of paranoia were the results of traumatic experiences that had occurred in the patient’s past and were now hidden away from consciousness.

    **  弗洛伊德和布洛伊尔成为了朋友和同事之后,两人一起发展和推广他们的心理治疗方法,这种疗法的基本观点是:各种形式的心理疾病都源于病人从前所经历过的、现在埋藏在意识之下的创伤,这种经历会给患者留下“受抑制的记忆”。

    >>  Through Freud and Breuer’s technique, outlined in the jointly published Studies in Hysteria (1895), they claimed to have found a way to release the repressed memory from the unconscious, allowing the patient to consciously recall the memory and confront the experience, both emotionally and intellectually.

    **  他们在共同撰写的著作《癔症研究》 中宣称找到了一种能将前面提到的那种“受抑制的记忆”释放出来的方法,使病人有意识地回想起这些记忆,并在情感上和理智上对抗这些记忆。他们认为这个过程释放了受困的情绪,病症就能够消失。

    >>  2.Our Everyday Mind = Conscious + Preconscious + Unconscious

    **  我们的日常心灵=意识+前意识+潜意识(无意识)

    >>  It is easy to take for granted the reality of the conscious, and naively believe that what we think, feel, remember, and experience make up the entirety of the human mind.

    **  我们很容易认为我们的所思所感、记忆和体验构成了我们的整个心灵。

    >>  But Freud says that the active state of consciousness – that is, the operational mind of which we are directly aware in our everyday experience – is just a fraction of the total psychological forces at work in our psychical reality.

    **  但弗洛伊德并不这么认为:他说这些活跃的意识只是我们心灵力量的一小部分。

    >>  The conscious exists at the superficial level, to which we have easy and immediate access. Beneath the conscious lies the powerful dimensions of the unconscious, the warehouse from which our active cognitive state and behaviour are dictated. The conscious mind is merely the surface of a complex psychic realm. The conscious is effectively the puppet in the hands of the unconscious.

    **  活跃的意识是心灵的表层,是指“当下的意识”:通俗点说就是此刻正在想的东西;其更深层是强大的无意识——我们当下行为和认知状态的控制室,并且“意识”受到“无意识”的操控。

    ① 前 意 识 Preconscious

    >>  Memories that are not in our everyday working memory, but which have not been repressed, reside( in a part of the conscious mind that Freud called the preconscious.

    **  弗洛伊德将无意识和意识重叠的部分,称为前意识。

    >>  Everything that is conscious – that we actively know – has at one time been unconscious before rising to consciousness. However, not everything becomes consciously known; much of what is unconscious remains there.We are able to bring these memories into conscious awareness at any time.

    **  他认为:被人们感知到的每个事物都有机会从无意识进入意识,但并不是所有事物都要进入人们的意识;那些没有从无意识进入意识中的、又没有被刻意压抑的事物就停留在了前意识中,我们能够在任何时候将其带入自己的意识中。

    ② 无 意 识 unconscious

    >>  The unconscious acts as a receptacle for ideas or memories that are too powerful, too painful, or otherwise too much for the conscious mind to process.

    **  无意识承载着过于强大,过于痛苦,以及有意识的心灵加工不了的思想和记忆。

    ③ 潜 意 识 Subconscious

    **  这个概念文中没有提及。其实它为两部分:“前意识”+“无意识”;即下图水下的部分,意思是潜在水里的。

    **  浮在水面上的意识是指“当下的意识”:是指此刻你的心灵在思考、意识到的一切;水面下的意识指的是“当下的意识”没有触及到的意识层面,而前意识是意识可以触及的部分,但无意识是意识不能直接触及的部分。

    >>  “It failed to differentiate whether content and the processing occurred in the unconscious or preconscious mind.”

    **  “潜意识”这个词弗洛伊德1893年的时候第一次用到,但这个词无法说明清楚到底是意识的过程还是意识的内容。后来他就弃用的这个术语,使用无意识和前意识代替。

    **  举个例子:


    **  那么在这个过程中:

    1) 对象松树先进入“无意识”,“无意识”认为它不需要被带到“意识”中,它就停留在了“前意识”中;

    2) 而对象公交车就是被“无意识”认为是需要被带到“意识”中的,所以它被直接送往“意识”,而没有经过“前意识”。这时候你就知道了:啊,该上车了,不然迟到了。

    >>  Freud believed that when certain ideas or memories (and their associated emotions) threaten to overwhelm the psyche, they are split apart from a memory that can be accessed by the conscious mind, and stored in the unconscious instead.

    **  他还认为:无意识承载着一些过于强大、痛苦的记忆,这些记忆是有意识的心灵无法处理的。所以他认为当某些想法或记忆威胁到整个心灵时,它就会被压抑在无意识里,不让它们靠近意识层面。

    **  3.Dynamic Thought 动态的思想

    >>  Freud was also influenced by the physiologist Ernst Brücke, who was one of the founders of the 19th-century’s “new physiology”, which looked for mechanistic explanations for all organic phenomena.

    **  弗洛伊德还受到了他的老师、生理学家恩斯特·布鲁克的影响。

    >>  Brücke claimed that like every other living organism, the human being is essentially an energy system, and so must abide by the Principle of the Conservation of Energy. This law states that the total amount of energy in a system stays constant over time; it cannot be destroyed, only moved or transformed.

    **  布鲁克认为,人和所有有机生命体一样,是个能量守恒的系统,服从能量守恒定律:系统内能量总和保持不变,能量不能消亡,只能转移和流动。

    >>  Freud applied this thinking to mental processes, resulting in the idea of “psychic energy”. This energy, he said, can undergo modification, transmission, and conversion, but cannot be destroyed.

    **  弗洛伊德将这种思想应用到了心灵运行过程,提出了“心理能量”的观点:这种能量也只能被修改、传递和转移,但不能被毁灭。

    >>  So if we have a thought that the conscious mind finds unacceptable, the mind redirects it away from conscious thought into the unconscious, in a process Freud called “repression”.

    **  如果有一种我们意识层面不能接受的思想,心灵就会将它从意识赶到无意识,这个过程被弗洛伊德成为“压抑”。

    **  这里相当于一种心理能量被转移、修改成了另一种能量。

    >>  We may repress the memory of a childhood trauma (such as abuse or witnessing an accident), a desire we have judged as unacceptable (perhaps for your best friend’s partner), or ideas that otherwise threaten our wellbeing or way of life.

    **  我们可能会压抑童年时的创伤记忆、不可接受的欲望以及其他你不自觉地意识到会危害你幸福或者生活的想法。

    **  4.Motivating Drives 驱动力

    >>  “The unconscious is also the place where our instinctual biological drives reside. The drives govern our behaviour, directing us towards choices that promise to satisfy our basic needs.The drives ensure our survival: the need for food and water; the desire for sex to ensure the continuation of our species; and the necessity to find warmth, shelter, and companionship.

    **  “无意识”也可以理解为我们的生物驱动力:它控制着我们的行为、指导我们为了满足基本的需求而做出选择……这种驱动力指导者一切我们为了生存而出现的本能行为。

    >>  But Freud claims the unconscious also holds a contrasting drive, the death drive, which is present from birth.This drive is self-destructive and impels us forward, though as we do so we are moving closer to our death.

    **  与这种“求生”的驱动力共存的,还有一种相反的驱动力——死亡驱动力,这种与生俱来的驱动力推动我们逐渐接近死亡。

    >> In his later works, Freud moved away from the idea that the mind was structured by the conscious, unconscious, and preconscious to propose a new controlling structure: the id, ego, and superego.

    **  弗洛伊德在《梦的解析》中,将原来的“意识”、“前意识”、“无意识”的心灵结构学说,发展成为新的学说:本我(ID)、自我(EGO)、超我(SUPEREGO):


    >>  The id (formed of primitive impulses) obeys the Pleasure Principle, which says that every wishful impulse must be immediately gratified: it wants everything now. However, another part of the mental structure

    **  由人的原始冲动构成,服从快乐法则:每个愿望都要即刻满足。是人原始的驱动力。


    >>  The ego, recognizes the Reality Principle, which says we can’t have everything we desire, but must take account of the world we live in.

    **  认识到了现实问题,服从现实法则:我们无法拥有所有我们想要的东西,必须考虑现实世界的情况。


    **  是来自父辈的伦理思想和来自社会的道德规范(internalized voice of parents and society’s moral codes),服从道德法则(the Moral Principle)。

    >>  The ego negotiates with the id, trying to find reasonable ways to help it get what it wants, without resulting in damage or other terrible consequences.The ego itself is controlled by the superego – the internalized voice of parents and society’s moral codes.

    **  三者关系:自我会与本我沟通协调,并试图找到合理的方式满足本我的需求,又不造成不利的影响。

    >>  The superego is a judging force, and the source of our conscience, guilt, and shame.

    **  自我受到超我的控制,超我具有判断力,或者可以说是良心、罪恶感和羞耻感的来源。

    >>  In fact, Freud proposes, the unconscious holds a vast amount of conflicting forces.

    **  事实上,弗洛伊德认为“无意识”中存在大量对立冲突的力量:

    1)the life and death forces


    >>  2)the intensity of repressed memories and emotions VS the contradictions inherent in our views of conscious reality

    **  意识中的记忆与情感和被压抑的记忆与情感

    >>  3)our repressed reality


    >>  According to Freud, the conflict that arises from these contrasting forces is the psychological conflict that underlies human suffering.

    **  弗洛伊德说,正是这些对峙力量的冲突导致了心理的不协调,是人类痛苦的根源。



