- up for grabs - available for the taking
- set visit - a visit to the place where the movies are filmed
- Socrates - A famous Greek philosopher
- good - Nice/ fine/ excellent/ cool/ great/ perfect/ pleasant/ amazing/ wonderful/ fantastic/ incredible
- Bad - evil/ the worst/ awful/ terrible/ horrible/ disastrous
- happy - glad /nice /pleasant / enjoyable/ joyful/ joyous
- sad - sorrowful/ upset/ depressed/ blue/ down/ down in the dumps
- meet and greet & One on one - Meet and greet is casual and informal but one on one is a formal talk.
- Break the ... - means sth. went past
- 打开、读取/修改、关闭文件
file = open('......路径‘,'r',encoding = 'utf-8') #打开某文件,r=read、w=write、a=append,encoding译码,decoding解码,utf-8是编码的类型,国际通用的是utf-8,中文有’gbk‘。如果看到‘b’说明是以bit为单位写的,在编码的时候也要放进去。
print(file) # 打印读取到的内容
file.close() #操作完了记得关掉
f1 = file.readlines() # 按行读取,读取完了的f1是一个列表
file.writeliens(f1) # 按行输入文件。
for factor in dictionary: # 字典和列表在编程中非常重要,把列表作为目录索引找字典中对应列表中元素的内容,再调用成列表。
- 就算当时理解了,不写下来真的会忘记。Python昨天的内容绝对不止这么点,但是回忆的时候只能写出这么点。
- 人们会的往往比能说的多。但是如果无法完整的解释你会的东西,不算是真正掌握。