Slow money and Fast money

Slow money and Fast money

作者: 汉灿 | 来源:发表于2019-02-22 10:50 被阅读2次

        In my opinion, capital deal is the fast money while cash flow is the slow money.

        Generally speaking,cash flow is more important,but making momey slowly sometimes is painful and need patience.

        Cash flow is the road of financial freedom.Like every other beautiful things,it needs time and self-discipline.

        What is more important among money,time,and attention? Most of us,may choose money,but the fact is attention is the most important thing of one's life.

          Studying the common concept is interesting.It makes you change your opinion,change your value about life and world. Dedicating to the truth,and follow it makes your life better and better,and makes our world better.


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