拓展写作|Day2-The Republic

拓展写作|Day2-The Republic

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-08-16 17:02 被阅读9次

    America has a republican form of government, just like many nations on the American continents as well as France and Switzerland in Europe. Republic means that the people have rights to govern the country by voting or dismissing public officers and lawmakers.

    By contrast, some nations are in a monarchy where political leaders are appointed or hereditary. The monarch in this government system is not chosen by the people, but takes power after the death of his or her father.The extreme example is the head of Russia- tsar, whose individual power is rather big that he decides at his or her own will. Most monarchies also have an aristocracy, where a body ofpeople havepoliticalprivileges. For instance inEngland the parliament , where the laws are made, consists of two parts. One comes from people, and the other hereditary nobles.

    However, there is no inherited rank in a republic. Republic gives everyone the same chance to succeed, judging from one’s perseverance and wisdom instead of one’s blood. An ordinary person can also rises to the highest rank in a republican nation. President Abraham Lincoln and the great poet Henry W. Longfellow are the best examples.


                                                                        The Republic

    America has a republican form of government, just like many nations on the American continents as well as France and Switzerland in Europe. Republic means that the people have rights to govern the country by voting or dismissing public officers and lawmakers.

    By contrast, the political leaders in some monarchies are appointed or hereditary.The extreme example is the former Russia, whose king is called tsar. Hispower is so extraordinarythat he can govern quite as he pleases.Most monarchies also have an aristocracy, by which we mean, a body ofpeople havepoliticalprivileges.Take the British Parliament for instance,the members of the House of Lords hereditary peers.

    However, there is no inherited rank in a republic. Republic gives everyone the same chance to succeed, judging from one’s perseverance and wisdom instead of one’s blood. An ordinary person can also rises to the highest rank in a republican nation. President Abraham Lincoln and the great poet Henry W. Longfellow are the best examples.








    pass ontheir rank and parliamentary positions to their heirs by blood

    by which we mean我的意思是;指的是

    hereditary peers(英国上议院的)世袭贵族

    have no say in anything(本文指)没有说话的权利

    hold absolute power in every matter concerning the country



          本文标题:拓展写作|Day2-The Republic
