In memory of Liuhezhen

In memory of Liuhezhen

作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-07-23 13:19 被阅读17次

    On March 25, the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, the day when the National Beijing Women's Normal University held a memorial service for Liu and Jane Yang Dequn, who were murdered in front of Duan Qirui's ruling office on the eighteenth day, I wandered outside the auditorium alone, met Cheng Jun and came to ask me, "Did Mr. Liu Hezhen write anything for him?"“ No. She warned me, "Mr. Liu and Zhenzhen loved to read Mr. Liu's articles before they were born."

    This is what I know. Every periodical I edit is probably due to the fact that there is always no end to it. The marketing has always been very poor. However, in such a difficult life, I resolutely booked Mangyuan for the whole year. I also thought it was necessary to write something. It had nothing to do with the dead, but in the living, it could only be so. If I can believe that there is a so-called "Spirit of Heaven", then I can surely get more comfort. - But now, that's all I can do.

    But I have nothing to say. I just don't think I live on earth. More than forty young people's blood flooded around me, making it difficult for me to breathe, listen and hear. What words could there be? Long songs and crying must be after pain. Since then, I have been particularly saddened by the sinister arguments of some so-called scholars and scholars. I'm out of anger. I will deeply appreciate the dark sorrow of the non-human world; I will show my greatest sorrow to the non-human world, so that they are happy with my pain, and I will dedicate it to the spirit of the deceased as a thin sacrifice of the deceased.


    Really fierce men, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face up to the dripping blood. What kind of sad and happy person is this? However, nature is often designed for mediocre people, to wash the old ruins with the flow of time, leaving only a pale red color and a slight desert of sadness. In this pale red blood and desert sorrow, it gives people a temporary escape, and maintains the inhuman world like human beings. I don't know when this world will end!

    We're still alive in this world; I thought it was necessary to write something. It's two weeks since March 18, and the forgotten Savior is coming. I need to write something.


    Among the more than forty young people who were killed, Liu He and Zhenjun were my students. Student clouds, I always think so, say so, but now I feel hesitant, I should dedicate my sorrow and respect to her. She is not a "living now I" student, but a Chinese youth who died for China.

    Her name was first seen by me when Ms. Yang Yinyu was the president of the Women's Normal University in the early summer of last year when she fired six members of the student autonomous council. One of them is her; but I don't know her. Until later, maybe it was Liu Baizhao who led the men and women military generals and dragged them out of school, before someone pointed to a student and told me that this was Liu Hezhen.

    At that time, I was able to combine name and entity, but I was surprised. I have always thought that the students who can resist a wide range of winged principals without being subjected to snobbery should be somewhat sharp, but she often smiles and has a gentle attitude. When she settled down in the alley and rented a house to teach, she began to listen to my lectures, so she met more times, and still smiled all the time, with a gentle attitude. When the old school view was restored and the former staff thought their responsibilities had been exhausted and were ready to retire one after another, I saw that she was worried about the future of her alma mater and sobbed sadly. Since then, it seems that they have not met each other. In short, in my memory, that was a farewell.


    On the morning of the eighteenth day, I learned that the masses had petitioned the ruling government in the morning. In the afternoon, I got bad news that the guards had opened fire, killing and injuring hundreds of people, and Liu and Zhenjun were among the victims. But I have doubts about these legends. I have always been afraid to speculate about the Chinese people with the worst malicious intentions, but I did not expect, and I did not believe that it would be so cruel. What's more, Liu He Zhenjun, who is always smiling and kind, can't talk about blood in front of the house without reason?

    But it turned out to be true, and it was her own body that testified. Another one is Yang Dequn-jun's. And it proves that this is not only killing, but also cruel killing, because there are still stick wounds on the body.

    But Duan government ordered them to be "thugs"!

    But then there was a rumor that they were exploited.

    The tragic images have made me unable to look at them; the rumors, especially in my ears, have made me unable to hear them. What else can I say? I know why the declining nation is silent. Silence, silence! If it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in silence.


    But I still have something to say.

    I didn't see her personally; I heard that she, Liu and Zhenjun, went there happily at that time. Naturally, petitions are nothing more than a little heartfelt. No one would have expected such a net. But it was a fatal wound to be shot in front of the ruling government, from the back, obliquely penetrating the heart and lungs, but not to die. Zhang Jingshu, who went with her, tried to lift her up and got four shots. One was a pistol and a servant. The other was Yang Dequn, who went with him, wanted to lift her up and was hit. The shots went in from his left shoulder, went out from his chest to his right, and set up a servant. But she could still sit up and a soldier slammed two sticks in her head and chest and died.

    It is true that Liu He Zhenjun, who has always smiled kindly, died, as evidenced by her own corpse, and Yang Dequn, who is brave and friendly, died, as evidenced by her own corpse; only Zhang Jingshu, who is as brave and friendly as ever, moans in the hospital. What a thrilling greatness it is when three women leisurely toss and turn in the accumulation of bullets invented by civilized men! The great achievements of Chinese soldiers in slaughtering women and infants, and the martial arts of the Eight-Power Coalition in punishing students, unfortunately, have all been erased by these bloodstains.

    But the murderers at home and abroad actually raised their heads and did not know that there was blood stain on their faces.


    Time is always flowing, the streets are still peaceful, and the limited number of lives is nothing in China, at most, but for innocent idlers to talk after dinner, or for malicious idlers to make "rumors" seeds. As for the deeper meaning, I always feel very few, because it is really just a bare-handed petition. The history of human bloody warfare, like the formation of coal, used a lot of wood at that time, but the result was only a small piece. I hope petitions were not among them, let alone unarmed.

    However, since there are bloodstains, of course, it is imperceptible to expand. At least, it should be immersed in the hearts of relatives, teachers, friends and loved ones. Even if time goes by and becomes scarlet, it will also perpetuate the friendly old shadow of smiling in the sadness of the desert. Tao Qian said, "Relatives or sorrows, others have also sung, where to die, the body with the mountain ah." If so, that would be enough.


    I have already said that I have never been afraid to speculate about the Chinese people with the worst malice. But this time, there were a few surprises for me. One is that the authorities are so cruel. The other is that the gossipers are so inferior. The other is that Chinese women are so calm in their distress.

    I have witnessed that the work of Chinese women began last year. Although it is a minority, I have repeatedly lamented the spirit of being able and resolute and never-failing. As for the fact that this time we rescued each other in the rain and bullets, although we were not sympathetic to each other, it was more sufficient for the bravery of Chinese women. Although they had been suppressed for thousands of years by conspiracy, there was no evidence of their demise at last. If we want to find the meaning of this casualty for the future, that's the meaning.

    In the pale red color of blood, the survivors will vaguely see the vague hope; the real warriors will move forward even more vigorously.

    Wow, I can't speak, but in memory of Liu and Zhenjun!

    April 1st.

    [Analysis] This is a beautiful lyric prose of mourning. By praising Liu Hezhen and other patriotic youth for their courage in fighting against the reactionaries at home and abroad without fear of violence or sacrifice, the article exposes the cruelty and despicability of the reactionary warlords and the sinister shamelessness of their runaway literati, and at the same time encourages the revolutionaries to continue fighting. The author shows strong resistance enthusiasm and fighting strength to the end in his angry cry, which reflects the fighting spirit of the author who has always stood in the bloodstains of soldiers, resisting tenaciously and whistling forward.

    In this Lyric prose, the author's deep and indignant mood runs through the whole article, and this deep and strong lyric is closely combined with accurate and concise narration and profound and incisive comments. For example, in the fourth part, I first wrote about the sad news of Liu Hezhen's murder, then I wrote about what I had never expected, and then I wrote "It is her own corpse that testifies" to expose the viciousness of the reactionaries with ironclad facts.

    On the basis of the narrative, he indignantly expressed his views and strongly responded to the slander of the reactionary government and the literati who were running dogs. Finally, the author expressed a sad feeling: "The tragic image has made me unable to bear to see; the rumor, especially my ears, can not bear to hear. What else can I say? Silence, silence!

    If it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in silence." In the fifth part, firstly, the tragic situation of the reactionaries shooting Liu He-zhen and other people and the meticulous performance of the patriotic youth such as Liu He-zhen in distress are described concretely and accurately. Then the author expresses his reverence for the martyrs and hatred for the reactionaries. Finally, he makes comments and ruthlessly criticizes the viciousness and inferiority of the reactionaries. The article combines exciting narration, profound discussion and strong lyricism, perfectly combines them, and shows strong artistic power.

    In this Lyric prose, starting from praising martyrs, attacking enemies, summing up experience and arousing the needs of the people, the author sometimes adopts a direct expression of his thoughts and feelings, so that readers can understand their positions, views and attitudes, and sometimes adopts a euphemistic and implicit expression method. Near and far-reaching, intended to express their thoughts and feelings more implicitly, so that readers themselves to experience the implicit information of language. For example, facing the massacres and rumors of the reactionaries, the author went out of anger and criticized the reactionaries publicly and mercilessly, with a rigorous and clear attitude, for "how cruel the authorities could be" and "how inferior the running dog literati could be".

    At the same time, he tore off the veil of murderers at home and abroad, so that the people could see them clearly. The "blood stain" on the face. The author's anger erupted like a volcanic eruption, expressing his thoughts and feelings frankly. In summing up the experience of petitions, some words are more euphemistic and implicit. For example, the indignant statement that "a limited number of lives are nothing in China" contains three meanings: one is that a small number of victims are nothing in the eyes of reactionaries, exposing their murderous crimes as drafted; the other is to imply that petitions of a small number of people have little effect on a dark China; and the third is revolution. The sacrifice of the victim cannot arouse the consciousness of the mediocre (the innocent idler).

    Some epigrams embody the characteristics of euphemism and implicitness. For example, "If it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in silence", which means that revolution will not erupt in silence and destroy the "inhuman world like human beings", and it will be enslaved and destroyed in silence. The author enlightens people that it is useless to say anything to the reactionaries at home and abroad, but only to rise up a revolution. These profound opinions and powerful appeals were expressed in euphemistic and implicit ways, which were very appropriate and appropriate at that time.

    Another artistic feature of this lyric prose is the richness and variety of rhetoric methods. Repeated rhetorical devices are used, such as the repeated appearance of such sentences as "I really have nothing to say". This kind of repetition reflects the ups and downs of the author's feelings, and through repeated chants, the extreme feelings of grief and indignation are more intense in the reciprocating.

    The application of contrasting rhetoric method makes the author's thoughts and feelings of love and hatred, praise and derogation more vivid. For example, Liu Hezhen's booking of Mangyuan for the whole year is contrasted with "beginning without end", "very few" and "difficult life" to highlight her spirit of resisting darkness and pursuing truth. For example, the author uses the self-proclaimed "Gouhuo" to contrast Liu Hezhen's lofty greatness and her respect.

    Another example is to use the phrase "somebody with a slight heart" to contrast the heartlessness of the "unexpected shooter", which is a beast. Wait. The article also uses the rhetoric of duality and parallelism to enhance the momentum of the article. The use of irony rhetoric enhances the artistic effect of satire and criticism against reactionaries. In the climax of lyricism, the phrases often used show profound philosophical thinking.

    Give readers great inspiration and inspiration. The interlaced use of rich and colorful rhetoric methods, on the one hand, expresses the infinite sorrow and indignation in the author's heart thoroughly and vividly; on the other hand, it makes the sentence patterns erroneous and the rhythm full of cadence, constituting a fierce tone and an irresistible discourse of a thousand miles. These distinctive languages, combined with distinctive comprehensive expressions and other factors, form a vigorous and aggressive style of writing.



        本文标题:In memory of Liuhezhen
