实际上没有什么比数学更为普及的学科了,大多数人都能欣赏一遍数学中 In fact, there is no more popular subject than mathematics, most people can enjoy a time in mathematics 多数人能欣赏一种令人愉快的曲调,也对数学真有兴趣的人很可能比对音乐有兴趣的人要多 Most people can appreciate a pleasant tune, and there are probably more people who are really interested in mathematics than there are people who are interested in music 表面来看可能只想改,但就是很容易解释的,也可用来激发群众的情绪,而数学却不能 On the surface, they may only want to change, but they are easy to explain and can be used to arouse people's emotions, while mathematics cannot 一月少缺乏才能是公认为不太体面的事。 A lack of talent a month is generally considered a disgrace. 无疑是正确的,而大多数人一听到数学就害怕,所以他们随时都会由衷地强调自己在数学上不高明 This is certainly true, and most people are so afraid of mathematics that they are ready to heartily stress that they are not good at it 稍加考虑就足以说明书呆子说法的红糖 A little thought goes a long way to explaining the nerd's version of brown sugar 在每个文明的国家都有众多下棋的人在 There are many chess-players in every civilized country 几乎所有受过教育假期,那个下棋的人都能识别,并欣赏一个公主和布局 Almost any educated vacation chess player can recognize and appreciate a princess and a layout 布局问题,只不过是一个纯树脂的一个链接。高浊不完全是数学。因为心理学也清楚,如果你认为一个不知高明,你就是在赞赏数学的美 Layout problem, just a pure resin of a link. High turbidity is not entirely mathematical. Because psychology also knows that if you think someone is stupid, you're appreciating the beauty of math 众人,这是较低水平的美 Everyone, this is the lower level of beauty 桥牌的水平更低,但却有更广泛的群众性或等而下之 The level of bridge is lower, but it has a wider mass or inferior quality 通俗,报纸上的这个游戏,我们都可以从中 Popular, newspaper of this game, we all can from 这些游戏的盛行,说明数学原理引人入胜的力量创作智力游戏比较出色的人,例如 The popularity of these games illustrates the fascinating power of mathematics to create intellectual games for people who excel, for example 就是只依靠,正因为他们懂得自己行业的秘诀,群众需要的无非是一点智力上的刺激,别的任何东西都没有数学那样的资质行 Just rely on it. Because they know the secrets of their trade, what the masses need is nothing more than a little intellectual stimulation 我再补充一点,世上没有其他东西,能想发现我重新发现一个真正的数学定理,那样是知名人士 Let me add that there is nothing else in the world that I would like to discover if I could rediscover a real mathematical theorem by being famous 感到高兴, Feel happy, 主题教授是最近一个更为突出的例子,但他的定力确实是他自己的 The thematic professor is a more recent example, but his concentration is really his own 阿言是我用的,那么大多数最好的数学也是这样,数学很少有实用价值,而这有用的很小一部分却比较乏味。数学定理的严肃性不在于它的使用效果,使用效果通常无关紧要,而在于它涉及的那些数学概念 If I use Aryan, then so does most of the best mathematics, which has little practical value and only a small fraction of that which is useful. The seriousness of a mathematical theorem lies not in its effect, which is usually irrelevant, but in the mathematical concepts involved 粗略的说一个数学概念有阴影,如果他可以大的剩下的其他自觉带队有一种自然,而且那个东西 Roughly speaking, a mathematical concept has a shadow, if it can be large enough that the rest of the self-consciously leading has a kind of naturalness, and that thing 严肃的数据里面竟是八九亿的,吃起来都很可能在数学本身以及其他歌曲,掌声都要紧张。 Serious data inside is actually 8 or 9 billion, eat probably in maths itself and other songs, applause should be nervous. 象棋布局问题从未言成功客户知晓的但发展,而毕达哥拉斯牛顿,爱因斯坦却是当时科学的整个方向发生了变化。当然,一个定理的严肃性不在于的后果, The chess layout problem was never known to successful clients, but the evolution of Pythagoras, Newton, and Einstein was a change in the whole direction of science at the time. Of course, the seriousness of a theorem does not lie in its consequences, 莎士比亚对英语的也是巨大的影响, Shakespeare also had a great influence on the English language, @老韩网闲鱼