2019-10-12 #5 很累却要保持清醒

2019-10-12 #5 很累却要保持清醒

作者: 二天北 | 来源:发表于2019-10-12 14:33 被阅读0次

Part 2

Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

You should say:

· When it happened

· Why you were sleepy

· Why you had to stay awake

· And how you stayed awake


Well, The last time I was exhausted but had to stay up was last year when I was waiting for the midnight countdown with husband on the Eve of Chinese New Year. It is a tradition to be awake at the turn of the new year. People shoot fireworks into the night sky or light up the firecrackers as a sign of farewell to the old year.

But I was pretty tired from all the festival activities during the day and just wanted a good night's sleep. We were sitting on the couch and watching the New Year Concert on TV. Yet, I can hardly enjoy because I can barely open my eyes.
It's bad luck to fall asleep on New Year's. So I held all my strength to be awake.
Then the fireworks started. I was almost dragged by my husband from the couch, dressing up in a flash, and rushing out to the rooftop of our apartment building.
We were very excited to watch the fireworks show from the top. It was so impressive to see the flowers of flame blossomed in the night sky.
I thought to myself maybe it was bad luck to fall asleep on New Year's, but it was only good luck with fireworks.

After that, we heard the bell of the city tower rang, we realised that we were in a new year.
It was so important for me to stay up at New Year's, and it was the fireworks that got me through the sleepy condition.

Part 3

· What kind of people like sleep?

To be brief, sleep is known for its healing effects. When we have a cold, we'd drink water and get some sleep. Also, a long deep sleep can refresh one's mind. So I would say everybody loves sleeping. But those who care more of the health like sleep particularly, such as older people.


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      本文标题:2019-10-12 #5 很累却要保持清醒
