我在你们今天的这个时间向你们问好,日安! I'll say good day to you this day of your time how are you all
好的 alright
现在我们将继续这场传讯, 我们已经命名为“三位一体的心智” we will now continue with the transmission that we have titled the triad mind
这包括的概念有心灵,头脑,高我,以及像这样运作的理念 this involves the idea called the heart mind the head mind the higher mind and the idea works like this
高我发出一种频率,一种振动 the higher mind gives off a frequency a vibration
在某种意义上当频率振动流经物质头脑的时候 that is while in a sense flowing through the physical head mind to some degree
首先在心灵中产生了强烈的共鸣 create the greater resonance in the heart mind first
心和高我以一种非常特殊的方式相互协调 the heart and the higher mind are tuned to each other in a very particular way
所以当振动从高我发出来时,心灵则用相对纯正的共振回应它 so that when vibrations radiate from the higher mind the heart mind returns that resonance in a relatively pure way
心脏是身体里的器官, 它实际上是以物理的方式,与高我的频率产生生理形式上的共振 it is the organ in the body that actually resonates the frequency of the higher mind in physical terms in biological terms
然后一旦心脏发出它来自高我的反射振动 once the heart then gives off its reflected vibration from the higher mind
头脑就接收到这个振动 the head mind picks up on this
但头脑也通过它的信念系统来过滤振动 but the head mind also filters this through its belief system
于是产生了它自己的共振,这将辐射至心灵和高我双方 and then creates its own resonance which will radiate to both the heart mind and the higher mind
然后,心灵和高我会分辨出, 在已经经过大脑过滤的振动频率与起始于高我和心灵的振动频率之间 相比较可能存在的任何差异 and the heart mind and higher mind will then pick up on whatever difference there may be in vibrational frequency between what has filtered through the head mind as compared to what originated from the higher mind and heart mind
所以,它是一种制衡系统,能够进行航向修正,能够调节平衡 so it is a kind of a check and balance system that allows for course correction allows for balancing
当头脑参与进审查它的信念系统, 并且开始释放那些与从心灵和高我中得到的振动相不一致的信念 as the head mind involves itself in investigating its belief systems and begins to let go of those beliefs that are out of alignment with the vibration that it's getting from the heart mind and the higher mind
然后变成一个更加透彻的导体,如果你愿意那样说的话 and becomes a more transparent conductor if you will
接着它开始在一个更接近于最初心灵的频率上发生共振 then it begins to resonate on a much more similar frequency to first the heart mind
因此,这个人,这个自然人开始在头脑和心之间更全面地发挥作用 and so the person the physical person begins to function more holistically between the head and the heart
然后在头脑与心脏的合作中, 它们共同发出一种新的谐波,反馈回高我 and then in combination they collectively give off a new harmonic that resonates back to the higher minds
因此,高我可以重新衡量, 那个振动相对于这个人的基本频率,从整体来看是否兼容协调 so the higher mind again can gauge how compatible or not that vibration is relative to the fundamental frequency of the individual as a whole
现在我们已经讨论了它的重要性 now we have talked about the idea of how important it is
关于按照兴奋指南,实践最初的三部分兴奋公式: 1、按照你的激情去行动,2、尽你最大的能力, 3、不执着任何特定的结果 to follow the instruction manual and do the initial three-part formula of acting on your passion to the best that you are able with no particular insistence on the outcome
这与那个心灵、头脑、高我的系统有直接的关联 this correlates directly to this heart mind head mind higher mind system
就像大体上你们在交给你们的图中看到的一样 for as you see in general in the diagrams that you have been handed
心灵代表了按照你的激情去行动 the idea of the heart mind represents acting on your passion
头脑代表了你尽你所能去做它的能力 the idea of the head mind represents your ability to do this to the best that you are able
高我代表了你对高我能力的信任, 相信它能给你带来你所需要的东西, 而不必执着于物质头脑认为应该是理所当然的东西 the higher mind represents the trust you have in the higher mind's ability to bring you what you need without insisting on the idea of what the physical mind or head mind thinks it should be
所以这个公式是专门设计用来携手合作, 引起心灵,头脑和高我的和谐共振, 既然它已被构建为使你能够有一个物质现实的体验 so this formula is designed specifically to work together with and resonate in harmony with the heart mind head mind higher mind as it has been structured for your ability to have a physical reality experience
这就是为什么这个公式是有效的主要原因之一 and this is one of the primary reasons why the formula works
它实际上是建立在你的意识结构的基础上, 这个意识结构早已自动地运作了 it is actually based on the structure of your consciousness that works already and automatically
所以,当你发自内心,跟随你的激情去行动的时候 so when you come from the heart mind and act on your passion
换句话说就是那个情感能量推动事物的显化 that is the idea of that emotional energy that drives things into manifestation
让你前进,并且这种激情这种兴奋成为你人生的驱动引擎 that moves you forward and becomes the driving engine of your life that passion that excitement
然后当你让你的头脑去做它自己的工作 and then when you allow your head mind to do its job
那就是跟随兴奋,并且据你所知地在限定范围内实践它, 限定范围已经在你所在的物理现实中你要去探索的主题中被设立了 following that and acting on it to the best it knows how within the parameters that have been set up within the theme you are exploring in physical reality
正如你可以从图中看到,出自头脑 allowing as you can see in the diagram from the idea of the head mind
允许其代表它所描述的专注力 to represent its version of mindfulness
并从高我的同步性中寻求指引 and taking its cue from the higher mind's synchronicity
然后在出自心灵的那条线上,你可以大致称之为道德或伦理准则 and from the heart mind's idea of what you might loosely call morality or ethics
你如何在道义上保持你的正念 in how you go about doing your mindfulness
你如何在道德范围内 作为一个物质存有尽你最大的能力跟随你的激情去行动 how you go about acting on your passion to the best that you are able as a physical being
然后你允许开放性发生,不做任何的执着或假设任何的结果 then you allow for the openness to happen in not making any insistence or assumption of the outcome
这就创造了空间,可以让高我进入并完成它的工作 and that's what creates the space for the higher mind to come in and do its job
然后在公式中创造出这样的谐波共振, 那样就可以被现行的三位一体的心智: 心灵-头脑-高我所反映出来 and then create that harmonic resonance in the formula that then can be reflected by the actual triad mind of the heart the head and the higher
所以,这个系统被设计成作用和来回地反复地放大自己 so the system is designed to work and amplify itself back and forth and back and forth
获得动力,获得能量,增强它的运作能力, 并创造出这一种放大增强的反馈回路 gaining momentum gaining energy magnifying its ability to function and create the kind of an amplifying feedback loop
因此,正如你们看到的,第一个概念, 可以说是,来自高我的能量ping命令 (ping是用来检查网络是否通畅或者网络连接速度的命令) so again as you see the idea of the first shall we say ping of energy coming from the higher mind
向下穿过头脑 going down through the head mind
而进入心灵,然后共振回去 but into the heart mind and resonating back
接着允许心灵投入到它的激情中 then allows the heart mind to jump into its passion
然后上升到你实践它的能力 which then goes up to the idea of your ability to act on it
随后上升到不执着 which then goes up to the idea of no insistence
接着这就打开了回到高我的大道 which then opens up the avenue to go back to the higher mind
于是它就创造了这个循环,旋转不息 and it creates that loop round and round and round
但它开始螺旋扩展, 然后以各种各样神奇的、同步的和令人愉快的方式扩展你的人生 but begins to spiral out and expand and expand your life in all sorts of magical and synchronistic and enjoyable ways
这听起来好玩吗? does this sound like fun
恩 yes
好的 all right
所以,你们现在手头有的是一个非常简单的图表, 它可以作为一个意识许可帮助和协助你 so what you have now then is a very simple diagram that can aid and assists you as a permission slip
来沿着这条路线行动, 并认识到:没事的,高我给我这个振动,经过我的物质头脑 to follow that path knowing alright higher mind is giving me the vibration going through my physical head mind
但从心脏处产生了共振,再重新以共振的形式返回去 but resonating from the heart coming back in as the idea of resonance
然后这就可以判定有没有相一致 then is determined to be in or out of alignment
但是,按照激情行动实际上是减少了那样的反馈, 然后创造了这样的回路开始循环 but acting on the passion is what actually diminishes the feedback this way and creates the loop to begin to cycle
这样它就不会被堵在你身上而产生阻力 so that it doesn't become blocked up in you and create resistance
因为共振来自于心灵 because the idea of the resonance coming from the heart mind
当共振击中头脑,然后通过信念系统的过滤器, 如果它们是那么的不一致 when hitting the head mind and going through the filters of the belief system if they are so out of alignment
那么,更少的共振会从心脏发至公式中的激情法则 then less of that will go out from the heart to the passion principle in the formula
更多的共振会阻塞并倒流回上面的物质头脑 more of it will block up and feed back up to the physical head mind
它不会依照公式有效地共振 and it will not resonate in accordance to the formula in an efficient way
明白了吗? does that make sense
所以你可以让它下来,然后回到上面去 so you can have it come down and go back up
下降然后回升,下降然后回升 and come down and go back up and come down and go back up
因为可能有种种不一致的信念系统,于是导致共振只发生在这里 because there might be all sorts of belief systems that are out of alignment and causing the resonance to only happen here
然后这聚集了更多没有被表达的能量 which then builds up more energy that is not being expressed
这就引起了身体内的疼痛、疾病和抗拒 which causes pain and disease and resistance within the body
或者,当你有更清晰的信念系统时, 那时从高我来的ping能量,下降穿过头脑中相一致的信念系统 or when you have the belief systems that are clearer then that ping from the higher mind going down through the belief systems that are in alignment in the head mind
并使之与心脏的共振频率相匹配 and allowing that to match the frequency of the heart resonance
这会让能量从你的心脏蹦出来进入到你的激情中 will allow the energy to jump out of the heart into your passion
进入你的高我和头脑的能力中,来作为一个整体一起工作 into the idea of your higher and head mind's ability to work together as a whole being
然后尽你全力并且不执着, 那么这会以一种同步性的方式加速你的人生 to then do your best without insistence that will then accelerate your life in a synchronistic way
懂了吗? does that make sense
好吧 all right
所以请用此作为你的意识许可来提醒你允许这个循环发生 so please use that as your permission slip to remind you to allow that flow to happen
而且让这种激情被付诸行动也是非常重要的 and it's very important to allow that passion to be acted on
这样你就能创造出恰当的循环周期 so that you can create the proper cycle of the flow
而不是让它在你的体内积累一种共振, 那不是它真正需要去的地方 rather than allowing it to build up a resonance within you that isn't going where it really needs to go
所以你就不会因为没有做你真正的自己, 而在你的人生中经历那样的斗争、冲突、痛苦和疾病 so that you don't experience the idea of struggle strife pain dis-ease in your life in that way by not being who you truly are
因为这个系统是自动被设计为,让你完全地做你自己, 允许你表达你人生真正的目的,那就是尽你所能全心全意地做你自己 because the system is automatically designed to allow you to be fully who you are to express your true purpose in life of being who you are as fully as you can
然后允许你通过所有最令你兴奋的, 最能代表你的激情的事情来体现这个目的 and to allow you to express that purpose through all the things that excites you the most that are most representative of your passion
这样就能保持循环继续下去 and that will keep the cycle going
就这么简单! it's as simple as that
明白了吗? does that make sense
好的 all right
那么作为允许我们与你们分享这个小小的意识许可的回报 then in return for allowing us to share this little permission slip with you
我们现在请求你们,我们怎样才能继续为你们服务 we ask now in what way may we continue to be of service to you
你们可以开始你们想要的提问了 you may begin with your questions and dialogue if you wish