- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
- Data Science with R in 4 Weeks -
Reshaping Data
Reshape & reshape 2
经常用到的一中分析是reshape - cast。相当于excel里面的pivot 图表。注意,R做pivot table并不是最理想的选择,毕竟,Excel的reorpting功能更强大一些。
Wide and Long data
Wide Data: Wide data has a column for each variable. For example, this is wide-format data
变量按照列横向展开的,就要wide data。变量多,展开的列就多,就比较宽.
Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
1 41 190 7.4 67 5 1
2 36 118 8.0 72 5 2
3 12 149 12.6 74 5 3
4 18 313 11.5 62 5 4
5 NA NA 14.3 56 5 5
6 28 NA 14.9 66 5 6
Long data: Long-format data has a column for possible variable types and a column for the values of those variables.
所有的变量存储在一个列里面的,就要long data。变量比较多,这个列的行数就比较多,所以就长。
# variable value
# 1 ozone 23.615
# 2 ozone 29.444
# 3 ozone 59.115
# 4 ozone 59.962
# 5 wind 11.623
# 6 wind 10.267
melt takes wide-format data and melts it into long-format data.melt把宽数据变成长数据
cast takes long-format data and casts it into wide-format data.;cast把长数据,变成宽数据。
> names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
> library(reshape2)
> aql <- melt(airquality)
> head(aql)
variable value
1 ozone 41
2 ozone 36
3 ozone 12
4 ozone 18
5 ozone NA
6 ozone 28
这时,我们把dataset里面每一个variable都拆解出来。 但有时候,我们不希望看到这么细致的数据,我们只想知道每个月里面的每一天的Ozone,solar是什么样子的。
> aql <- melt(airquality, id=c ("month", "day"))
> head(aql)
month day variable value
1 5 1 ozone 41
2 5 2 ozone 36
3 5 3 ozone 12
4 5 4 ozone 18
5 5 5 ozone NA
6 5 6 ozone 28
> aql <- melt(airquality, id=c ("month", "day"), variable.name = "climate_related", value.name = "values")
> head(aql)
month day climate_related values
1 5 1 ozone 41
2 5 2 ozone 36
3 5 3 ozone 12
4 5 4 ozone 18
5 5 5 ozone NA
6 5 6 ozone 28
Cast, pivot table
subset data 或者输出 你想要的若干列数据,然后从cast命令作table
reference :http://seananderson.ca/2013/10/19/reshape.html