

作者: SetsunaChiya | 来源:发表于2017-02-28 21:30 被阅读0次

Keywords: 火车票实名制


During a long time, the extreme lack of tickets( especially in 春运 period), resulted by train's lacking for ability of carrying, has been a 令人头疼的 problem.
It has long been a headache that inadequate railway service results in severe ticket shortages notably( especially during the Spring Festival).

这种状况因票贩子(scalper)囤积(stockpile)和高价倒卖(resell at higher prices)火车票而加剧。
This situation is degenerated because of scalpers' stockpiling and reselling the tickets at higher prices.
The situation was worsened as scalpers stockpiled tickets and resold them at higher prices for fat profit margins.

为此,政府试行并最终在全国范围内实行了火车票实名制(name-based train ticket system)。该制度要求乘客在购买火车票和乘坐火车时,需要进行个人真实姓名和身份的登记和验证。
For this reason, the government tries and finally carries out the name-based train ticket system all over the country, which requires passengers to check and verify individual real name and identity when buying tickets and taking train.
For this reason, the name-based train ticket system was piloted and finally implemented nationwide. The system requires passengers to have their real names and identities registered and checked when they buy the train tickets and board trains, ...

The system make a 显著的 effect on striking scalpers' illegal 行为. Meanwhile, it make sense to control various crimes along the rail and protect passengers' legal rights.
..., which plays a significant role in cracking down on the illegal activities of scalpers. Meanwhile, it also has some effect on reining in various criminal acts and safeguarding passengers' lawful rights and interests.


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