注意:提示错误“loaded the "ViewController" nib but the view outl...
loaded the "XXXView" nib but the view outlet was not set ...
1.loaded the "XXX" nib but the view outlet was not set 右击...
加载xib的步骤1.点击 File's Owner, 在右侧 Custom Class处 进行Class绑定 右键...
承接上一篇文章loaded the "FirstView" nib but the view outlet was...
[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] ,loaded ...
如果有个 nibName.xib ,同时有个nibNameViewController.h/m 的文件,如果nib...
今天在写弹框的时候 突然报了这个错,各种百度无果,后来删了,从新建了一个类,除了类名代码全部copy的,然后就好了...
ViewController生命周期 按照执行顺序排列: initWithCoder:通过nib文件初始化时触发。...
本文标题:loaded the "ViewController" nib