
作者: 极译Gieey | 来源:发表于2016-09-13 10:40 被阅读43次

Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets要给每个机遇一次机会,不给自己留下后悔的可能。

There is only one thing that I dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings. ——我只担心一件事,我怕我配不上自己所受的苦难。陀思妥耶夫斯基

The more you care, the more you have to lose. 在乎越多,不得不失去的东西也越多。

The longer you have to wait for someth ing, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. ——越是在漫长等待后到来的东西,越值得我们去珍惜。

ou know someone means a lot to you when their mood can easily affect yours 当你的心情很容易被另一个人所影响时,你便会知道他对你意义非凡。

The end of spring makes flowers fall one by one,It’s also the time when beauty meets its doom. Once beauty is carried to its very tomb, Both beauty and flowers perish known to none.试看春残花渐落,便是红颜老死时。一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。


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