Implementing 3-North Shelter For

作者: 颖ying_311a | 来源:发表于2018-01-01 23:23 被阅读30次

    Chinese government built up a Green Great wall in the most “Thirsty”region in China.

    To stop the desertification, prevent Water Loss and Soil Erosion and recover the ecological environment of North China, northeast China and northwest China, Chinese government implemented a program called 3-North shelter forest program.

    From 1979, the program was implemented with a great amount of fund. As the afforestation (人造林) “lined”up the Green Great Wall, the forest coverage went higher.

    The charts below are the area of afforestation of each year from2008 to 2015. It shows the changes of the area of manual planting in everyprovince of China from 2008 to 2015. From the charts below, the area ofafforestation in Xinjiang was in a high level in the past few years. It wasarea of a desert. But now it would be a desert with hopeful sapling and bush. Withjoint effort of ordinary people live in the desert, public welfare organizationand the government, manual planting cover more and more desert. Alipay alsodeveloped an activity to donate a tree for Xinjiang by living in an eco-lifestyle.

    Under the influence of the project, the area of North China, northeast China and northwest China got more space for afforestaion, while southern Chinaplant less trees each year.









    [Chart 1]

    In 2009, most of region of the area of afforestation reached a peak, while in 2013 the number of the area went down. In 2009, United Nations Climate change conference had signed a protocol called Kyoto Protocol. In the speech of Chinese government, the speaker had mention about reducing deforestation and the contribution of forest to climate change mitigation. The conference was called “The last chance to save the human race.”



    Chinese president Hu set the target of increasing the forest area by 40 million hectares as compared with 2005 by 2020, and increasing the volume of forest reserves by 1.3 billion cubic meters over 2005 in the conference. Chinese government has invested 5,797,135 million Yuan in forest protection and afforestation during 8 years from 2008 to 2015. The chart 3 shows that Beijing got most of the investment. But it the investment was increased rapidly in 2014. In 2014, the investment of Beijing went high up to 672,million Yuan taking a great percentage in the investment of Beijing during 8 years.

    [Chart 3]


    A project called Beijing-Tianjin Dust Storms Sources Control Project, which was launched in 2000, increased more investment in Beijing and Tianjin on desert environment protection to control the dust storm sources. The total investment in the year increased from 1.7 billion Yuan to 2.1 billion Yuan. The investment in forestry accounted for 44%, according to Greentimes, a newspaper host by National Greening Committee and the State Forestry Administration.

    [Chart 4]



    Chart 4 is the investment and the area of afforestation. The project was consisted of 2 stages. The first stage was from 2000-2012 and the second stage started from 2013. Before 2013, both of the number was in a low level.



        本文标题:Implementing 3-North Shelter For
