2020年12月17日 晴 最低温度0℃ {{{(>_<)}}}
radical empathy
- “There is this sense of self-invention and embrace of contradiction. And that has always been both the promise of America, and also what makes America sometimes so contentious.”
- “他们都有自我创造和接纳矛盾的意识。这正是美国的希望之所在,也是为什么美国社会总是充斥着各种争端。”
- Not only did he read books voraciously [və'reɪʃəslɪ], but he inhaled and synthesized the ideas he found in them, assimilating ones that resonated [ˈrezəneitid] with his personal experiences and values. 奥巴马不仅如饥似渴地读书,还大快朵颐地吸收和整合在书中发现的思想,尤其是吸收那些与自己个人经历和价值有强烈共鸣的内容。
- I find that the world narrows, and that is good for my imagination. It’s almost as if there is a darkness all around and there’s a metaphorical [ˌmetəˈfɒrɪkl] beam of light down on the desk, onto the page.” 我感觉在那个时间世界变窄了,这有利于我展开想象。那种情形就像是置身于黑暗中,有一束充满隐喻的光照在桌子和纸面上。
- Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.