

作者: E_天邊的凝紅 | 来源:发表于2015-03-18 13:57 被阅读18次













The horizon of coagulation red

Thehorizon of coagulation red


Thepoet's footsteps, doomed to walk through spring, summer, autumn and winter, goto the distant fifth season.

Lifeseems very simple, but it's hard to say "like" or"dislike".

Sixtyyears bought, read many books, some are reading would also like to read? A fewthis constant companion, ok take out? Some is in the different stages of lifegive me feeling, inspired, reflection, thinking to me?

Reallythe "Lao zi", "the analects", "zhuang zi", thebook of songs... As a classic reading? ! In the face of one disappear quicklywheat, my priority is?

Sixtyyears I found life is one love poems, so I write poetry! Every one pen I panic,how to write it? And I said what background are redundant. May be I don'tunderstand you. I found one drops in the one in the poem with the loss of life,every day to read a few words, write a few lines not to... Just found no touchof pure life. Read, write, time passed slowly, just like that. In this, reallywant to like this only to smell flowers, don't talk about feeling, tea reading,morning and night does not dispute. The eye from the economy, the poetrywriting completely failed, no one book of poetry, let alone to sell.

Live,because today can also be written. As if time shuts down, only their own heartbeat. It represents the calendar one farmer, sweat, wheat, and growth in thisland breeds of life... Wheat disappeared, left only one farming is a dream, onestrain of the mystery of the grain, have an immortal soul. My feelings on the land,it is a loss of the orphans in the search for the mother. Wheat can produce onekind of impulse, let me have the excitement that is going to capture anything,one kind of lost after awake: in today's money penetrate one cut, know oneselfstill lack what, this lack of must not material, is more of a spiritual.

Ifthe condition allows, in the future I want to have one mu of farmland, betweenone country cottage, put his ideas into the day; Night a cup of hot tea, put onsome soft music, read a few pages... Books, tea, music, and yourself. Book,still reading. Tea, is still in the drink. Listen, it is still in. Poems, stillin writing. I write is not just a small poem, but one of quiet time.

Loesslet me know what is goodness, kindness and patience, I am glad I am a farmer,the no one doubted land to our lives, it has one pair of the invisible hand,move move our fortunes around. We don't know the fear and respect, do not knowthe land from all along the desire of stubbles and ran away. Poetry comes fromthe soil to grow a tree, acacia with gestures, goodbye, if you set you wouldlike to ask my last question, I will answer: love!

Onemore time to start from scratch... Want to be one pairs of eyes, see the otherscan't see the wheat field. Through wheat real scenery, scenery, let the soulthrough the surface to see the scenery behind the depth and implication.Through wheat, established one kind of the tree and the outside world a 1:1relationship. It is difficult to in the big city to find the secret of wheat. Seewheat under the setting sun exposure to render the pig blood deep red,incredibly to see juggle large pagoda tree one day old.

Iuse the one born in wheat: one farming the dream of a poet. Listen to the rainsmooth wheat seeding root harvest sweat the cries of the farmers, jointingstage and writing those can't write, and others don't want to write something,I can almost feel the land looted after dry out the last one drop of blood,breast in corruption in wild weeds smell in the air after the rain the soilxing...

Thanksto understand! Maybe one day, I will... But never forget at the foot of theland. As long as I still have memories, chest will courage one strands of warm,with one sentence on the last one drop of one word, the sun sets, the sky of thecondensate is red, I can still hear the sound of the farming.

OnJanuary 1, 2015 zero in hefei



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