After reading the introduction wrote by R. Buckminster Fuller inExpanded Cinema,I could not immediately express those multiple intwined feelings presented in my heart.Fuller’s brain is a miracle.His imagination seems like coming from thousands of years self-talking and self-discussion . He jumps out of this world and thinks all the issues in our existed world just like a stand-by. It looks like unemotional but actually full of enthusiasm.
Firstly, he knows model of human’s thinking and behavior of human’s nature. Then, he breaks all of them and constructs his own castle to renew them from a new beginning. Anyhow, he distinctly understands the exact word and sentences to describe all of his piquant thoughts.
Fuller’s viewpoints in this article make a connection between woman’s womb with our universe, the uncertainty of telepathy, the temporary of definition and the alternation and bluntness.

Woman’s womb, biosphere-sheathed world, both like a self-regenerating and transforming organic machine. On one hand, He consciously or subconsciously implies his idea of the simplicity. He abstracts a core of everything in the universe and reshapes some of them into his emotional memorable characters, but on the other hand, he admires humanity’s intellectual and physical all kinds of infinite sorties and utilizes part of them to continuously develop his metaphorical thoughts.
Also, the “eye-beamed thoughts” in this chapter, is vividly and thought-provoking for me. Because in our digital world, and digital projection, we could say that there is nothing related between signals, transceivers and reception? All in all, Fuller’s theory is worthy of being deeply exploring and digging in. Only through that we could grasp and ingeniously and comprehensively control our future tempo in our wanted field.