今天介绍一种新的会议形式——Lean Coffee。
What is Lean Coffee?
Lean Coffee is structured, but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, build an agenda, and begin talking.
Lean Coffee是一种很有意思(非常规)的会议形式,although the name combines ‘Lean’ (eg. Lean Thinking, Lean Startup, etc.) and ‘Coffee’ (implying casual morning sessions), neither the topics nor the meeting times need be so rigid.
所以在Lean Coffee开场的时候,我们会和客户同时列出希望讨论的话题,对话题本身进行介绍和定位(讨论的原因,能带来什么价值,需要多长时间),然后大家集体投票决定什么话题先讲,什么话题后讲,什么话题parking。
How it Works
Setup a Visual Dashboard(like Trello or Mingle)
Identify what you want to talk about
Vote & discuss
(optional) Select a theme
(optional) Everyone writes their name on a card and keeps it in front of them.
Write topics onto notecards (one topic per card). No limit to the number of topics. (Pro-tip: keep the words per card to a minimum for readability.)
Set up a Visual Dashboard with three columns: To Do(To Discuss), Doing(Discussion), Done(Discussed). (Pro-tip: add a fourth column (“Actions”) to collect action items as they come up.)
Spend a few minutes introducing each topic, sharing a sentence or two describing the idea on each card.
Vote. Each participant gets three dot votes (or more – you choose). You may cast all your votes on one topic or spread them across multiple cards.
Rank the more popular topics higher in the backlog (the “To Do” column).
Now that you have an agenda, move the top item into the middle (“Doing”) column.
Set the timer for five minutes — or whatever length the group determines is reasonable. This is the initial timebox for discussion.
When the time limit is reached, hold a simple roman vote (thumbs up, sideways or thumbs down) to see if there’s interest in continuing the discussion. If so, set the timer for a shorter duration and continue discussing.
When the topic runs out of gas, move its card to the right (“Done”) column. Bring the next highest card over from “To Do” into “Doing” and repeat the above process.
At the end of the session, elicit key action items(Who do What by When)from the group. This is usually important if you’re using the meeting to drive decisions or create work.
How to run lean coffee with a distributed team?
推荐几个在线协作的工具:RealtimeBoard、Lean Coffee Table。
除了这些在线的工具之外,我在《敏捷团队的办公室设计》中也提到了Always On Video:我们可以设置由电视、Mac Mini和Skype组成的无间断视频(Always On Video),方便与异地的同事通过视频的形式召开会议,即使大家相隔千里,也能随时就问题展开讨论。
所以Lean Coffee的会议形式,也是适用于分布式团队的。
资料来源:Lean Coffee、 Agile Coffee
如前文所说,Lean Coffee是一种“非常规”的会议形式。Fishbowl是另外一种形式的"非传统”会议:6-8位主要讨论者围坐在正中央,形成一个封闭的闭环。其余听众围坐在他们身后,听众可以走到圆环中央替代主要讨论者。类似这样的“非传统”会议,需要营造放松、开放、友好的氛围,确保所有参与者感到被欢迎和被尊重。