
作者: 03ba3a5b361c | 来源:发表于2016-05-01 19:22 被阅读0次


side effect副作用

Rocky‘s low self-esteem[没自信] was caused by his childhood trauma童年创伤

build self-esteem

hormone/hormonal imbalance内分泌失调


counselor 顾问,咨询师  marriage counselor

The couple meet with their marriage counselor to solve some problems


I should use my time more productively.

possesion 财产权un.;财产cn.

The bank is now entitled to possesion of the house since the owner has failed to pay the mortgage.

They lost all of their possesions in earthquake.

touchdown 达阵得分;降落v.

The pilot made a perfect touchdown despite bad weather condition.

The music can put you in a good mood.

a regular常客

Lily is a regular at that restaurant.


Sara is taking medication for high blood pressure.

Gina's on medication because of her heart condition.

discern 辨明,察觉

You can easily discern the coldness in her attitude.


sth is effevtive for…,but more adj cases require sth. else

A combination of vinega[醋] and baking soda is effective for treating a slow drain, but more extreme cases require a strong cleaner or even a plumber.[水管工]


step toward

He is taking steps toward becoming a more loving person.

be glued to  = not willing to be apart from sth.

Betty is glued to her phone: she is always cahtting with her friends.

football widows 世界杯/American football期间球迷的妻子们


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