Even though it don't have rigorous science background, The Martian is still a inspiriting movie for us audiences. The main character Mark Watney is an abusolute geek, his professional skill and will to surivive make him finally "back form outer space", and hit everybody's heart.
Actually, the loneness which occurs when Mark knows he is the only human-being on this planet is deadly, for Mark is totolly isolated form his group. He cannot get touch with any human-being, and anything he did make him first human to do which.But the most valuable quanlity Mark has is confidence-his confidence is based on his extraordinary ability to sovle problems.His confidence catches and inspirits many audiences.Also, NASA choose to save Mark instead of give him up,which is a symbol of humanity.(Maybe that's the reason why this movie is referred to as a propaganda of NASA)
All in all, The Martian is an excellent science fictional movie and very good at describe the extreme condition and human's reaction, via which audience can get an idea of the environment and the relationships.