

作者: 金陵饭店 | 来源:发表于2018-08-07 10:55 被阅读16次

    ||-- Request --| is being sent to the server.
    Response is being downloaded from the server.
    Request is paused at a breakpoint to allow tampering.
    Response is paused at a breakpoint to allow tampering.
    Request used the HEAD or OPTIONS methods, or returned a HTTP/204 status code. The HEAD and OPTIONS methods allow the client to acquire information about the target URL or server without downloading the content. The HTTP/204 status code indicates that there is no response body.
    Request used the POST method to send data to the server.
    Response is HTML.
    Response is an image.
    Response is a script.
    Response is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
    Response is Extensible Markup Language (XML).
    Response is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
    Response is an audio file.
    Response is a video file.
    Response is a Silverlight applet.
    Response is a Flash applet.
    Response is a font.
    Response’s Content-Type is not a type for which a more specific icon is available.
    Request used the CONNECT method. This method is used to establish a tunnel through which encrypted HTTPS traffic flows.



