阿甘正传 第三章 01

> “全州美式橄榄球明星盛会”在一个名叫福洛梅屯的小镇举行,费拉斯教练把那地方形容成“道岔”。我们坐上一辆巴士来到该镇——我们这一带总共有五六个人获奖。巴士走了一两个小时才到,而且车上没有厕所,出发之前我又喝了两杯思乐冰[7],所以等我们到了福洛梅屯,我已经憋不住了。
> 大会是在福洛梅屯高中礼堂举行,入场后,我和另外几个家伙找到厕所。不过,不知怎么的,要拉下拉链的时候,拉链夹住了我的衬衫下摆,拉不动。我拼命扯了一阵子,对手学校的一个好心家伙出去找费拉斯教练,他带着两名打手进来,七手八脚想把我的裤子拉开。一名打手说唯一的法子是干脆撕开它。教练听了,两手叉腰说:“你是要我让这孩子敞着裤门襟,把那玩意吊在外头,就这么出去——嘿,你认为那会造成什么样的印象?”说完,他扭头对我说:“阿甘,你只能憋着,等宴会结束我们再替你弄开它——行吧?”我点头,因为我不知道还能怎么办,不过我想这一晚上可有得等了。
> THE ALL STATE FOOTBALL BANQUET WAS TO BE HELT IN A little town called Flomaton, what Coach Fellers described as a "switch up the railroad tracks." We was put on a bus— they was five or six of us from this area who won the prize— and we was trucked up there. It was an hour or two before we arrived, and the bus didn't have no toilet, and I had drank two Slurpees before we left, so when we get to Flomaton, I really got to go bad.
> The thing was helt at the Flomaton Highschool auditorium, and when we get inside, me and some of the others find the toilet. Somehow, tho, when I go to unzip my pants, the zipper is stuck in my shirttail and won't come down. After a bit of this, a nice little guy from a rival school goes out and finds Coach Fellers and he come in with the two goons and they be tryin to get my pants open. One of the goons say the only way to git it down is just rip it apart. At this, Coach Fellers put his hands on his hips and say, "I suppose you expect me to send this boy out there with his fly unzipped and his thing hanging out— now what kind of a impression do you think that would make?" Then he turn to me and say, "Forrest, you just got to keep a lid on it till this thing's over, and then we get it open for you— okay?" And I nod, cause I don't know what else to do, but I figguring I be in for a long evenin.
> Vocabularies: banquet 盛会; auditorium 礼堂; rival 对手;竞争者;rip apart 扯破; hip 臀; keep a lid on 抑制
