- 00 01 10 11
- 溢出的bug迭代的版本
- 我的style我的coding
- 写我的程测我的序
- 删你的库跑你的路
- benchmark是你三倍
- codingspeed让你只能望其项背
- 冲锋在西二旗入口上
- 嘴里心里想的都是project
- 盯的看的都是deadline
- net Internet 万维网
- git github 代码库
- ctrl cv是你我的天下
- git gf也不在话下
- 立项需求交互一条龙
- 编码测试维护谁的锅
- 苦逼编码一整夜
- 项目上线in the line
- code for what
- 我说为了全世界
- bug bug boom boom
- fix fix haha haha
- 分锅我们不用转勺
- 只用随机random
- co co co ding
- bu bu bu buging
- listen now
- 谁不想遨游天空无所谓
- 数着钞票不嫌累
- be real be smart
- we can code everything
- 键盘敲击着未来
- 梦回01的初衷
- like a monkey
- climb your code mountain
- like a fish
- swim in a projectsea
- we want we struggle
- bong
- 这一响是为了bug ,ha
- bong
- 这一响是阿龙·斯沃茨
- bong
- 这一响是为了阿兰图灵
- 这首歌我已01为名
- 向所有的coder致敬
- everyone everbody become yourself
- not be a man live in other eye
- you are unparalleled
- To the good
- To the light
- we can not change evernone
- we can know Right and wrong
- so just be a good man
- like a picture hong the sky
- in the deep sea
- touch the 01
- we do not talk
- we do not see other thing
- we just code
- broad peace&love to coders