允许一切如其所是‖I Allow

作者: 清醒自由 | 来源:发表于2023-01-22 09:21 被阅读0次

    伯特·海灵格(或海宁格)(德语:Bert Hellinger,出生名:Anton Hellinger, 1925年12月16日-2019年9月19日),是一位德国心理学家。

    I allow it, that's how it started, such a development, Such an ending.

    Because I know, All things come from karma and harmony, Everything that happens is inevitable.

    If I think there should be another possibility, The only one who hurts is himself.

    The only thing I can do,Just allow. I allow others to be who he is.

    I allow him to think like this, so judge me,Treat me like this.

    Because I know, He was like this, With him, he was right.

    If I think he should be another way, The only one who hurts is himself.

    The only thing I can do, Just allow.

    I allow me to have this thought. I allow every thought that arises, let it exist, Let it go.

    Because I know, Thought itself is meaningless, it has nothing to do with me, It should come, it should go, it should go.

    If I don't think such thoughts should arise,The only one who hurts is himself.

    The only thing I can do, Just allow. I allow this emotion to arise.

    I allow every emotion to happen, let it develop, Let it pass.

    Because I know, Emotions are just physical sensations,There is no good or bad. The more resisted, the stronger.

    If I don't think I should be feeling this way, The only one who hurts is himself.

    The only thing I can do, Just allow. I allow me to be like this.

    I allow it, that's how I behave, How do I behave, Whatever I do.

    Because I know,What it looks like on the outside is just the accumulation of self. The real me, full of wisdom.

    If I think it should be another way, The only one who hurts is himself.

    The only thing I can do, Just allow.

    I know, I am here for the experience of life in the present moment. in every present moment.

    The only thing I have to do is fully allow,

    experience completely,

    experience fully,

    Enjoy completely.

    Look, just look.

    allow everything,

    As it is.



        本文标题:允许一切如其所是‖I Allow
