《小屁孩2》Day 16 - P160-171

《小屁孩2》Day 16 - P160-171

作者: 飞鸟逐溪 | 来源:发表于2017-07-31 17:55 被阅读17次


    *hold over*

    Gramma has kept that note all these years, and she's still holding it over my head.

    [释义] hold something over somebody: to use something bad that you know about someone to make them do what you want.

    [例句] He knows I've been in prison and is holding it over me.

    [造句] You can not share your confidences that are never supposed to be unclosed to others in case other people will hold it over you.


    1. hold something over [usually passive] (formal) to do or deal with something at a later time

    The matter was held over for further review.

    2. be held over (especially AmE) If a play, film, concert etc is held over, it is shown for longer than planned because it is very popular.


    Rodrick knows I hate watercress salad more than anything, so the last time we stayed at Grandpa's, Rodrick made sure to pile it on my plate.

    [释义] to fill a place or container or cover a surface with a large amount of things

    [补充] pile something into/onto etc something; be piled with something 这个词的名词形式已经很熟悉,但是比较少用到它的动词形式,而且这个词可以替换我经常用到的 be filled with; be full of something.

    [例句] He piled bread and milk into his basket.

    [造句] Mom likes to pile food into guests' plate in a meal. 


    The thing that really stinks is that I caught heat from Mom when she saw my drawings, because she said they were "disturbing".

    [释义] (spoken)used to say that something is bad, unfair, dishonest etc

    [例句] The whole justice system stinks.

    [造句] Teachers' unfair behavior to students who are various in background stinks.

    1. condo: (plural condos) [C] (AmE) (informal) a condominium 公寓大楼

    2. security camera: a video camera that records people's activities in order to detect and prevent crime (监控用的)摄像头

    3. cucumber: a long thin pale-green vegetable with dark green skin, usually eaten uncooked in salads 黄瓜🥒

    4. vinegar: a ship-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt or cider, which is used to add flavor to or to preserve food 醋

    5. watercress: a plant which grows in water, whose green leaves taste hot and are used as food, often eaten raw in salads 水田芥(水生植物,叶子常作色拉食用)

    6. 美国电影级别分类:

    ^G-rated movies:

    general audiences (all ages admitted)- no sex and nudity, substance abuse, or realistic/non-cartoon violence.

    ^PG rating movies:

    parental guidance, as some material may not be suitable for children. There may be mild strong language and some violence, but there will not be substance use or abuse.

    ^PG-13 rating movies:

    stand for parental guidance-13, with parents strongly cautioned, as some material may not be suitable for children under 13.

    ^R rating movies:

    restricted, with no one under 17 admitted without an accompanying parent or guardian. This rating is given for strong and frequent language and violence, nudity for sexual purposes and drug abuse.

    ^NC-17 rating movies:

    No one under 18 admitted. This rare rating is given to films which feature mature elements in such profusion- or in such intensity-that it surpasses even the R. 


    At 10:00, I was ready for bed. But Rodrick called the couch, and that meant I had to sleep with Grandpa again.

    在这个句子中,想要记住的是一个用法:call the couch,Rodrick先抢占了沙发,所以我必须同爷爷一起睡觉。

    【造句】Before we decided who to sleep on the bed or the couch, she has already called the bed. And she said that she can't sleep well in couch.

    #Diary 👧

    Watch out your behavior to be polite.

    Yesterday, my aunt, whose daughter has got admission to college in Hefei, held a feast in hotel to celebrate her daughter's success. This is a tradition recently. When someone gets an admission to a college, his or her parents will hold a feast in hotel and inform their relatives, colleagues and friends to celebrate it together. Therefore, my father, elder sister and cousin, as well as my aunts and uncles and I all came to the place where the feast would be held. My aunt's daughter stayed in one room and did not say hello or call us after we arrived at 9:30 in the morning. It was unusual for her to be unconcerned by guests. We ignored her indifference firstly.

    Two hours later, when I was in the hobby of the hotel, her father told her to lead her younger cousins to have meals. She suddenly screamed out something I did not hear clearly and stepped away quickly angrily. Her parents, cousins, aunts and uncles and me were there. None of us knew what happened to her. She was impolite that moment.

    Her mother used to complained of her terrible temper to us. I always assured her that it was temporary due to her stress of study and would disappear once going to university. After seeing her actions yesterday, I was thinking about her politeness. 

    When you have increased your knowledge, will you automatically behave more polite?



        本文标题:《小屁孩2》Day 16 - P160-171
