
作者: 言者无知_n4c | 来源:发表于2018-05-22 11:56 被阅读0次

    /ɪnˈtɛləʤəns/ [U]

    1. 智力,智慧;悟性;理解力

    the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations

    • 具有平均/正常/高/低 智力水平的人
      a person of average/normal/high/low intelligence
    • 约翰很早就显现出高智力。
      John showed high intelligence from an early age.
    • 秀外慧中的女子
      a woman who had both beauty and intelligence
    • 智力测验
      an intelligence test
    • 智商(缩写为IQ)
      intelligence quotient ['kwəʊʃ(ə)nt]指数,程度

    2. 智能

    the ability to think, reason, and understand instead of doing things automatically or by instinct.

    • 人工智能 artificial intelligence
    • 人类智能 human intelligence

    3. 情报,情报人员,情报机构

    3.1 情报,谍报

    secret information that a government collects about an enemy or possible enemy

    • 军事情报
      military intelligence

    • 收集关于邻国活动的情报
      gather intelligence about a neighboring country's activities

    • 根据我们的情报,还会有更进一步的攻击。
      According to our intelligence, further attacks were planned.

    • 消息人士否认该报告的真实性
      Intelligence sources denied the reports.

    3.2 情报人员;情报机构

    a group of people or an organization that gathers this information for their government

    • 情报机构
      intelligence agencies/services
    • 英国有三个主要的情报机构。
      In Britain there are three main intelligence organizations.
    • 美国军事情报处
      US Military Intelligence
    • 中央情报局(CIA)
      Central Intelligence Agency



