Sonnet 9: Lasting love

Sonnet 9: Lasting love

作者: billowchaser | 来源:发表于2018-12-26 08:06 被阅读0次

    They say if true love’s meant to last for aye,

    why count we every second we did share?

    Yet since we met, I savor every day

    for tasteless years sans you I could not bear.

    Your words with me were few, I’ve carved in mind.

    Lest visage fades, I’ve painted yours anew.

    From mem’ry stale, the feeling fresh I find,

    I relish sweetness from my dream I chew.

    Though lightyears’ path does Altair Vega part,

    for e’en a day’s reunion they rejoice.

    While I, a mortal, with so frail a heart,

    a temp’ral quest of love I dared not voice.

    Before the time my mind and taste does dull,

    Remembrance fresh of you anon I’ll cull.




          本文标题:Sonnet 9: Lasting love
