

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-06-07 12:25 被阅读0次
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    Steven Lee 李司提反
    2 Chronicles 20:1–12 历代志下20:1-12
    1 After this the Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites, came against Jehoshaphat for battle. 2 Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, “A great multitude is coming against you from Edom, from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar” (that is, Engedi). 3 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4 And Judah assembled to seek help from the LORD; from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD. 5 And Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the LORD, before the new court, 6 and said, “O LORD, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you. 7 Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? 8 And they have lived in it and have built for you in it a sanctuary for your name, saying, 9 ‘If disaster comes upon us, the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before you—for your name is in this house—and cry out to you in our affliction, and you will hear and save.’ 10 And now behold, the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, whom you would not let Israel invade when they came from the land of Egypt, and whom they avoided and did not destroy— 11 behold, they reward us by coming to drive us out of your possession, which you have given us to inherit. 12 O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 1 后来,摩押人、亚扪人和一些米乌尼人,一同来攻击约沙法。 2 有人来向约沙法报告说:“从海的对岸,就是从以东,有大军前来攻击你;现在他们在哈洗逊.他玛。” 哈洗逊.他玛就是隐.基底。 3 于是约沙法害怕起来,定意要寻求耶和华,就在犹大全地宣告禁食。 4 于是犹大人集合起来,寻求耶和华的帮助;犹大各城中都有人出来寻求耶和华。 5 约沙法就在犹大和耶路撒冷的会众中,站在耶和华殿的新院子前面, 6 说:“耶和华我们列祖的 神啊,你不是天上的 神吗? 你不是统治列邦万国的吗? 你手中有大能大力,没有人能抵挡你。 7 我们的 神啊,你不是曾经把这地的居民从你的子民以色列人面前赶走,把这地赐给你的朋友亚伯拉罕的后裔永远作产业吗? 8 他们住在这地,又在这里为你的名建造了一座圣所,说: 9 ‘如果有灾祸临到我们,无论是刀剑、刑罚、瘟疫、饥荒,我们在急难的时候,站在这殿和你的面前,向你呼求,你必垂听和施行拯救,因为你的名是在这殿内。’ 10 现在这里有亚扪人、摩押人和西珥山的人,从前以色列人从埃及地出来的时候,你不许以色列人侵犯他们。那时,以色列人就离开了他们,不除灭他们。 11 现在你看,他们怎样报复我们;他们要来把我们从你赐给我们承受作产业的地赶出去。 12 我们的 神啊,你不惩罚他们吗? 因为我们没有力量抵挡这来攻打我们的大军;我们也不知道该作什么;我们的眼睛只有仰望你。”
    Last week Pastor Jason’s sermon title was “What to Say When Suffering Is Great” and gave the answer “nothing.” He followed it up with three things: (1) see the evil, (2) show sympathy, and (3) sit in solidarity. This morning the sermon title is “Where to Look When Suffering is Great.” 上周杰森牧师的讲道主题是“当痛苦如山你能说些什么”并给出回答“无话可说”。他接着提到了三件事:(1)看到邪恶,(2)表达同情 (3)团结一致。今天早上讲道的题目是“当痛苦如山你向哪里看。”
    I don’t need to remind you of current events, because we are collectively living in it right now. None of us have been to church for the past 12 weeks. I am so glad to see you all here today, and look forward when we are all regathered once again. In this 1200 person sanctuary we have no more than 250 people. In addition to the global pandemic, we have had some of the hardest events, of recent memory, impact the Twin Cities. The horrific killing of George Floyd, protests against police brutality, lawlessness in the streets, riots, looting, and destruction. Very literally, our cities were on fire and burning down. 我不需要再提醒你时事,因为我们都生活在其中。在过去的12周中,我们没有人去过教堂。很高兴今天能在这里跟大家见面,并期待我们能够重新正常聚会。在这可容1200人的礼拜堂里我们不能超过250人。在这瘟疫大流行之外,我们还经历了最沉重的一些事件,记忆犹新。这影响了双子城。乔治·弗洛伊德惨遭杀害,人们抗议警察的野蛮行径,街头无法无天,骚乱,抢劫和破坏。的的确确地,我们的城市着火了,烧毁了。
    In the midst of it all, I imagine that many feel an overwhelming sense of powerlessness and confusion in all the chaos. 在这一切之中,我想象很多人会在混乱中感到压倒性的无能为力和混乱。
    • What do I do against an unseen virus that is ravaging our lives, families, jobs (particularly low-income wage earners), companies, and our economy as a whole? •面对这种看不见的病毒,这种病毒正在破坏我们的生活、家庭、工作(尤其是低收入的打工仔)、公司以及整个经济,我该怎么办?
    • What do I do as I watch the video of the terrible and horrific killing of George Floyd, a man made in the image of God? •看到乔治·弗洛伊德,借着上帝的形象而造的人,惨遭杀害的视频时,我该怎么办?
    • What do I do as I see our Twin Cities descend into the chaos of riots, destruction, and burning? •面对我们的双子城陷入骚乱、破坏和燃烧的混乱之中时,我该怎么办?
    • What do I do as I hear the cries for help and see the grief and laments from our African American friends, transracial adoptive families, and ethnic minorities in our church and in our communities? •在听到求助的声音并看到我们的非裔朋友的悲伤和哀叹,跨种族收养家庭以及我们教堂和社区中的少数民族的悲痛和哀叹时,我该怎么办?
    • What do I do as I watch our police and National Guard, some of whom are our church members, seek to do a difficult and dangerous job in this climate? •看到我们的警察和国民警卫队(其中一些是我们的教会成员)在这种环境下做这些困难而危险的工作时,我该怎么办?
    Where do we look when suffering is great? Answer: We look at God’s word. In particular, verse 12 of our passage (2 Chronicles 20:1–12) this morning: “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” The answer comes in the form of a prayer by King Jehoshaphat in the midst of great crisis and imminent destruction. 当痛苦如山的时候我们将往哪里看?答案:我们仰望神的话语。尤其是在今天早上经文的12节(历代志下20:1-12):“我们不知道该作什么,我们的眼睛只有仰望你”。这个答案是约沙法国王在大危机和迫在眉睫的破坏中祈祷的结果。
    Main Point: One of the phrases I have been coming back to again and again, is that in unprecedented times, we have an unparalleled Savior. Where do we look when there is suffering, crisis, injustice, and destruction in our midst? We look to God. God’s people—throughout the ages, in every set of terrible circumstances (e.g., in natural disasters, pandemics, wars, widespread persecution, and economic collapse)—can say, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 要点:我反复想到的短语之一,是在这前所未有的时代,我们拥有无与伦比的救世主。当我们遭受痛苦、危机、不公和破坏时,我们该往哪里看?我们仰望上帝。上帝的子民——历代以来,在各种可怕的情况下(例如在自然灾害、大瘟疫、战争、广泛的迫害和经济崩溃中)——可以说:“我们也不知道该作什么,我们的眼睛只有仰望你。
    My aim this morning is that in the midst of all the hard things, we don’t recoil, retreat, hide, shut our eyes, cover our ears, or fortify our hearts against these heartbreaking realities around us. No, we take it all in, and then we turn our eyes to the only one sufficient to carry our burdens, to mend our hearts, to strengthen the work of our hands, and to empower us to do good. We are on a journey together to go to God and to not remain unchanged by him, his word, and what he is doing in our world. This is the time, for God’s people, to go to his book to make sense of the world, not pulled to the left or right, but to be people who unashamedly hold fast to his word. 今天上午我的目的是,在面对所有这些艰难的事情,我们不会畏缩、后退、躲避、闭上眼睛、捂住耳朵,也不会为身边这些令人伤心的现实而固执己见。不,我们将这一切都看在眼里,然后将视线转移到唯一能担负我们的负担,修复我们的心灵,加强我们的工作并赋予我们做事的能力的那一位。我们都在追求神的旅途中,神的话语和他在我们世界上的所作所为保持不变。对于上帝的子民来说,是时候读神话语来了解世界,不是向左或向右偏,而要成为一个坚定不移坚守他的话的人。
    My plan is to walk through this passage to help us to see the context of Jehoshaphat’s prayer, and then to draw out six truths from his prayer that we can apply as go from here. 我的计划是先概览这段经文,以帮助我们了解约沙法祷告的背景,然后从这祷告中得出六个真理并将其赋予实践。
    1. Situation: Crisis & Response (20:1–4) 1.现状:危机和回应(20:1-4)
    2. Six Truths from Jehoshaphat’s Prayer (20:5–12) 2.约沙法祷告中的六个真理(20:5-12)
    Context: Jehoshaphat is the King of Judah, and Scripture mostly tells us he’s a good king. Here’s a brief sampling describing Jehoshaphat: 上下文:约沙法是犹大王,大部分的圣经告诉我们他是一位好国王。以下是一些描述约沙发的例子:
    • 2 Chronicles 17:3–4 says, “The LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David. He did not seek the Baals, but sought the God of his father and walked in his commandments, and not according to the practices of Israel. • 历代志下17:3-4说: 3 耶和华和约沙法同在,因为他遵行了他祖先大卫最初所行的道路,没有寻求巴力。 4 只寻求他父亲的 神,遵行 神的诫命,没有随从以色列人的行为
    • 2 Chronicles 17:6 says, “His heart was courageous in the ways of the LORD.” • 历代志下17:6 他勇敢地遵行耶和华的道路
    • 2 Chronicles 17:10 tells us, “And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were around Judah, and they made no war against Jehoshaphat. • 历代志下 17:10 犹大地周围的列国都惧怕耶和华,不敢和约沙法交战
    Jehoshaphat was not only a good king that sought the Lord, walked in his ways, and appointed Levites and priests to rule over Israel (chpt. 19), God gave him peace. The surrounding nations “made no war against Jehoshaphat.” That background is key to understanding the current crisis that comes to Jehoshaphat and the nation of Judah. 约沙法不仅是一位追求神的好国王、遵行祂的道路、任命利未人和祭司来治理以色列 (19章),神也赐给他平安。周边国家“未对约沙法发动任何战争”。这样的背景对于理解当前落在约沙法和犹大国的危机至关重要。
    Situation: Crisis & Initial Response (20:1–4) 现状:危机和回应(20:1-4)
    1 “After this the Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites, came against Jehoshaphat for battle. 2 Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, ‘A great multitude is coming against you from Edom, from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar’ (that is, Engedi).” (2 Chronicles 20:1–2) 后来,摩押人、亚扪人和一些米乌尼人,一同来攻击约沙法。 2 有人来向约沙法报告说:“从海的对岸,就是从以东,有大军前来攻击你;现在他们在哈洗逊.他玛。”哈洗逊.他玛就是隐.基底。 (历代志下20:1-2)
    Three different nations and their armies, a great multitude, are coming to devour Judah. What happened from chapter 17 to chapter 20? Jehoshaphat had disobeyed God by making an alliance with King Ahab. He’s confronted with these words from God, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD” (2 Chronicles 19:2). God has removed his protection and favor, and Judah’s destruction is imminent. 三个不同的国家及其军队正要吞噬犹大。17章到20章之间发生了什么?约沙法与亚哈王结盟,违背了上帝。神的话质问他,“你怎能帮助恶人,喜爱那恨恶耶和华的人呢?因此耶和华的忿怒必临到你身上” (历代志下19:2)上帝撤出了祂的保护和恩宠,犹大的毁灭就迫在眉睫了。
    Next we see Jehoshaphat’s response: 接着我们来看约沙法的回应:
    3 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4 And Judah assembled to seek help from the LORD; from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD. (2 Chronicles 20:3–4) 于是约沙法害怕起来,定意要寻求耶和华,就在犹大全地宣告禁食。 4 于是犹大人集合起来,寻求耶和华的帮助;犹大各城中都有人出来寻求耶和华。(历代志下 20:3-4)
    Notice that Jehoshaphat doesn’t gather his military advisors. He doesn’t seek out an alliance to help. Jehoshaphat doesn’t seek out strategies, instead he sets his face to seek the Lord. In fearful situations, set your gaze on God. In confusing times, cry out to the Creator. In the face of danger, don’t deviate from our Deliverer. Jehoshaphat does not navel gaze, but sets his sights upon God. First thing is fear (rightly), but he doesn’t stay there, but brings his fears to the Lord, the only sufficient answer in the midst imminent attack. 请注意,约沙法并没有集结军事顾问。他没有从盟国那里寻求帮助。约沙法没有从战略上寻求帮助,取而代之的是他从神那里寻求帮助。在混乱时刻,大声向造物主呼求。在面对危险的时候,不要偏离我们的拯救者。约沙法不是盯着自己的肚脐眼(译注:这个英文成语指的是耽于沉思),而是将目光投向神。
    Jehoshaphat calls for a fast. He calls for a corporate response to the dire situation. This situation requires not only individual action, but a corporate response, everyone urgently calling on God for help. This is an all-hands on deck moment. 约沙法号召禁食。他在这危急关头号召集体行动。这种形势不止是要求个体的行动,也要求集体的行动,每个人都迫切地呼求神的帮助。这是一个全体总动员的时刻。
    Today—in the midst of all the conflicting and contradictory information floating around—Christians can be clear that we are robustly for life: 今天——在这冲突和矛盾的信息中——基督徒心里很清楚我们坚定地爱护生命
    • We are for the unborn. We abhor the evil of abortion. • 我们为胎儿发声。我们反对堕胎。
    • We believe that all people—of every color and shade—are made in God’s image. We abhor the evil of ethnic hatred or hatred based on the color of one’s skin. • 我们相信所有人类——无论肤色——都是照着神的形像所造的。我们反对种族仇恨或任何基于肤色的仇恨。
    • We believe the elderly and the infirm are not a burden to our society that we should euthanizing. We abhor the evil of euthanasia or physician assisted suicide. • 我们相信年老体弱者不是我们社会的负担而需要把他们处以安乐死。我们反对安乐死或医生协助自杀。
    • We believe that children and adults with Down syndrome, autism, hydrocephalus, or any other developmental disability are valuable members of our society. We abhor the evil of killing disabled babies in the womb. • 我们相信唐氏综合症、自闭症、脑积水或其它任何发育障碍的儿童和成人都是我们社会的宝贵成员。我们反对杀害腹中的残障胎儿。
    • We believe that orphans and foster children should have loving and caring homes. We will continue to champion adoption, foster care, and supporting families that do. • 我们相信,孤儿和寄养儿童应该拥有爱心和关怀的家庭。我们将继续倡导收养、寄养以及支持这样做的家庭。
    • We believe that refugees, immigrants, and those seeking asylum are not less worthy of respect, not less human, not less valuable to God. We believe we have opportunity to love our neighbors and call on our Congress men and women to enact wise and compassionate policies. • 我们相信,难民、移民和寻求庇护的人们同样值得尊重,他们不是低人一等,在上帝眼中有同样的价值。我们相信我们有机会爱邻如己,并呼吁我们国会的男女议员们制订明智而富有同情心的政策。
    • We believe all these things because each and every person has a soul, reflecting the design of our Creator, who will last forever. I am glad that I’m at a church where these truths are not up for debate, but loved deeply and robustly because we know and love God. • 我们相信所有这些是因为每个个人都有灵魂,反映着我们永恒创造主的设计。我很高兴我所在的这个教会不需要争论这些问题,而是深沉而坚定地热爱这些真理,因为我们认识神,爱神。
    Now we turn to Jehoshaphat’s prayer. What do we learn about seeking God in the midst of great crisis? Six ways to pray in as we look to God. 现在我们转到约沙法的祷告。从这个在巨大危机中寻求神的故事中,我们能学到什么?有六种方式我们来仰望神。
    Six Truths from Jehoshaphat’s Prayer (20:5–12) 约沙法祷告中的六条真理(20:5-12)
    1) Pray by Recalling God’s Sovereign Power (20:5–6) 1)祷告中回想神的至高权能(20:5-6)
    Jehoshaphat stands up before all the people and prays by recalling God’s sovereign power over all the earth. He says, “O LORD, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.” He calls to mind God’s sovereignty—in the heavens, ruling over all the kingdoms of the nations. 约沙法站在全体会众面前,在祷告中回忆神在全地上的绝对主权。他说:“耶和华我们列祖的 神啊,你不是天上的 神吗? 你不是统治列邦万国的吗? 你手中有大能大力,没有人能抵挡你。”他回想神的至高主权——在天上,统治列邦万国。
    When all hell seems to be breaking loose, we are to remember what we learned in Kindergarten: “he’s got the whole world in his hands.” Some of you this morning need this reminder. God is not asleep at the wheel, God is not powerless against the chaos, God is not unknowing or absent, but he is at work in our world for our good, even in the chaos and crisis. 当形势危急好像地狱之门洞开的时候,我们要记得幼儿园里学过的:“整个世界都在祂手中。”你们中有些人在今天早上需要这样的提醒。上帝不会在开车时打瞌睡,上帝面对混乱不会束手无策,上帝不是不知情或不在场,而是在这个世界里为我们的益处让万事互相效力,哪怕是混乱和危机。
    • “[He] works all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11). • [祂]凭着自己旨意所计划而行万事(以弗所书1:11)
    • “How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Romans 11:33). • 祂的判断是多么难测,祂的道路是多么难寻!(罗马书11:33)
    The truths of Christianity can withstand your heartache, grief, confusion, protest, and pain. In the death of Jesus—a terrible and horrific killing of the Son of God—was what brought forth life. Don’t forget the sovereign working of our Father. We don’t grieve quite the same on Friday night, when we know resurrection Sunday is right around the corner. Death becomes life. Bloodshed begets forgiveness. Hostility is turned to reconciliation. Darkness to light. Sinners transformed to be saints. Remember God’s sovereign power. 基督教的真理可以承受你的心痛、悲伤、困惑、抗议和痛苦。耶稣的死-可怕而恐怖地杀害了上帝的儿子-是会带来生命的。不要忘记我们天父的主权工作。如果我们知道主日复活即将到来,我们在耶稣受难的周五晚上就不会感到同样的悲伤。死亡变成生命。流血带来饶恕。敌对变成和解。黑暗变成光明。罪人变成了圣徒。请记住上帝的主权。
    2) Pray by Recalling God’s Past Power (20:7) 2)祷告中回想神过去的大能(20:7)
    Next Jehoshaphat recalls God’s past promises to do them good. Look at his words in verses 7–9: 接着约沙法回想神过去应许给他们的好处。请看7-9节中他说的话:
    7 Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? (2 Chronicles 20:7) 我们的 神啊,你不是曾经把这地的居民从你的子民以色列人面前赶走,把这地赐给你的朋友亚伯拉罕的后裔永远作产业吗?(历代志下20:7)
    Jehoshaphat calls to mind what God has done. He’s reminding God, himself, and the people of God’s past promises. God went before them in battles greater than this, driving out mightier nations than this. He subtly suggests, “You have been faithful so far, don’t let us down now!” 约沙法回想神过去已做的事。他在回想,神亲自给祂子民的应许。神在他们面前争战,表现比现在这个更伟大,所逐出的列邦也比现在这些更强大。他委婉地建议:“你迄今为止都是如此信实,请不让我们失望!”
    Notice how he says “Abraham your friend?” Why does he use that language? This shows up only two other places in the Bible, and not by accident. One is James 2:23 referring back to this passage. The other is Isaiah 41:8 where Abraham is called a friend of God. This is within the context of assurance of deliverance, where we also read Isaiah 41:10, two verses later, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” To recall God’s friendship with Abraham is to call to mind God’s faithful deliverance in every step of Israel’s history all the way back to Abraham. God hasn’t changed. He is a promise-keeper. 请注意他怎么说“你的朋友亚伯拉罕?”他为什么这样措辞?这样的措辞只出现在圣经中的另外两个地方,而且绝非偶然。一处是雅各书2:23提到这一段。 另一处是以赛亚书41:8,亚伯拉罕被称为上帝的朋友。这是在有救赎确据的背景下,我们在往后两节经文,就是以赛亚书41:10中读到,“不要惧怕,因为我与你同在;不要四处张望,因为我是你的 神,我必坚固你,我必帮助你;我必用公义的右手扶持你。”回顾上帝与亚伯拉罕的友谊,就是要想起上帝在以色列历史上每一步中的信实拯救,一直回溯到亚伯拉罕。上帝没有改变。祂信守承诺。
    How much more is this true of believers today to have great hope in the midst of crisis? 今天的信徒们在危机中还有什么伟大的盼望吗?
    • We are told by Jesus, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). • 耶稣告诉我们:“我决不撇下你,也不离弃你”(希伯来书13:5)
    • “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). • “祂连自己的儿子都舍得,为我们众人把祂交出来,难道不也把万有和祂一同白白地赐给我们吗?”(罗马书8:32)
    • “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15) • “我不再称你们为仆人,因为仆人不知道主人所作的事;我已经称你们为朋友了,因为我从我父那里所见的一切,都已经告诉你们了。”(约翰福音15:15)
    3) Pray by Recalling God’s Present Promises (20:8–9) 3)祷告中回想神现在的应许(20:8-9)
    8 And they have lived in it and have built for you in it a sanctuary for your name, saying, 9 ‘If disaster comes upon us, the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before you—for your name is in this house—and cry out to you in our affliction, and you will hear and save.’ (2 Chronicles 20:8–9) 8 他们住在这地,又在这里为你的名建造了一座圣所,说: 9 ‘如果有灾祸临到我们,无论是刀剑、刑罚、瘟疫、饥荒,我们在急难的时候,站在这殿和你的面前,向你呼求,你必垂听和施行拯救,因为你的名是在这殿内。’(历代志下20:8-9)
    Verse 9 is cited from Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple in 2 Chronicles 6. In that chapter Solomon finishes building the temple, dedicates it to God, and prays a prayer of dedication asking for God’s help in the face of famine and pestilence (citing 2 Chronicles 6:28). If they cry out in this affliction, God will hear and save (2 Chronicles 6:35). God affirms Solomon’s prayer by promising, “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice … [and] if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:12, 14). 第9节引用了历代志下6章中所罗门献殿祷告中的话。在那一章中所罗门建殿完工,把它奉献给神,在奉献礼中向神祷告,祈求神在饥荒和瘟疫中给予帮助(历代志下6:28)。如果他们在苦难中呼求神,神就会垂听并拯救(历代志下6:35)。神应允了所罗门的祷告,应许说:“我已经听了你的祷告,也为我自己选择了这地方作献祭的殿……这称为我名下的子民,若是谦卑、祷告、寻求我的面,转离他们的恶行,我必从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地”(历代志下7:12,14)。
    God has given them a promise that when they cry out he will hear, forgive, and save. This is good news in a world bereft of good news right now. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Whether you are a looter, a rioter, an arsonist, an anarchist, a serial adulterer, murderer, or one who harbors hatred against your neighbor or is hardened to the plight of the oppressed and poor, forgiveness of sins, acceptance, and cleansing is given when we turn away from ourselves and look solely to the person and work of Jesus Christ. 神已经给他们应许说只要他们呼求,祂就会垂听,赦免并拯救。这是一个好消息,哪怕今天世界上好像没有好消息了。约翰一书1:9说:“我们若承认自己的罪,神是信实的、公义的,必定赦免我们的罪,洁净我们脱离一切不义。”无论你是个抢劫犯,暴徒,纵火犯,无政府主义者,连环通奸者,杀人犯,还是对邻居怀恨在心,或者是对受压迫者和穷困者的困境无动于衷,当我们转离我们的旧我,单单仰望耶稣基督的位格和工作,赦罪、悦纳和洁净就会赐予我们。
    The only hope for all sinners is the cross of Christ. While our society grapples with systemic injustices, ingrained prejudices, or conditioned biases, the kingdom of God shows no prejudice, has no bias, and does not discriminate. Whether you are the religious Pharisee or unrighteous tax collector, forgiveness can be granted to all sinners through faith in Christ. 所有罪人的唯一希望就是基督的十字架。尽管我们的社会正在努力解决系统性的不公正、根深蒂固的偏见或有偏见的偏见,但神的国度没有偏见、没有成见、也没有歧视。无论你是宗教上的法利赛人或不道德的税吏,藉着基督里的信心,所有罪人都可以得到饶恕。
    4) Pray by Pleading for God’s Present Help (20:10–12) 4)祷告中请求神现在的帮助(20:10-12)
    10 And now behold, the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, whom you would not let Israel invade when they came from the land of Egypt, and whom they avoided and did not destroy— 11 behold, they reward us by coming to drive us out of your possession, which you have given us to inherit. 12 O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? (2 Chronicles 20:10–12a) 10 现在这里有亚扪人、摩押人和西珥山的人,从前以色列人从埃及地出来的时候,你不许以色列人侵犯他们。那时,以色列人就离开了他们,不除灭他们。 11 现在你看,他们怎样报复我们;他们要来把我们从你赐给我们承受作产业的地赶出去。 12 我们的 神啊,你不惩罚他们吗?” (历代志下20:10-12a)
    They now call upon the Lord for help. These nations mounting an attack are the very ones they were told not to dispossess from the land (Numbers 20:14–21; Deuteronomy 2:1–19; Judges 11:14–17). Execute judgment on them O God; deliver us from our enemies. We can plead for God’s present help. In this great global trial—a time of testing and winnowing—may we be found as those who plead in prayer for God’s help? If nothing else is accomplished, may we grow in dependence and prayer. 他们现在呼吁主帮助。这些邦国发动了进攻,正是神曾经告诫以色列人不要从这些邦国的土地上除灭他们(民数记20:14-21;申命记2:1-19;士师记11:14-17)。上帝阿,要对他们施行审判。救我们脱离敌人吧。我们可以祈求上帝现时的帮助。在这场全球性的大试炼中(经历了考验和思考),我们是不是在那些祈求上帝帮助之人的行列?哪怕我们一事无成,我们仍可以在信靠和祈祷中成长。
    Pleading for God’s present help can be hope filled because God knows better than we do. He sees the whole picture. He doesn’t destroy them before, only to destroy them now. It’s a reminder that God’s help is never insufficient or faulty, but rather he is unfolding a greater and better future than we could foresee or imagine. 祈求上帝现前的帮助可以充满希望,因为上帝比我们知道得更多。祂看到的是整个画面。祂以前没有除灭他们,但现在要除灭他们。这提醒我们,上帝的帮助永远不会不足或有过错,而是祂展现了我们无法预见或想象的更大更美好的未来。
    5) Pray by Confessing Our Dependence on God (20:12b) 5)祷告中我们承认我们依靠神(20:12b)
    For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. (2 Chronicles 20:12b) 因为我们没有力量抵挡这来攻打我们的大军;我们也不知道该作甚么;我们的眼睛只有仰望你。(历代志下20:12b)
    They recognize their powerlessness and dependence upon God. Jehoshaphat rightly sees that though he has an army, could create an alliance, could strategize a defense, ultimately he needs God. He is dependent and powerless in the face of his enemies. 他们认识到自己的无能和对上帝的依赖。约沙法正确地看到,尽管他有一支军队,可以建立同盟,可以制定防御计划,但最终他需要上帝。在面对敌人时,他是无能为力的,需要依靠神。
    When we are truly humble, see our need for God, our powerlessness, we will pray. There is nothing else you can turn to other than God in prayer. I worry that prayerlessness in the church reveals our self-sufficiency, arrogance, and pride. Do we believe we can accomplish more on our own, apart from prayer? Or perhaps we believe in prayer, we know it’s important, but our prayer muscles don’t get much exercise. Our theology of prayer may be orthodox, but our functional prayer lives are anemic. 当我们真正谦卑时,看到我们对上帝的需要,我们的无能为力,我们就会祈祷。在祷告中,除了上帝,你别无所求。我担心教会里的缺乏祷告会暴露出我们的自足、自大和骄傲。我们相信除了祈祷以外,我们还能靠自己完成更多的工作吗?也许我们相信祈祷,我们知道祈祷很重要,但是祈祷的肌肉却没有得到太多锻炼。我们的祷告神学可能是正统的,但我们实际的祷告生活是贫乏的。
    But 2020 is a good time to renew our prayer lives. The pandemic and unrest in our city has torn off the shallow veneer that everything is ok, and life is alright. Our world is sick with sin and disease and groaning under the weight of sin. God’s people get the glorious privilege of crying out for the lost among our neighborhoods and among the nations. I think that many of us would be ashamed for others to know how little we pray, myself included. O let the current trials spur us on to fresh recognition of our dependence, and move to pray with renewed vigor, fresh vision, and unfaltering zeal. 但2020年是更新我们祈祷生活的好时机。我们城市的瘟疫和动荡已经撕下了岁月静好的面纱。我们的世界充满罪恶之病,在罪恶的重压之下呻吟。上帝的子民获得了光荣的特权,他们在我们的邻里和列国中为失丧的人们大声疾呼。我认为我们许多人会为其他人感到羞耻,因为他们不知道我们祈祷多少,包括我自己在内。哦,让当前的试炼搅动我们去重新认识我们的依赖性,并以新的活力、新的看见和坚定的热情进行祈祷。
    6) Pray, Keeping Your Eyes on God (20:12b) 6)在祷告中定睛于神(20:12b)
    For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. (2 Chronicles 20:12b) 因为我们没有力量抵挡这来攻打我们的大军;我们也不知道该作甚么;我们的眼睛只有仰望你。(历代志下20:12b)
    We see from Jehoshaphat’s prayer that after all is said and done, even as we recognize our deep and profound dependence on him, we keep our eyes on the Lord for deliverance. In days such as this, don’t take your eyes off of God. He’s working. 从约沙法的祷告中我们可以看出,说完了,做完了这一切,即使我们认识到我们对祂深深的依赖,我们仍要定睛于神为得祂的拯救。在这样的日子里,别将眼目移开上帝。祂正在工作。
    Resolution: God Delivers (20:13–25) 问题解决:神拯救了(20:13-25)
    I’d like to spend time in the rest of 2 Chronicles 20 but we don’t have time. Spoiler alert: God wins, delivers Judah, resulting in Judah gathering the spoils of war and praising God. I commend the rest of the chapter to you because there is much to glean from God’s powerful deliverance without Judah even lifting a finger, and only lifting their voices in praise and song. 我希望在历代志下20章中余下的内容上多花点时间,但时间不够了。掠夺者警报:上帝赢了,救了犹大国,结果是犹大人收集大量的战利品,然后赞美上帝。 我推荐本章的余下内容,是因为犹大人甚至不需要动一根手指,只要扬声赞美歌颂,上帝的强大拯救降临,还有许多战利品要收集。
    Conclusion & Application 结论和应用
    How do we apply our passage this morning? Where do we look when suffering is great? Where do we look when a crushing crisis is on the horizon? Where do we look when in the midst of great calamity? We may not know what to do, but our eyes are you. Our eyes are on the LORD. We look to God by recalling his power (past and present) and his promises, and then pleading for his help, and confessing our dependence on him. 我们该如何运用这段经文?苦难很大时我们往哪里看?当一场严峻的危机即将来临时,我们将目光投向何处?在大灾难中我们要往哪里看?我们可能不知道该怎么办,但“我们的眼睛只有仰望你”。我们的眼睛仰望耶和华。我们回想起上帝的大能(过去和现在)和应许,然后恳求祂的帮助,并承认我们对他的依赖。
    Today we have something even better. We can look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. We can look to the one who is seated at the right hand of the Father, empowering his people by the Spirit, and who shall return. 今天我们有更好的。我们可以仰望耶稣,我们信心的创始成终者。我们可以那位坐在父神右手边,透过圣灵赋予祂的子民力量,并且祂还要再来。
    • We can look to Jesus, praying for his comfort and peace for George Floyd’s family and friends. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,祈求祂给乔治弗洛伊德的家人和朋友带来安慰和平安。
    • We can look to Jesus, asking for repentance and remorse for the police officers involved, and for justice to be done. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,让涉事警察悔改,正义得以伸张。
    • We can look to Jesus, pleading for peace and no more riots, no more deaths, no more burnings, and no more destruction of lives and livelihoods. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,祈求和平,不再有暴乱,不再有死亡,不再有纵火,不再有生命和生计遭到破坏。
    • We can look to Jesus, to wash away our guilt if we have been indifferent and willfully ignorant of injustice against men and women, born and unborn, poor and exploited, refugees and immigrants, widows and widowers, and yes, our black and brown communities of color. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,让祂洗净我们的罪疚,要是我们漠不关心,或故意忽视不公,无论这不公是针对男人还是女人,出生的还是未出生的,贫穷的还是受剥削的,寡妇还是鳏夫,以及,我们的有色人种社区。
    • We can look to Jesus, to help us learn about our nation’s history, rather than withdraw and ignore historical realities that still plague our nation. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,帮助我们学习我们国家的历史,而不是回避并无视仍在困扰着我们国家的历史现实。
    • We can look to Jesus, to help move us forward in love and good works, not out of fear, duty, or shame, but out of compassion and Christlikeness. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,帮助我们推进爱和善行,不是出于恐惧、义务或羞耻,而是出于同情和效法基督。
    • We can look to Jesus, as ethnic minorities to find our ultimate lasting identity in Christ, not in how we are portrayed in culture, society, and in Hollywood. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,作为少数民族寻求我们在基督里终极而永恒的身份,而不在于我们在文化、社会乃至好莱坞电影中如何被刻画。
    • We can look to Jesus, as parents and children of transracial adoptions, to root us in our new identity as adoptive children of the most High King, beloved, known, and of infinite worth. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,作为跨种族收养家庭的父母和孩子,扎根于我们的崭新身份,就是至高君王所收养的儿女,被爱,被认识,有无限的价值。
    • We can look to Jesus, as we see racial and ethnic hostilities, knowing that he has once and for all broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility so that he might create in himself one new man, making peace through the cross. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,当我们看到种族、民族之间的仇恨,知道祂用身体一次性就永久地拆毁了仇恨的隔墙,为要在祂自己里面创造一个新人,藉着十字架成就和平。
    • We can look to Jesus to mend the brokenness in our souls, the divisions in our society, and to mend the fractures in our society and world. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,修复我们灵魂中的破碎,我们社会中的撕裂,修复我们社会和世界的破裂。
    • We can look to Jesus, praying for bad cops of every color and ethnicity, to repent of the sinful use of lethal power, and be reconciled to God. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,祈祷让所有肤色和种族的坏警察都悔过自新,不再滥用致命的武力,与神和好。
    • We can look to Jesus, praying for his empowering strength for all the good police, of every color and ethnicity, to stand up for what is right and righteous in God’s eyes. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,祈祷祂赐力量给所有的好警察,无论是什么肤色和种族,捍卫神眼中看为正确和正义的事。
    • We can look to Jesus, praying for protesters of every stripe and color, to not only protest the misuse of power, but to recognize we will all stand before the final Judge to give an account of our lives. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,为形形色色的抗议者祈祷,不仅抗议滥用权力,而且认识到我们都将站在最后的审判台前,对我们的生命做一个交代。
    • We can look to Jesus, praying for looters of every stripe and color, to repent, confess, and be reconciled to God before the day of eternal judgment. We tremble because we know every thought, every deed, and every word will be brought into the light and stand as evidence in the courtroom of God. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,为形形色色的掠夺者祈祷,让他们能在末日审判之前及时悔改认罪,与神和好。我们之所以战兢,是因为我们知道每个念头、每个行为、每个言语都要见光,在上帝的审判庭中作证。
    • We can look to Jesus, confessing our own thoughts or acts of sinful partiality, of sinful indifference to the suffering of a brother or sister made in the image of God. • 我们可以仰望耶稣,承认我们思想或行为中有罪的偏见,或以有罪的冷漠对待受苦中的弟兄姐妹。他们都是照着神的形像造的。
    • We can look to Jesus, as we continue to live as Christ has called us to live in this world, walking in a manner worthy of the gospel, sharing the good news, and doing good to all. • 我们要可以仰望耶稣,让我们继续按照基督所呼召的生活方式活在这世界上,以配得福音的方式行事为人,分享好消息,为所有人行善。
    Our lasting hope is in Jesus’ ultimate and final deliverance. We do not have a temporary reprieve from a foreign enemy or an attacking army. We have a greater salvation, a greater deliverance, and a greater rescue. Christ has made a way for sinners of every stripe to find forgiveness and reconciliation at the foot of the cross. All who bathe at this fountain of blood find cleansing and peace. And that is why when we know not what to do, our eyes are on you, Jesus. 我们的永久盼望在于耶稣的终极和最终的拯救。我们得到的不止是暂时从外敌进攻中获得解救。我们有更大的救恩,更大的拯救和营救。基督为各种罪人找到了在十字架脚下寻求宽恕与和解的方法。沐浴在这宝血泉源中的所有人都能获得洁净与和平。这就是为什么当我们不知道该怎么做时,我们的眼睛注视着你,耶稣。



