I Love You, Stinky Face(我爱你,臭脸蛋儿

I Love You, Stinky Face(我爱你,臭脸蛋儿

作者: 黑桃皇后本后 | 来源:发表于2015-11-27 00:31 被阅读1454次

                                       翻译:Ailsa           整理:黑桃皇后


      I Love You, Stinky Face讲述的是母亲对孩子伟大的爱,全篇充满孩子的想象,不论孩子说自己变成多么可怕的动物,妈妈都会回答我会永远爱你。现实中,大概孩子对父母的爱有过之,而无不及吧,你感受到了吗?

I Love You, Stinky Face


" I love you, my wonderful child,"said Mama as she tucked me in.
But I had a question.

Mama, what if I were big, Scary ape? would you still love me then?

"If you were a big, scary ape, I would make your birthday cake out of bananas, and I would tell you,'I love you, my big, scary ape.'"


But, Mama, but, Mama, what if I were a super smelly skunk, and I smelled so bad that my name was Stinky Face?


"Then I'd plunk you in a bubble bath! But If you still smelled stinky, I would't mind.


I'd whisper in your ear,'I love you, Stinky Face'."

But Mama, but, Mama, what if I were an alligator with big, sharp teeth?

" I'd buy you a bigger toothbrush !

And if your throat hurt, I'd look inside your huge mouth.I'd tell you, 'I love you, my dangerous alligator."


But, Mama, what if I were a terrible meat-eating dinosaur?

"Then I'd make you a mountain of hamburgers to eat! I'd say,'I love you, my sweet, terrible dinosaur!'"

But, Mama,but mama, what if I were a swamp creature with slimy, smelly seaweed hanging from my body?


“Then I would live by the swamp and take care of you always. I'd tell you,'I love you, my slimy swamp monster!'"


But, Mama,but mama, what if I were a Green Alien from Mars, and I ate bugs instead of peanut butter?


"Then I would fill your lunch box with spiders and ants and the tastiest bugs you ever had! And I'd pack a note with all the bugs that said,'I love you, little greenie.Bon appetit!'"


But, Mama,but mama, what if I were a one-eyed Monster?


"Then I would look right into your one eye and say, ‘I love you, ' and I would sing to you  until your one droopy eyelid  finally closed and you fell fast asleep."

I love you,Mama.

"And I love you, my wonderful child."







      本文标题:I Love You, Stinky Face(我爱你,臭脸蛋儿
