Third U4

作者: 徐小昕_e9b6 | 来源:发表于2018-03-19 15:24 被阅读0次

Ⅰ. beckon  英 ['bek(ə)n]   美 ['bɛkən]

(adj) beckoning 引诱人的;令人心动的  (adv) beckoningly


1.[I,T] to make a signal to someone with your hand, to show that you want them to come towards you or to follow you〔招手〕示意,召唤

beckon (to) sb to do sth

•She beckoned to the waitress to bring more wine. 她示意服务员再拿些酒来。

beckon sb forward/over etc

•He beckoned us over and introduced us to his wife. 他招呼我们过去,把我们介绍给他的妻子。

2.[I,T] if something such as a place or opportunity beckons, it appears so attractive that you want to have it〔地方或机会〕引诱,吸引

•A career in the film industry beckoned. 电影事业令人向往。

3.[I] if something beckons for someone, it will probably happen to them可能发生

[+ for]

•Early retirement beckoned for George. 乔治可能会提早退休。

Ⅱ.  bolt   英 [bəʊlt]  美 [bolt]


1.a metal bar that you slide across a door or window to fasten it〔门、窗的〕金属插销,闩

2.a bolt from/out of the blue突如其来的消息;晴天霹雳

•Was this money a bolt from the blue or did you know you were going to get it? 这是一笔意料之财呢,还是你本来就知道会有的?


1.[I] to suddenly run somewhere very quickly, especially in order to escape or because you are frightened奔,窜

•Kevin had bolted through the open window. 凯文从开着的窗子窜了出去。

2.[T] to eat very quickly狼吞虎咽

•He bolted down his breakfast. 他狼吞虎咽地吃早餐。

bolt sth to sth

•The cell contained an iron bedframe bolted to the floor. 牢房里有一张用螺栓固定在地板上的铁床架。

bolt sth together

•The boxes were made of heavy panels of metal bolted together. 这些箱子是用厚重的金属板钉起来的。


sit/stand bolt upright〔常因受到惊吓〕挺直地坐着/站着

•She sat bolt upright in the back seat. 她直直地坐在后座上。

Ⅲ. conspicuous  英 [kən'spɪkjʊəs]   美 [kən'spɪkjʊəs]

(n)  conspicuousness   (adv) conspicuously


1.very easy to notice显著的,显眼的;引人注目的

•The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place. 通告一定要贴在显眼的地方。

2.conspicuous success, courage etc is very great and impressive〔成功、勇气等〕引人注目的,惹人注意的

•He had represented Italy with conspicuous success. 他代表意大利取得了令人瞩目的成功。

•The award is given for notable or conspicuous achievement in science. 这个奖项是为科学领域中的显著成就而颁发的。 conspicuous by your/its absence


•a group that were conspicuous by their absence from the awards ceremony 因缺席颁奖仪式而引人注目的一个组合

Ⅳ. resume    [rɪˈzjuːm; ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]


1.[T] to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted〔中断之后〕继续

resume doing sth

•He will resume training as soon as the injury is better. 一旦伤势好转,他就会继续训练。

2.resume your seat/place/position回到原来的座位/原地/原来的职位

•Will the delegates please resume their seats? 请代表们回到座位上好吗?


英 ['rezjʊmeɪ, 'reɪ-] 

1.a short account of something such as an article or speech which gives the main points but no detail〔文章、讲话等的〕梗概,摘要

•a brief résumé of the day’s events 当天活动的概述

2.a short written account of your education and your previous jobs that you send to an employer when you are looking for a new job


Ⅴ. magnify   ['mægnɪfaɪ]  美 ['mæɡnɪfaɪ]

(n)magnificence (n)magnification放大率  (adj) magnified

(v) make something seem more important than it really is夸张,夸大

•The report tends to magnify the risks involved. 这份报告有夸大所涉风险的倾向。

2.formal to make something much worse or more serious使〔问题〕加重,放大

•The results of economic mismanagement were magnified by a series of natural disasters. 一连串的自然灾害加剧了经济管理不善造成的恶果。

Ⅵ .   spot   英 [spɒt]  美 [spɑt]



in a spot

•a small cottage in an idyllic spot 位于恬静宜人之处的一座小村舍

on a spot

•Why do they want to build a house on this particular spot? 他们为什么要在这个地方建一栋房子?

[+ for]

•an ideal spot for a picnic 野餐的理想地点

2.a small mark on something, especially one that is made by a liquid〔尤指液体留下的〕污渍,斑痕

[+ of]

•a few spots of blood 一些血渍

(v) notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize发现;注意到;看出,认出

spot sb doing sth

•Meg spotted someone coming out of the building. 梅格看到有个人从大楼里出来。

spot that

•One of the station staff spotted that I was in difficulty, and came to help. 一位车站工作人员看到我有困难,就过来帮忙。 spotted with sth


•The windscreen was spotted with rain. 挡风玻璃上点点滴滴全是雨水。 give the other player in a game an advantage〔在比赛中给对手〕让〔一定的分数等〕

spot sb sth

•He spotted me six points and he still won. 他让了我六分,但还是赢了。


1.for buying or paying immediately, not at some future time现货的;现付(款)的

•They won’t take credit; they want spot cash . 他们不给赊账,要求付现。

Ⅶ. zoom    [zuːm]  美 [zum]


1.[always + adv/prep] to go somewhere or do something very quickly疾行前往;快速做事

zoom off/around/down 

•Brenda jumped in the car and zoomed off. 布伦达跳上汽车,疾驰而去。 increase suddenly and quickly陡升;激增

[+ to]

•Inflation zoomed to 123%. 通货膨胀激增到123%。

zoom in〔镜头〕拉近

•The camera zoomed in on the child’s face.摄像机将孩子的脸拉近了。

zoom out



1.a sound made by a vehicle that is travelling fast〔车辆快速行驶时发出的〕隆隆声,嗡嗡声

Ⅷ. stuff  [stʌf]   美 [stʌf]


1.informal used when talking about different activities, subjects, or ideas, when you do not say exactly what these are活动,事情

•What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的书?

•He does mountain biking and skiing, and stuff like that . 他从事山地自行车、滑雪之类的运动。

2.informal used when you are talking about what someone has done or made, for example writing, music, or art作品;乐曲;艺术

•I don’t like his stuff. 我不喜欢他的作品。

•This is good stuff. 这东西不错。

3.... and stuff


•There’s some very good music there, CD systems and stuff, and laser disks. 那儿有些很好的音乐、激光唱片播放设备什么的,还有激光光盘。

4.the qualities of someone’s character〔某人的〕本质,品质

•Does he have the right stuff (= qualities that make you able to deal with difficulties ) ? 他有那本事吗?

•Surely you’re not going to give up? I thought you were made of sterner stuff (= were more determined) . 你总不会要放弃吧? 我原以为你很坚强。 your stuff拿出自己的本领,显身手

•Come on Gina, get on the dance floor and do your stuff! 来吧,吉娜,到舞池里来显显你的身手!


1.stuff sth into/in/up sth

•She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag. 她又往她的袋子里塞了两件毛线衫。

be stuffed with sth

•a pillow stuffed with feathers 用羽毛填充的枕头 fill a chicken, pepper etc with a mixture of bread or rice, onion etc before cooking it给〔鸡、甜椒等〕填馅,填料于〔食物〕

3.stuff yourself吃饱,吃足

[+ with]

•The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy. 孩子们一直在一个劲儿地吃糖。

4. sb can stuff sth 让某人的某物见鬼去吧〔非常气愤或粗鲁地表示不接受某人给的东西〕

•‘All right. You can stuff your money!’ Reynolds exploded. “得了。 让你的钱见鬼去吧!”雷诺兹勃然大怒道。


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