How to make English presentation
Experience from TED speeches
在和 TED 学 English Presentation 前,我们先一起逛逛历史上那些令人热血沸腾的演讲:
美国总统林肯在葛底斯堡耳熟能详的演讲,让大家永远记住了 “Of the people, by the people, and for the people”,即 “民有,民治,民享”。
二战时期英国首相 Winston Churchill 丘吉尔 发表对德国战争动员令的著名演讲词:“ I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” “我没有别的,只有鲜血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水来奉献给大家。” 使得丘吉尔在当时的选举中,以300多票对0票全票当选成为英国当时的首相。
美国历届总统竞选演讲和当选之后的 Inauguration Speech 就职演说,比如大家最近听到过 Donald Trump 的就职演讲。


我认为无论是中文演讲,还是 English Presentation,对于我们都非~常~重要。
如果你现在还是在校生,在中国,演讲技能可能不是特别重要。但如果是在国外上学,你的 presentation skills 不光有助于清晰地表达学术见解,而且最终也是学科成绩非常重要的组成部分。
如何你是在外企、国企等公司打拼的职场人,只要工作中需要英语,做英语 presentation 的场景会很多。如果你能游刃有余地在不同的场合,就不同主题做或长或短、或正式或非正式、严肃或风趣幽默的 English presentation,这一定是你职业发展中的亮点和加分项,让你的职业发展路径更宽。
English presentation skill 翻译成汉语是英语演讲技巧,一般听到演讲这个词,我们脑海里会浮现出一个高大上的场合,一个人饱含激情地站在台上演讲。
TFBOYS组合成员王源作为中国青年代表,受邀赴纽约联合国总部出席联合国经社理事会2017青年论坛(ECOSOC Youth Forum 2017),会上王源做了2分钟的英文发言。
其实 English presentation在英语中是非常接地气的,它既可以是高大上场合的 Prepared speech 正式的有稿演讲,但更多的是一种所谓的 “讲几句” 的场景。
在生活或工作中,我们常说“来来来,讲几句” ,这种场景发生频率远远高于正式场合的讲话。看似比较随性地 “讲几句” 的场合,更能体现一个人对演讲内容的妥善把握以及对演讲形式的熟练驾驭能力,说白了就是一种 Story-telling capacity 讲故事的能力。
Because no matter you are college students right now or professional. I guess you would have more and more chances to give English presentations either in class or at your work. In that case, some basic training on English presentation skills will tremendously boost your confidence, and help you relieve a lot from the stage fright.
After all, how to speak English promptly in general public is not a rocket science. So I believe that there are always some formulas to follow, that's why we launched this online training courses for you guys. Because we deeply believe that those rules are not only useful but also easy to practice and most importantly they work all the time. Now I'd like to move on to the second point of my presentation. That is to say, what makes a good English presentation.
言之有物:讲话时一定要有干货,不能假大空,这条属于内容层面的要求,也是四条中最重要的核心标准。言之有理,言之有序,言之有趣 ,则属于具体演讲形式层面的一些要求;
First,got something to say, you can’t always have empty talk, right? NO.2, justify what you say, that's to say, you can’t only put forward the personal argument without any support or further development. Thirdly, say it in a well-organized manner. Fourthly, I mean the last one but not least, say it interestingly if you can.
And in that case I’d like to make a wrap-up for the second point. Yes, a good English presentation skill is really really important. But, the message you’re supposed to share with your audience is the most important part of a good English presentation. It can be some really useful knowledge or information, some inspiring personal stories or experiences or some heart-broken stories, so whatever they are, as long as you can touch your heart, it will be a good English presentation. Even if, even if sometimes you got English accent or you screwed it up when delivering the speech, it's not coming in serious way. That’s really not the most important.
A good beginning is half done. 好的英语演讲开场需要“套路”!!!
By asking a question, you can try to put forward you personal argument, or gradually channel your argument to the audiences.
一般情况下,这种提问法都是演讲人自问自答,目的是要带出演讲的观点或主题。下面这段 TED 的演讲,演讲人通过提问的方式引入死亡的话题,讲述自己小时候看到爷爷去世,对死亡有了第一次思考的故事。
I have a question: Who here remembers when they first realized they were going to die?
I do. I was a young boy, and my grandfather had just died, and I remember a few days later lying in bed at night trying to make sense of what had happened. What did it mean that he was dead? Where had he gone? It was like a hole in reality had opened up and swallowed him. But then the really shocking question occurred to me: If he could die, could it happen to me too? Could that hole in reality open up and swallow me? Would it open up beneath my bed and swallow me as I slept? Well, at some point, all children become aware of death. It can happen in different ways, of course, and usually comes in stages. Our idea of death develops as we grow older. And if you reach back into the dark corners of your memory, you might remember something like what I felt when my grandfather died and when I realized it could happen to me too, that sense that behind all of this the void is waiting.
下面这段 TED 的演讲主题是关于抑郁症的,演讲人曾是一名重度抑郁症患者,讲述了在别人看得见和看不见的地方,他是怎样被抑郁症痛苦的折磨,最终是如何战胜抑郁症的。
For a long time in my life, I felt like I'd been living two different lives. There's the life that everyone sees, and then there's the life that only I see. And in the life that everyone sees, who I am is a friend, a son, a brother, a stand-up comedian and a teenager. That's the life everyone sees. If you were to ask my friends and family to describe me, that's what they would tell you. And that's a huge part of me. That is who I am. And if you were to ask me to describe myself, I'd probably say some of those same things. And I wouldn't be lying, but I wouldn't totally be telling you the truth, either, because the truth is, that's just the life everyone else sees. In the life that only I see, who I am, who I really am, is someone who struggles intensely with depression. I have for the last six years of my life, and I continue to every day.
Now, for someone who has never experienced depression or doesn't really know what that means, that might surprise them to hear, because there's this pretty popular misconception that depression is just being sad when something in your life goes wrong, when you break up with your girlfriend, when you lose a loved one, when you don't get the job you wanted. But that's sadness. That's a natural thing. That's a natural human emotion.
平铺直叙法简单直白、常见保险,在职场中用处很多,比如在PPT支持下正式的 English Presentation。
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.I’m pretty happy to have this opportunity to share with you my thought about blablabla… and these are the three or four points I’d like to talk today.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m very much honored and humbled to address such a big audience today and my presentation today is focusing on blablabla …
Good morning ladies and gentlemen first of all I’m personal by half …. to extend my gratitude to …… for inviting me to speak over this podium today. I would like to have a brief s elf introduction before I’m gonna move on to the theme of my presentation which is about ….
演讲的方法很多,我们并不需要全部掌握,虽然演讲场合会发生变化,但是扎扎实实掌握几种表达方法和基本结构,并且做到熟练地使用,以后做任何 English Presentation 的时候,你都会显得胸有成竹。
NO.1: English presentation skill is really important and it’s gonna be even more important in the future.
NO.2: 言之有物,言之有理,言之有序,言之有趣,能让你的英文演讲更加打动人心。
NO.3: 提问法、单刀直入讲故事法,平铺直叙法,学会每次演讲都在一开始就牢牢抓住听众的眼球吧。