本周例会的主题是:Thanksgiving day
This week's theme is Thanksgiving day
Welcome our new beautiful guest
Granteful heart, Be thankful to meet, be thankful for everything good or bad, what do you want to say to him or her? All are in Xxx well-prepared 7 table topics related to gratitude .
Our friends and members who have participated in the last meeting already knew that, 梅花香自苦寒来 is plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold, 瑞雪兆丰年 is the Snow zhao Good harvest English, so do you still know how to say 知恩图报,善莫大焉 in English this time?
So, 元芳, Did you get it?
This time, all the guests and club members who are participating in the meeting have a chance to give an impromptu speech on stage, No one else has such honor, because every time when we go on stage, we all get closer to improvment. Let's moving forward together.
During table topic, Xxxoverlapped want to thank most is their mother. Indeed, apart from bringing us life and love, Mother is also the first mentor in our life.
Xxx则提到了感恩的心, 对帮助的人抱有感恩的心,把这份感恩传给更多的人,代代相传,世界才会更美好。
Xxx mentioned grateful heart, gratitude for those person who helped us, then pass the gratitude to more people, from generation to generation, the world will become better.
感谢精心准备的即兴演讲主题, 在这也非常感谢各位小伙伴的积极参分享你们的故事和看法!
Thank you Xxxfor her well-prepared tabel topic section, and thanks to all of
you for joining and sharing your stories and ideas!
Next, it was the time for the prepared speech. The prepared speech was snatched up as soon as the quota came out, especially two new members who will bring their ice-breaker. You guys are awesome .
lXxx<<Who am I>>
As soon as Xxx came on stage, she threw out three questions to the audience at the beginning of speech, then skillfully answered the questions and insert with her self-introduction sense of humor, Perfect, Xxxx Are you sure that this is the first time to come on stage? because your style of interaction shows you are a skilled toastmaster.
Unfortunately, Like her evaluator Xxxx said your speech finished too fast, there is still have times, we haven't heard enough, and looking forward to hearing you more next time .
Xxxx <<Myslef>>
Xxxc is too honest, her past and existing life are almost exposed to us. Like evaluator Xxx said, through her expression in details, we clearly know her name, characteristics, graduation major and her work with humorous, we are touched by her possitive ending and working attitude.
Xxxx<<My dream>>
最初以为是I have a dream,原来画风一转,是个真正的关于跳楼机的梦境,话说恐高症,还不是你一人专属。人非超人,所以接受自己的不能,那才是真正的自己。
At first Everyone thought it was like "I have a dream", but it turned out to be a real dream about jumping machine. Fear of heights is not exclusive to you, many of us have the same issue. humanbeing are not superhuman, so just admit and accept our impossibilities, that is real oursleves.
but per evaluator Xxxxsuggeated, be confident and stand ahead of stage when you speech.
Xxxcc fully embodies the excellent style of able person to do more work. they have taken on many meeting roles in different positions. As the former and current present, the power of examples is boundless, SoYoung club is proud of you.
Thanks to Xxxc our meeting manager. All members who have worked as meeting manager would know that it is not easy to organize a meeting. In addition to inviting various roles, he or she also need to take on several roles by themselves. We hope that all club members will continue to support the work of meeting manager and join the meeting actively.
Thank you all, looking forward to meet you in next meeting on 5th Dec.!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
SoYoung SoFun