微软大杀器 LightGBM 在R中安装及使用注解

微软大杀器 LightGBM 在R中安装及使用注解

作者: 飘舞的鼻涕 | 来源:发表于2017-11-02 14:20 被阅读214次


    安装R版本的 lightgbm, 相较于之前的 install.packages('xx') 分分钟完事, 会略显繁琐, 笔者在安装之初也是填了n次坑, 与 巨硬的R包作者 来往了好几次才成功, 故将安装过程笔记放在这里, 以饷后来人
    注,任何疑问都返回 github blog留言,或者加QQ群..[174225475].. 共同探讨进步

    1. 非GPU版本
    • 1.0 官方安装指导 传送门
    • 1.1 安装前的准备
      安装 gitcmake
      注: lightgbm 不支持 32-bit R/Rtools
    • 1.2.1 windows 平台
      安装 64 位 Rtools 并将 启动路径放置于 环境变量的path中
      也可以直接运行代码 :
      options(devtools.install.args = "--no-multiarch") # if you have 64-bit R only, you can skip this
      install_github("Microsoft/LightGBM", subdir = "R-package")
    • 1.2.2 linux 平台
      先安装 Open MPI
      尔后运行以下代码 :
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM ; cd LightGBM
      mkdir build ; cd build
      cmake -DUSE_MPI=ON ..
      make -j4
      Note: glibc >= 2.14 is required.
    • 1.2.3 osx 平台
      先安装 gcc 和 Open MPI :
      brew install openmpi
      brew install cmake
      brew install gcc --without-multilib
      尔后 :
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM ; cd LightGBM
      export CXX=g++-7 CC=gcc-7
      mkdir build ; cd build
      cmake -DUSE_MPI=ON ..
      make -j4
    1. GPU版本


    1. 回归

    train_dt <- df1 %>% filter(label1!=0)
    test_dt <- df1 %>% filter(label1==0)
    indx1 <- sample(c(0,1),size = nrow(train_dt),replace = TRUE,prob = c(0.8,0.2))  
    train1 <- train_dt %>% filter(indx1==0)
    valid1 <- train_dt %>% filter(indx1==1)
    #lgb.unloader(wipe = TRUE)
    bia1 <- train1 %>% 
      select(-ids1,-label1) %>% 
      data.matrix() # change class(Vars) into numeric
    bia2 <- train1$price_1mi
    dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data=bia1,
                          # colnames/categorical_feather used for specifying categorical feathers
                          colnames = colnames(train1 %>% select(-ids1,-label1)),
                          categorical_feature = c('cateVar1','cateVar2'))
    bia3 <- valid1 %>% 
      select(-ids1,-label1) %>%
      data.matrix() # change class(Vars) into numeric
    bia4 <- valid1$price_1mi
    dtest <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(dataset=dtrain,
    valids <- list(test=dtest)
    params <- list(objective = "regression", metric = "l2") # L2 not twelve
    lgb1 <- lgb.train(params=params,
                      valids = valids,
                      min_data =1, # min data in a group
                      learning_rate=0.1, # smaller,slower,maybe more accurate
                      nrounds = 300,
                      early_stopping_rounds = 20) #if not better than last 20 rounds,stop
    bia7 <- test_dt %>% 
      select(-ids1,-label1) %>%
      data.matrix() # change class(Vars) into numeric

    2. 分类


    • MultiClass模型中 label必须是 数值型且必须起始于0
    # We must convert factors to numeric
    # They must be starting from number 0 to use multiclass
    # For instance: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
    iris$Species <- as.numeric(as.factor(iris$Species)) - 1
    • Binary模型中, label必须是 数值型[0,1]

    so, 重要的事情说三遍! 重要的事情说三遍! 重要的事情说三遍 ... 也不一定记得住:

    lightgbm 做分类预测, label 必须是 数值 且 起始于0

    2.1 二分类

    info1 <- fread('./data2/info1.csv',header = TRUE,encoding = 'UTF-8')
    train_dt <- info1 %>% filter(!is.na(overdue))
    test_dt <- info1 %>% filter(is.na(overdue))
    train_dt$valid_inx <- sample(c(1,0),nrow(train_dt),replace = TRUE,prob = c(0.2,0.8))
    bia1 <- train_dt %>% filter(valid_inx==0) %>% 
      select(-userid,-overdue,-valid_inx) %>% data.matrix()
    bia2 <- 1-(train_dt %>% filter(valid_inx==0))$overdue
    bia3 <- train_dt %>% filter(valid_inx==1) %>% 
      select(-userid,-overdue,-valid_inx) %>% data.matrix()
    bia4 <- 1-(train_dt %>% filter(valid_inx==1))$overdue
    dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data = bia1, 
                          label = bia2,
                          is_sparse = FALSE,
                          # colnames/categorical_feather used for specifying categorical feathers
                          colnames = colnames(bia1),
                          categorical_feature = c('sex','occupation','education','marriage'))
    dtest <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(dtrain, 
                                      data = bia3, 
                                      label = bia4)
    valids <- list(test = dtest)
    ## --- way2
    param <- list(num_leaves =70, # 70/80 default,2^(max_depth)
                  learning_rate = 0.1, # smaller,slower,maybe more accurate
                  is_unbalance=TRUE, # unbalance TrainingSet
                  nthread = 3,
                  verbose = 1,
                  metric=c("AUC", "binary_logloss"), # evaluate rules
                  objective = "binary")
    lgb2 <- lgb.train(params=param, 
                      nrounds = 200,
                      early_stopping_rounds = 10,
                      valids = valids,
                      bagging_fraction = 0.7, # random sample ratio from trainSet
                      bagging_freq = 10, # random sample freq from trainSet
                      bagging_seed = 1) # set.seed
    pred2 <- predict(lgb2,data.matrix(test_dt %>% select(-userid,-overdue)))
    pred20 <- as.data.frame(cbind(userid=test_dt$userid,probability = 1-pred2))

    2.2 多分类

    多分类 与 二分类参数设置上的不同主要有:

    1. 需要设置 num_class(label类别数量)
    params <- list(objective = "multiclass", metric = "multi_error", num_class = 3)
    1. predict 结果输出形式可以自定义
    # A (30x3) matrix with the predictions, use parameter reshape
    # class1 class2 class3
    #   obs1   obs1   obs1
    #   obs2   obs2   obs2
    #   ....   ....   ....
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], reshape = TRUE)
    # We can also get the predicted scores before the Sigmoid/Softmax application
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], rawscore = TRUE, reshape = TRUE)
    # We can also get the leaf index
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], predleaf = TRUE, reshape = TRUE)

    下面是lightgbm官网对 iris 数据集的分类预测demo, 供实践参考

    # We load the default iris dataset shipped with R
    # We must convert factors to numeric
    # They must be starting from number 0 to use multiclass
    # For instance: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
    iris$Species <- as.numeric(as.factor(iris$Species)) - 1
    # We cut the data set into 80% train and 20% validation
    # The 10 last samples of each class are for validation
    train <- as.matrix(iris[c(1:40, 51:90, 101:140), ])
    test <- as.matrix(iris[c(41:50, 91:100, 141:150), ])
    dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data = train[, 1:4], label = train[, 5])
    dtest <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(dtrain, data = test[, 1:4], label = test[, 5])
    valids <- list(test = dtest)
    # Method 1 of training
    params <- list(objective = "multiclass", metric = "multi_error", num_class = 3)
    model <- lgb.train(params = params,
                      data = dtrain,
                      nrounds = 100,
                      valids = valids,
                       min_data = 1,
                       learning_rate = 1,
                       early_stopping_rounds = 10)
    # possibility for each class by cols:
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], reshape = TRUE)
                [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
     [1,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
     [2,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
     [3,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
     [4,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
     [5,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
     [6,] 0.82590130 0.08704935 0.08704935
    # We can also get the predicted scores before the Sigmoid/Softmax application
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], rawscore = TRUE, reshape = TRUE)
           [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
     [1,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
     [2,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
     [3,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
     [4,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
     [5,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
     [6,]  1.50 -0.75 -0.75
    # We can also get the leaf index
    my_preds <- predict(model, test[, 1:4], predleaf = TRUE)
          [,1] [,2] [,3]
     [7,]    0    0    0
     [8,]    0    0    0
     [9,]    0    0    0
    [10,]    0    0    0
    [11,]    1    6    0
    [12,]    2    6    0

    3. 参数调优

    ## For faster speed
    # Use bagging by setting bagging_fraction and bagging_freq
    # Use feature sub-sampling by setting feature_fraction
    # Use small max_bin
    # Use save_binary to speed up data loading in future learning
    # Use parallel learning, refer to parallel learning guide.
    ## For better accuracy
    # Use large max_bin (may be slower)
    # Use small learning_rate with large num_iterations
    # Use large num_leaves(may cause over-fitting)
    # Use bigger training data
    # Try dart
    ## Deal with over-fitting
    # Use small max_bin
    # Use small num_leaves
    # Use min_data_in_leaf and min_sum_hessian_in_leaf
    # Use bagging by set bagging_fraction and bagging_freq
    # Use feature sub-sampling by set feature_fraction
    # Use bigger training data
    # Try lambda_l1, lambda_l2 and min_gain_to_split to regularization
    # Try max_depth to avoid growing deep tree


    lightgbm R-package github
    lightgbm demos



        本文标题:微软大杀器 LightGBM 在R中安装及使用注解
