reading list

作者: gotohigh | 来源:发表于2016-12-13 17:32 被阅读30次

[HTML]Dynamic Aberration Correction for Conformal Window of High-Speed Aircraft Using Optimized Model-Based Wavefront SensorlessAdaptive Optics

B Dong, Y Li, X Han, B Hu - Sensors, 2016

Abstract: For high-speed aircraft, a conformal window is used to optimize the aerodynamic

performance. However, the local shape of the conformal window leads to large amounts of

dynamic aberrations varying with look angle. In this paper, deformable mirror (DM) and...

Devices and methods forwavefront sensingand corneal topography

SJ Steven, JY Kim - US Patent 9,427,156, 2016

Devices and methods forwavefront sensingand keratometry are described. A device

includes a lens assembly, a wavefront sensor, and a keratometer. The wavefront sensor

includes: the lens assembly; a first light source configured to emit first light and transfer the...

Dual-wavelength common-path digital holographic microscopy for quantitative phase imaging based on lateral shearing interferometry

J Di, Y Li, M Xie, J Zhang, C Ma, T Xi, E Li, J Zhao - Applied Optics, 2016

...One way to solve this problem is with the in-line common-path configuration of digitalholography....

As an important approach to remove the phase ambiguity in the numerical propagating wavefronts,

dual-wavelength digitalholographywas first introduced by Wagner et al....

[HTML]Architecture for one-shot compressive imaging using computer-generated holograms

AJ Macfaden, SJ Kindness, TD Wilkinson - Applied Optics, 2016

...OCIS Categories:Holography;Holography(090.0090); Diffractive optics (090.1970);

Imaging systems; Computational imaging (110.1758). About this Article History:...holograms.

Fourierholographyis a special case of coherent diffractive optics....

Simulation study of dual-space microscopy

DB Desai, MV Zhelyeznyakov, SAS Alanzi… - Applied Optics, 2016

High power laserimaging systems

RJ Martinsen, SR Karlsen, SA Lerner - US Patent 9,429,742, 2016

Animagingsystem for use with an input light beam having power of 2 kW or greater and a

predetermined intensity profile across at least on axis transverse to a propagation axis

thereof, includes a mask disposed in relation to the input light beam, the mask configured...

Extending depth of field for hybridimaging systemsvia the use of both dark and dot point spread functions

LV Nhu, Z Fan, S Chen, F Dang - Applied Optics, 2016

Abstract In this paper, we propose one method based on the use of both dark and dot point

spread functions (PSFs) to extend depth of field in hybridimaging systems. Two different

phase modulations of two phase masks are used to generate both dark and dot PSFs. The...

[PDF]Nanoscale thermalimagingof dissipation in quantumsystems

D Halbertal, J Cuppens, MB Shalom, L Embon… - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2016

Abstract: Energy dissipation is a fundamental process governing the dynamics of physical,

chemical, and biologicalsystems. It is also one of the main characteristics distinguishing

quantum and classical phenomena. In condensed matter physics, in particular, scattering..

[PDF]Monte-Carlo modelling of multi-objectadaptive opticsperformance on the European Extremely Large Telescope

A Basden, T Morris - arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02476, 2016

Abstract: The performance of a wide-fieldadaptive opticssystem depends on input design

parameters. Here we investigate the performance of a multi-objectadaptive opticssystem

design for the European Extremely Large Telescope, using an end-to-end Monte-Carlo...

[HTML]Coherence-Gated SensorlessAdaptive OpticsMultiphoton Retinal Imaging

M Cua, DJ Wahl, Y Zhao, S Lee, S Bonora… - Scientific Reports, 2016

Abstract Multiphoton microscopy enables imaging deep into scattering tissues. The efficient

generation of non-linear optical effects is related to both the pulse duration (typically on the

order of femtoseconds) and the size of the focused spot. Aberrations introduced by...

Double Encryption of Binary Image using a Random Phase Mask and Two-step Phase-shifting DigitalHolography

C Kim - Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2016

Abstract In this paper, double encryption technique of binary image using random phase

mask and 2-step phase-shifting digitalholographyis proposed. After phase modulating of

binary image, firstly, random phase mask to be used as key image is generated through...

Digital holographic metrology based on multi-angle interferometry

J Dong, C Jiang, S Jia - Optics Letters, 2016

...Digitalholographyhas been developed significantly during the past few decades, andholography

has become more practical and available without complicated chemical processing [1], thus

leading to many applications such as three-dimensional (3D) imaging, digital...

[HTML]3D Holographic Observatory for Long-term Monitoring of Complex Behaviors in Drosophila

SS Kumar, Y Sun, S Zou, J Hong - Scientific Reports, 2016

...Digital InlineHolography(DIH), primarily a microscopic imaging technique, has emerged as an

effective and compact tool to obtain 3D information of objects with both high spatial resolution

and extended depth of field, ie more than 3 orders higher than traditional microscopy...

[HTML]Viewpoint: Ghost imaging with x rays

D Saldin - Physics, 2016

...But there is some hope of measuring the phase directly in x-ray diffraction imaging

by borrowing concepts fromholographyand from the techniques proposed here,

especially Yu and co-workers' technique. Inholography, the...

Off-axis digital holographic particle positioning based on polarization-sensitive wavefront curvature estimation

J Öhman, M Sjödahl - Applied Optics, 2016

...By recording scattered light at 90° using off-axisholography, the complex amplitude

of the light is obtained. By reconstruction of the imaged scene, a complex valued

volume is produced....B. Off-axisHolographyand Reconstruction....

How many times should a paper be reconsidered?: editorial

R Driggers, F Pietrarca, M Mameli, S Filippeschi… - Applied Optics, 2016

... Imaging Systems. Common-path optical coherence tomography using a microelectromechanical-

system-based endoscopic probe. ... Geometric Optics (1); Image Processing (5); Imaging Systems

(2); Instrumentation, Measurement, and Metrology (11); Lasers and Laser Optics (2); ...

Design of a phase contrastimagingdiagnostic for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

EM Edlund, M Porkolab, O Grulke, C Sehren - Bulletin of the American Physical …, 2016

...PCI method have been described in numerous past publications [1,2]. In W7-X the PCI system

will have twoimagingsystemsdiffering only in the angle of the spatial mask that selects for

magnetic pitch angle, and will produce measurements of poloidal and radial correlations....

Proximity operators forphase retrieval

F Soulez, É Thiébaut, A Schutz, A Ferrari, F Courbin… - Applied Optics, 2016

Abstract We present a new formulation of a family of proximity operators that generalize the

projector step forphase retrieval. These proximity operators for noisy intensity

measurements can replace the classical “noise-free” projection in any projection-based...

ImagingFlash Lidar for Autonomous Safe Landing and Spacecraft Proximity Operation

F Amzajerdian, VE Roback, PF Brewster, GD Hines… - AIAA SPACE 2016, 2016

...SR is a well-established technique for enhancing two-dimensional (2-D) images, and over the

years a large number of algorithms have been developed for processing intensity images

produced by different types ofimagingsystems.35,36 With the emergence of flash lidar...

Adaptive optics–basic optical principles

K Irsch - Acta Ophthalmologica, 2016

SummaryAdaptive Optics(AO) refers to a technique to compensate for distortions caused by

optical aberrations in the media between the camera and the object being imaged. It was

originally developed for use in astronomical telescopes to compensate for optical...

High resolutionadaptive opticsretinal image analysis in early‐stage central areolar choroidal dystrophy with a PRPH2 mutation

K Gocho, N Itoh, K Akeo, S Kameya, T Hayashi… - Acta Ophthalmologica, 2016

Purpose To report clinical features in Japanese patients with early stage (stage 1 and 2)

central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD). Methods Five family members participated in

this study. We performed comprehensive ophthalmic examination, includingadaptive ...

Phase retrievaldeblurring for imaging of dense object within a low scattering soft biological tissue

MA Shalev, Y Rivenson, A Meiri, Z Zalevsky - Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016

Abstract. Tissues are characterized by a strong scattering of visible optical radiation, which

prevents one from achieving deep-tissue imaging. We propose a computational imaging

technique for the inference of specific macroscopic, spatialphasedistribution features of...

2D Hilbert transform forphase retrievalof speckle fields

MP Gorsky, PA Ryabyi, DI Ivanskyi - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract The paper presents principal approaches to diagnosing the structure forming

skeleton of the complex optical field. An analysis of optical field singularity algorithms

depending on intensity discretization and image resolution has been carried out. An...

[HTML]Memory-effect based deconvolution microscopy for super-resolution imaging through scattering media

E Edrei, G Scarcelli - Scientific Reports, 2016

...To achieve this, we demonstrate a novel microscopy technique enabled by the optical

memory effect that uses a deconvolution image processing and thus it does not require

iterative focusing, scanning orphaseretrievalprocedures....

[PDF]Exploiting scattering media for exploring 3-D objects

AK Singh, DN Naik, G Pedrini - 2016

...can be reconstructed using aphaseretrievalalgorithm [35]. The intensity correlation

techniques were demonstrated...and controllable depth of focus. To avoid the

computational burden of a 3-Dphaseretrievalalgorithm and the..

[HTML]Precise and fast spatial-frequency analysis using the iterative local Fourier transform

S Lee, H Choi, DW Kim - Optics Express, 2016

...The ilFT method can be applied to various types of spectral analysis (eg, interferogram

conditioning andphaseretrievalin optical metrology [23]) that require both calculation efficiency

and high-precision capability within the spectral range of interest. Acknowledgments....

Understanding local forces in electrophoretic inksystems: utilizing optical tweezers to explore electrophoretic display devices

DL Wei, MR Dickinson, N Smith, HF Gleeson - SPIE Nanoscience+ Engineering, 2016

...It may be concluded from Equation (2) that using velocimetry techniques one could calculate

the electric field, however, in many particlesystemsthere will...lens is housed in a Leica DM-IRB

inverted microscope, which also provides the necessary optics to allowimagingof the...

Learning to Analyze Medical Images: A Smart Adaptive Learning Environment for an Ill-Defined Domain

S Johnson, OR Zaiane - Innovations in Smart Learning, 2017

...Keywords: Smart Learning Environments, Intelligent TutoringSystems, Adaptive Feedback,

Gamification, MedicalImaging, Serious Games, Reinforcement Learning 1 Introduction

Analysis of medical images is an important tool in modern medicine....

Design of super-resolving lenses in far-fieldimaging

NC Lozano-Rincón, NA Ochoa - Optics Communications, 2017

...Design of super-resolving lenses in far-fieldimaging....peak reduction of the PSF, at the cost of

increasing the secondary side lobes and reducing the central core intensity dramatically [5].

Super-resolution methods deal with the PSF core reduction of opticalsystemslimited by...

Wavefront phase retrieval with multi-aperture Zernike filter for atmospheric sensing andadaptive opticsapplications

B Bordbar, NH Farwell, MA Vorontsov - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract A novel scintillation resistant wavefront sensor based on a densely packed array of

classical Zernike filters, referred to as the multi-aperture Zernike wavefront sensor (MAZ-

WFS), is introduced and analyzed through numerical simulations. Wavefront phase...

Digital holography wavefront sensing in the pupil-plane recording geometry for distributed-volume atmospheric aberrations

MT Banet, MF Spencer, RA Raynor, DK Marker - SPIE Optical Engineering+ …, 2016

abstract Digital holography in the pupil-plane recording geometry shows promise as a

wavefront sensor for use in adaptive-optics systems. Because current wavefront sensors

suffer from decreased performance in the presence of turbulence and thermal blooming, ...

Complex wavefront sensing with a plenoptic sensor

C Wu, J Ko, CC Davis - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract There are many techniques to achieve basic wavefront sensing tasks in the weak

atmospheric turbulence regime. However, in strong and deep turbulence situations, the

complexity of a propagating wavefront increases significantly. Typically, beam breakup ...

Wavefront measurement of vortex beam using ptychographicphase retrieval

T Saito, Y Takeo, H Mimura - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract For vortex beams, characterization and optimization of the optical system are

important. However, wavefront measurements on focused vortex beams are difficult because

they have complexphaseand intensity distributions. As a measurement method, we...

[HTML]Adaptive laser-induced ultrasound generation using a micro-mirror array spatial light modulator

F Schmieder, L Büttner, J Czarske - Optics Express, 2016

...Since the referencing of the impinging laser beam with Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensors or

with holography data is experimentally quite difficult, we use another step ofphaseretrievalfor

the determination of the original amplitude andphasedistribution according to [24]....

[HTML]Holographywith a neutron interferometer

D Sarenac, MG Huber, B Heacock, M Arif, CW Clark… - Optics Express, 2016

Abstract We use a Mach-Zehnder interferometer to perform neutronholographyof a spiral

phase plate. The object beam passes through a spiral phase plate, acquiring the phase twist

characteristic of orbital angular momentum states. The reference beam passes through a...

Wavefront sensing for anisotropic turbulence using digitalholography

ST Thurman, P Gatt, T Alley - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract We report on digital holographic imaging through atmospheric turbulence. Data

recorded with aberrations is corrected during post processing using an iterative sharpness-

metric maximization algorithm. Assuming the correction cancels the actual wavefront error,...

Design of wide-fieldimagingshack Hartmann testbed

LH Schatz, RP Scott, RS Bronson, LRW Sanchez… - SPIE Optical Engineering+ …, 2016

...the optical aberration is roughly constant. Forimagingsystemsthat require a

corrected field of view larger than the isoplanatic angle, a three-dimensional estimate

of the aberration is required. We are developing a wide-field...

Two-Point Resolution with Partially Coherent Light for PolarizationImaging

X Hu, W Wang -Imaging Systemsand Applications, 2016

Abstract Multi-wavelength Fresnel digital holography is used to extract 3D features of objects

imaged using a confocal system. The computed phase around the image plane using the

synthetic wavelength gives the depth of the original object.

[PDF]New Frontiers in RetinalImaging

Z Hu, Q Liu, YM Paulus - International Journal of Ophthalmic Research, 2016

...SLO has been significantly improved through integration to AO, called Adaptive Optics Scanning

Laser Ophthalmoscope (AOSLO). AO is used in retinalimagingsystemsto compensate for optical

aberrations through a wave front-sensing technology and a deformable mirror....

Improvingwavefront sensingwith a Shack–Hartmann device

M Rais, JM Morel, C Thiebaut, JM Delvit, G Facciolo - Applied Optics, 2016

Abstract To achieve higher resolutions, current earth observation satellites use larger,

lightweight primary mirrors that can deform over time, affecting the image quality. To

overcome this problem, we evaluated the possibility of combining a deformable mirror with...


K Stein, S Gładysz, A Zepp, E Anzuola, M Segel

ABSTRACT: Atmospheric effects limit the performance of any electro-optical (EO) system.

Tasks such as laser communication and delivery of directed energy are significantly affected

by turbulence and refraction. A correction of atmospheric effects on the propagation of...

Wavefront reconstructionbased on quadrant binary phase plate with single far field

S Wang, P Yang, L Dong, B Xu - SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 2016

abstract Phase retrieval is a simple and concise way of reconstructing wavefront, especially

the method based on single far field formed by just a lens. However, for the symmetry of

Zernike polynomial aberrations, light with different wavefront could form the same far-field...

Widefield fluorescence microscopy with sensor-based conjugateadaptive opticsusing oblique back illumination

J Li, TG Bifano, J Mertz - Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016

Abstract. We describe a wavefront sensor strategy for the implementation ofadaptive optics

(AO) in microscope applications involving thick, scattering media. The strategy is based on

the exploitation of multiple scattering to provide oblique back illumination of the wavefront-...

Adaptive opticsfull-field optical coherence tomography

P Xiao, M Fink, AC Boccara - Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2016

Abstract. We describe a simple and compact full-field optical coherence tomography

(FFOCT) setup coupled to a transmissive liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LCSLM) to

induce or correct aberrations. To reduce the system complexity, strict pupil conjugation...

Technical Note: An oversampling procedure to calculate the MTF of animagingsystem from a bar-pattern image

A González-López, PA Campos-Morcillo… - Medical Physics, 2016

Purpose: Line-pair resolution phantoms are used to determine the spatial resolution

of medicalimagingsystems....Abstract. Purpose: Line-pair resolution phantoms are used

to determine the spatial resolution of medicalimagingsystems....

A Maximum-Likelihood Approach for Localizing and Characterizing Special Nuclear Material with a Dual-Particle Imager.

JK Polack - 2016

...nuclear material (SNM). Radiationimagingsystemshave a distinct advantage over

more traditionalsystemsin that they are designed to provide localized information

of the observed the radiation field. Accurate characterization of...

[HTML]High-speed compressive rangeimagingbased on active illumination

Y Sun, X Yuan, S Pang - Optics Express, 2016

...Rangeimagingsystems, which collect three-dimensional spatial information of the object surface,

have a wide range of applications in medical procedures [1], archaeological landscape mapping

[2], industrial metrology, 3D printing [3], tracking, and vehicle navigation [4...

SimplifiedPhaseDiversity algorithm based on a first-order Taylor expansion

D Zhang, X Zhang, S Xu, N Liu, L Zhao - Applied Optics, 2016

...These methods can be classified into two types: one depends on the hardware facilities such

as Shack–Hartmann [3], Curvature Sensing [4] and Pyramid Sensor [5]; the other uses images

such asPhaseRetrieval(PR) [6] andPhaseDiversity (PD) [7].PhaseDiversity only...

In-focus quantitative intensity and phase imaging with the numerical focusing transport of intensity equation method

X Tian, X Meng, W Yu, X Song, L Xue, C Liu, S Wang - Journal of Optics, 2016

... in-focus and defocus intensities. However, during measurements, the focal plane

is often decided artificially and the improper choice may induce errors in quantitative

intensity and phase retrieval. In order to obtain accurate ...

[HTML]Improving principal component analysis basedphaseextraction method forphase-shifting interferometry by integrating spatial information

K Yatabe, K Ishikawa, Y Oikawa - Optics Express, 2016

...Fringe analysis (100.2650);Phaseretrieval(100.5070); Instrumentation, measurement,

and metrology;Phasemeasurement (120.5050). About this Article History: Original

Manuscript: August 1, 2016; Revised Manuscript: September...

[PDF]Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications IV

P Schelkens, T Ebrahimi, G Cristóbal, F Truchetet… - Proc. of SPIE Vol, 2016

...SESSION 3HOLOGRAPHY9896 0C Slightly off-axisholographywith partially coherent

illumination implemented into a standard microscope [9896-11]...9896 1B Singlet oxygen detection

in water by means of digitalholographyand digital holographic tomography [9896-48]...

[PDF]Label-free Quantitative Imaging of Sperm for

SK Mirsky, I Barnea, NT Shaked - 2016

...JFIV Reprod Med Genet ISSN: 2375-4508 JFIV, an open access journal Keywords: IVF; IMSI;

ICSI; IPM;Holography; Imaging; Sperm Introduction...However, up till now IPM, also known as

holographyhas been too complicated and expensive to be implemented in clinics....

Arrayimagingsystem for lithography

R Kirner, K Mueller, P Malaurie, U Vogler, W Noell… - SPIE Optical Engineering+ …, 2016

...references. 1. Voelkel, R., "Wafer-scale micro-optics fabrication", Advanced Optical

Technologies, 1(3), 135–150 (2012). 2. Voelkel, R., Eisner, M.,Weible,KJ, "Miniaturized

imagingsystems", Microelectronic Engineering, 67-68, 461–472 (2003)....

Iterative approach for zero-order term elimination in off-axis multiplex digitalholography

D Zhao, D Xie, Y Yang, H Zhai - Optics Communications, 2017

Abstract An iterative approach is proposed to eliminate the zero-order term from an off-axis

multiplexed hologram that contains several sub-holograms. The zero-order components of

each sub-hologram are effectively eliminated one by one using the proposed iterative...

Ghost Imaging

M Padgett, R Aspden, G Gibson, M Edgar, G Spalding - Optics and Photonics News, 2016

... Imaging iStock Page 3. 40 OPTICS & PHOTONICS NEWS OCTOBER 2016 Quantum: Imaging

via entanglement Ghost-imaging systems rely upon spatial cor- relations between two separated

optical fields. ... imaging systems are closely related to so-called single-pixel cameras. ...

Terahertz off-axis digitalholography

X Han, W Shi, L Hou, M Xu, H Liu, Y Xu - … , and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016 …, 2016

Abstract: A terahertz (THz) digitalholographysystem is built using a Gunn oscillator worked

at 0.17 THz as the source and a Pyroelectric array camera as the detector array. Image was

reconstructed in frequency domain of the hologram by using rectangular windowed filter and

Depth enhancement of 3D microscopic living‐cell image using incoherent fluorescent digitalholography

LT Bang, HY Wu, Y Zhao, EG Kim, N Kim - Journal of Microscopy, 2016

Summary Multilayer images of living cells are typically obtained using confocal or

multiphoton microscopy. However, limitations on the distance between consecutive scan

layers hinder high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction, and scattering strongly

Holographyas imaging technique for the THz range

YY Choporova, BA Knyazev, MS Mitkov - … , and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016 …, 2016

Abstract: Classicalholographyhas been applied to real-time or single-shot imaging at the

Novosibirsk free electron laser facility. Specific features of two imaging devices for hologram

recording are described. We have analyzed the applicability of reconstruction techniques

[PDF]Holograms are no longer the future, but we must not forget them-here's why

SF Johnston - Conversation, 2016

... The future that never came Holography had been conceived by Gabor as an improvement

for electron microscopes, but after a decade its British developers publicly dubbed it an

impractical white elephant. ... Holography has not replaced photography. ...

[PDF]Holograms are no longer the future, but we must not forget them-here's why

SF Johnston - Conversation, 2016

...The future that never cameHolographyhad been conceived by Gabor as an improvement

for electron microscopes, but after a decade its British developers publicly dubbed it an

impractical white elephant....Holographyhas not replaced photography....

[HTML]Sparsity-based multi-heightphaserecovery in holographic microscopy

Y Rivenson, Y Wu, H Wang, Y Zhang, A Feizi, A Ozcan - Scientific Reports, 2016

...To address thisphaseretrievalproblem 5,7,8 of in-line holography it is common to

apply measurement diversity which can include, eg sample-to-sensor distances

9,10,11,12 , illumination angles 13,14 and wavelengths 14,15 ....

[PDF]Time-multiplexed structured illumination using a DMD for optical diffraction tomography

K Lee, K Kim, G Kim, S Shin, YK Park - arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00044, 2016

...Recently, ODT and 3-Dquantitativephaseimagingtechniques have been widely applied to

investigate various fields of research, including hematology [5-10], immunology [11, 12],

neuroscience [13, 14], infectious diseases [5, 15, 16], cancer cells [17, 18], and industrial...


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    1, news one passage from New Yorker-related to the Russia...

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    [HTML]Dynamic Aberration Correction for Conformal Window ...

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