Simplifying, Downsizing, and Going Nomadic
By Steve Pavlina
Recently I decided to undergo a major lifestyle transition. In 2015 I plan to go completely nomadic.
No stable home. Very few possessions. Living and working from the road.
For the past several weeks, I’ve already been taking action to prepare for this shift, but I still have a ways to go because I need to sell my house and process everything inside of it.
Timing-wise I’m not sure how long it will take to actually get on the road. I’m not in a rush, but most likely I’ll list my house for sale in the Spring and hopefully sell it in the Summer. The main limiting step is how long it takes to sell the house. I’m happy to keep making forward progress each month, but I’m flexible on the timing.
Rachelle and I are doing this together. She’s been spending the past several weeks downsizing all of her stuff.
This is something we’ve both been leaning towards for a long time, and we finally decided to go for it.
How long will we stay nomadic? Since we’ve never done this before, I have no idea. We’ll try it and see how it goes. We might burn out after several months. Or we might love it and keep going for several years. I suspect the latter outcome is more likely.
Our current intention is to travel somewhat slowly since switching locations too often seems more likely to lead to burnout. We’ll likely pick a city/country we want to visit for a while, rent an apartment or AirBnB place, stay for 2-3 months, and repeat with a different city when we’re ready to move on. Automatic tourist visas are commonly granted for 90 days in many places, so this should give us plenty of options.
I have a number of friends who’ve already done this. Some have stopped after a few years. One has been going for 10+ years and still loves it. But everyone seems glad to have done it.
作者:Steve Pavilna
我们现在打算把旅行的节奏稍微放慢一些,因为太频繁地换地方可能会导致精疲力尽而放弃。我们很有可能会选一个想去的城市或国家,租一套公寓或AirBnB, 待上两三个月,然后再换一个地方,如此往复。大多数地方都接受这种90天的自动旅游签证,这让我们有很多选择。