iOS 使用OpenCV 将UIImage 转为GCode码

iOS 使用OpenCV 将UIImage 转为GCode码

作者: 西瓜吃了吗 | 来源:发表于2021-09-10 19:16 被阅读0次


    第一步 配置OpenCV环境


    1.使用 cocoapods 导入openCV2库

    pod 'OpenCV2'

    注意:此处导入的是OpenCV2,不是OpenCV,我先pod OpenCV,结果编译报错,网上查阅资料让pod OpenCV2,原因是由于OpenCV库太老,会导致很多文件名重复 从而编译失败。



    4.需要将.h和.mm文件的 Identity and Type 中的Type 选择 Objective C ++ Source


    注意:需要在导入所有头文件前导入OpenVC的头文件,并且需要开头加上 #ifdef __cplusplus,结尾加上 #endif

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #import <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    #import <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #import <opencv2/imgcodecs/ios.h>
    #import <opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h>
    #import <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
    #import <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
    #import <iostream>
    #import <vector>
    #import <iosfwd>
    #import <ios>
    #import <fstream>

    6.targets ->Build Phases->link binary中加入一下库:


    第二步 写相关OpenCV代码


    @interface LYImageToGCode : NSObject
    + (void)Image2GcodeFromImage:(UIImage *)image;


    #import "LYImageToGCode.h"
    using namespace cv;
    using namespace std;
    bool isG0Mode = true;
    uint32_t StringLen = 0;
    float quality;
    uchar* gData;
    char x_ValueString[10], y_ValueString[10], s_ValueString[10];
    volatile uint16_t yLast = 0xFFFF;
    float matrix[3][4]{
        {0, 0, 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 8},
        {1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 8, 0},
        {0, 1.0 / 8, 0, 0}
    @implementation LYImageToGCode
    void image_atkinson(Mat &srcImg)
        cv::Mat img;
        cv::cvtColor(srcImg, img, COLOR_GRAY2BGRA);
        const int matrixHeight = 3;
        const int matrixWidth = 4;
        int matrixOffset = 0;
        for (int k = 1; k < matrixWidth; k++) {
            if (matrix[0][k] > 0.0) {
                matrixOffset = k - 1;
        double f_data = 0;
        uchar *pimgdata = img.ptr<uchar>(0);
        for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++) {
            const int reverse = (y & 1);
            for (int x = reverse ? img.cols - 1 : 0; reverse ? x >= 0 : x < img.cols; reverse ? x-- : x++) {
                const int index = (y * img.cols + x) << 2;
                const int origin = pimgdata[index];
                pimgdata[index] = origin > 127 ? 255 : 0;
                pimgdata[index + 1] = pimgdata[index];
                pimgdata[index + 2] = pimgdata[index];
                const int err = origin - pimgdata[index];
                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWidth; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < matrixHeight; j++) {
                        if (matrix[j][i] > 0) {
                            const int x2 = reverse ? x - (i - matrixOffset) : x + (i - matrixOffset);
                            const int y2 = y + j;
                            if (x2 >= 0 && x2 < img.cols && y2 < img.rows) {
                                const int idx2 = index + ((x2 - x) << 2) + (y2 - y) * (img.cols << 2);
                                f_data = matrix[j][i] * err + pimgdata[idx2];
                                f_data = (f_data < 0) ? 0 : ((f_data > 255) ? 255 : f_data);
                                pimgdata[idx2] = (f_data + 0.5);
        cv::cvtColor(img, srcImg, COLOR_BGRA2GRAY);
    uint32_t float2string(uint32_t f, uint32_t p, char* s)
        uint32_t fi = p * f / quality + 0.5;
        memset(s, 0, 8);
        if (fi == 0)
            s[0] = '0';
            return 1;
        while (p > 1)
            if (fi % 10)
            fi /= 10;
            p /= 10;
        if (fi >= 100000)
            s[0] = fi / 100000 + 0x30;
            s[1] = fi / 10000 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[2] = fi / 1000 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[3] = '.';
            s[4] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[5] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[6] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
            return 7;
        else if (fi >= 10000)
            if (p == 1000)
                s[0] = fi / 10000 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 1000 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = '.';
                s[3] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[4] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[5] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 6;
                s[0] = fi / 10000 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 1000 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[3] = '.';
                s[4] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[5] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 6;
        else if (fi >= 1000)
            if (p == 1000)
                s[0] = fi / 1000 + 0x30;
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[3] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[4] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 5;
            else if (p == 100)
                s[0] = fi / 1000 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = '.';
                s[3] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[4] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 5;
                s[0] = fi / 1000 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[3] = '.';
                s[4] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 5;
        else if (fi >= 100)
            if (p == 1000)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi / 100 + 0x30;
                s[3] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[4] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 5;
            else if (p == 100)
                s[0] = fi / 100 + 0x30;
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[3] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 4;
            else if (p == 10)
                s[0] = fi / 100 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = '.';
                s[3] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 4;
                s[0] = fi / 100 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
                s[2] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 3;
        else if (fi >= 10)
            if (p == 1000)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = '0';
                s[3] = fi / 10 + 0x30;
                s[4] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 5;
            else if (p == 100)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi / 10 + 0x30;
                s[3] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 4;
            else if (p == 10)
                s[0] = fi / 10 + 0x30;
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 3;
                s[0] = fi / 10 + 0x30;
                s[1] = fi % 10 + 0x30;
                return 2;
            if (p == 1000)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = '0';
                s[3] = '0';
                s[4] = fi + 0x30;
                return 5;
            else if (p == 100)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = '0';
                s[3] = fi + 0x30;
                return 4;
            else if (p == 10)
                s[0] = '0';
                s[1] = '.';
                s[2] = fi + 0x30;
                return 3;
                s[0] = fi + 0x30;
                return 1;
    uint32_t int2string(uint32_t d, char* s)
        memset(s, 0, 5);
        if (d >= 1000)
            s[0] = d / 1000 + 0x30;
            s[1] = d / 100 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[2] = d / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[3] = d % 10 + 0x30;
            return 4;
        else if (d >= 100)
            s[0] = d / 100 + 0x30;
            s[1] = d / 10 % 10 + 0x30;
            s[2] = d % 10 + 0x30;
            return 3;
        else if (d >= 10)
            s[0] = d / 10 + 0x30;
            s[1] = d % 10 + 0x30;
            return 2;
            s[0] = d + 0x30;
            return 1;
    int string2int(char* str, int len)
        if (len == 1)
            return str[0] - 0x30;
        else if (len == 2)
            return (str[0] - 0x30) * 10 + str[1] - 0x30;
        else if (len == 3)
            return (str[0] - 0x30) * 100 + (str[1] - 0x30) * 10 + str[2] - 0x30;
            return 0;
    float string2float(char* str, int len)
        if (len == 1)
            return (str[0] - 0x30) * 0.1;
        else if (len == 2)
            return (str[0] - 0x30) * 0.1 + (str[1] - 0x30) * 0.01;
        else if (len == 3)
            return (str[0] - 0x30) * 0.1 + (str[1] - 0x30) * 0.01 + (str[2] - 0x30) * 0.001;
            return 0;
    void WriteGcodeString(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t s)
        if (s != 0)
            if (isG0Mode)
                memcpy(gData, "G1 ", 3);
                gData += 3;
                isG0Mode = false;
            memcpy(gData, "X", 1);
            gData += 1;
            StringLen = float2string(x, 1000, x_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, x_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " S", 2);
            gData += 2;
            StringLen = int2string(s, s_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, s_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, "\n", 1);
            gData += 1;
            isG0Mode = true;
            memcpy(gData, "G0 X", 4);
            gData += 4;
            StringLen = float2string(x, 1000, x_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, x_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " Y", 2);
            gData += 2;
            StringLen = float2string(y, 1000, y_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, y_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " S0\n", 4);
            gData += 4;
    void GcodeCompress(char* gCodeBuffer, uint8_t* dataCompress, uint16_t sValue, uint16_t speed, bool isHead, string savePath)
        uint8_t numLen = 0;
        uint16_t x, y, xf, yf;
        uint8_t* head = dataCompress;
        if (isHead) {
            *dataCompress++ = 0xEE;
            *dataCompress++ = 0xFF;
            *dataCompress++ = sValue;
            *dataCompress++ = sValue >> 8;
            *dataCompress++ = speed;
            *dataCompress++ = speed >> 8;
            char* fid = new char[80]();
            char* fidHead = fid;
            int idMax = quality - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < idMax; i++)
                fid[0] = float2string(i + 1, 1000, x_ValueString) - 2;
                memcpy(&fid[1], &x_ValueString[2], fid[0]);
                fid += 4;
            memcpy(dataCompress, fidHead, 80);
            dataCompress += 80;
            dataCompress += 42;
        while (gCodeBuffer[0] != 0)
                gCodeBuffer += 4;
                numLen = 0;
                while (gCodeBuffer[0] != '.' && gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                x = (string2int(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen)) << 5;
                if (gCodeBuffer[0] == '.')
                    numLen = 0;
                    while (gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                    x += (string2float(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen) * quality + 0.5);
                x |= 0x8000;
                memcpy(dataCompress, &x, 2);
                dataCompress += 2;
            else if (gCodeBuffer[1] == '0')
                gCodeBuffer += 4;
                numLen = 0;
                while (gCodeBuffer[0] != '.' && gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                x = (string2int(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen)) << 5;
                if (gCodeBuffer[0] == '.')
                    numLen = 0;
                    while (gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                    x += (string2float(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen) * quality + 0.5);
                while (*gCodeBuffer++ != 'Y');
                numLen = 0;
                while (gCodeBuffer[0] != '.' && gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                y = (string2int(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen)) << 5;
                if (gCodeBuffer[0] == '.')
                    numLen = 0;
                    while (gCodeBuffer[0] != ' ')
                    y += (string2float(gCodeBuffer - numLen, numLen) * quality + 0.5);
                if (y != yLast)
                    yLast = y;
                    x |= 0x4000;
                    memcpy(dataCompress, &x, 2);
                    dataCompress += 2;
                    memcpy(dataCompress, &y, 2);
                    dataCompress += 2;
                    memcpy(dataCompress, &x, 2);
                    dataCompress += 2;
            while (*gCodeBuffer++ != '\n');
        ofstream ff;
            ff.open(savePath + ".bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
            ff.open(savePath + ".bin", ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary);
        ff.write((const char*)head, dataCompress - head);
     * srcImg:openCV图像
     * linePerMillimetre:每毫米(mm)多少行,即PC端软件的“质量”,范围1~20
     * engraveWidth、engraveHeight,最终雕刻成品大小,单位毫米(mm)
     * sMax:S最大值,即激光最大功率,范围1~1000
     * isLineToLine:即PC软件的线到线处理,不做灰度抖动
     * compressed: 是否压缩Gcode
    void ImageToGCodeOpenVC(Mat &srcImg, int linePerMillimetre, int engraveWidth, int engraveHeight, int sMax, int speed, bool isLineToLine, bool compressed, string savePath)
        Mat M1 = srcImg;
        Mat M2;
        resize(M1, M2, cv::Size(M1.cols * linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight / M1.rows, linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
        quality = linePerMillimetre * 1.0;
        if (isLineToLine == false)
        M2 = 255 - M2;
        flip(M2, M2, 0);
        uchar *imgdata = (uchar*)M2.data;
        uchar* gDataHead = new uchar[1024 * 1024 * 1]();
        gData = gDataHead;
        uchar* cDataHead = new uchar[1024 * 1024 * 1]();
        uchar* cData = cDataHead;
        bool ishead = true;
        ofstream f;
        f.open(savePath, ios::out);
        f << "G90" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 F" << speed << endl;
        f << "M3 S0" << endl;
        uint32_t x_Value = 0, y_Value = 0, s_Value = 0;
        uint32_t cacheLen = 0;
        for (int h = 0; h < M2.rows; h++)
            const int reverse = (h & 1);
            x_Value = reverse ? M2.cols : 0;
            for (int w = reverse ? M2.cols - 1 : 0; reverse ? w > 0 : w < M2.cols; reverse ? w-- : w++)
                if (isG0Mode == false && imgdata[h*M2.cols + w] != 0)
                    WriteGcodeString(x_Value, y_Value, 0);
                x_Value = reverse ? x_Value - 1 : x_Value + 1;
                if (imgdata[h*M2.cols + w] != imgdata[h*M2.cols + (reverse ? (w - 1) : (w + 1))])
                    s_Value = sMax * imgdata[h*M2.cols + w] / 255;
                    WriteGcodeString(x_Value, y_Value, s_Value);
                if (((w == M2.cols - 2) && (reverse == 0)) || ((w == 1) && (reverse != 0)))
                    y_Value += 1;
                    x_Value = reverse ? 0 : M2.cols;
                    if (imgdata[h*M2.cols + (reverse ? (w - 1) : (w + 1))] != 0)
                        s_Value = sMax * imgdata[h*M2.cols + (reverse ? (w - 1) : (w + 1))] / 255;
                        WriteGcodeString(x_Value, y_Value, s_Value);
                        cacheLen += 2;
                if (cacheLen > 30000)
                    cacheLen = 0;
                    f << gDataHead;
                        GcodeCompress((char*)gDataHead, cDataHead, sMax, speed, ishead, savePath);
                        if (ishead)
                            ishead = false;
                        memset(cDataHead, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 1);
                    memset(gDataHead, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 1);
                    gData = gDataHead;
        f << gDataHead;
            GcodeCompress((char*)gDataHead, cDataHead, sMax, speed, ishead, savePath);
            if (ishead)
                ishead = false;
            memset(cDataHead, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 1);
        f << "M5" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 Z0" << endl;
            f.open(savePath + ".bin", ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary);
            f.write("\xEE\xFF", 2);
        delete []gDataHead;
        delete []cDataHead;
    void WriteGcodeString2(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, int s)
        if (s != 0)
            if (isG0Mode)
                memcpy(gData, "G1 ", 3);
                gData += 3;
                isG0Mode = false;
            memcpy(gData, "X", 1);
            gData += 1;
            StringLen = float2string(x, 1000, x_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, x_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " Y", 2);
            gData += 2;
            StringLen = float2string(y, 1000, y_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, y_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " S", 2);
            gData += 2;
            StringLen = int2string(s, s_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, s_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, "\n", 1);
            gData += 1;
            isG0Mode = true;
            memcpy(gData, "G0 X", 4);
            gData += 4;
            StringLen = float2string(x, 1000, x_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, x_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " Y", 2);
            gData += 2;
            StringLen = float2string(y, 1000, y_ValueString);
            memcpy(gData, y_ValueString, StringLen);
            gData += StringLen;
            memcpy(gData, " S0\n", 4);
            gData += 4;
    void bwLabel(const uchar *bw, int *label, int h, int w, int sMax, int speed, string savePath)
        memset(label, 0, h * w << 2);
        int maxComponents = (h * w >> 1) + 1;
        int * const link = new int[maxComponents];
        int lb = 1, x, y, a, b, t, *p = label;
        link[0] = 0;
        if (bw[0]) {
            p[0] = lb;
            link[lb] = lb;
        for (x = 1; x < w; x++) if (bw[x]) {
            if (p[x - 1])
                p[x] = p[x - 1];
            else {
                p[x] = lb;
                link[lb] = lb;
        bw += w, p += w;
        for (y = 1; y < h; y++, bw += w, p += w) {
            if (bw[0]) {
                if (p[-w])
                    p[0] = p[-w];
                else {
                    p[0] = lb;
                    link[lb] = lb;
            for (x = 1; x < w; x++) if (bw[x]) {
                a = p[x - 1], b = p[x - w];
                if (a) {
                    if (a == b)
                        p[x] = a;
                    else {
                        t = a;
                        while (a != link[a])
                            a = link[a];
                        p[x] = link[t] = a;
                        if (b) {
                            t = b;
                            while (b != link[b])
                                b = link[b];
                            link[t] = b;
                            if (a < b) link[b] = a; else link[a] = b;
                else if (b) {
                    t = b;
                    while (b != link[b])
                        b = link[b];
                    p[x] = link[t] = b;
                else {
                    p[x] = lb;
                    link[lb] = lb;
        t = 1;
        for (x = 1; x < lb; x++)
            if (x == link[x]) {
                link[x] = -t;
        for (x = 1; x < lb; x++) {
            y = x;
            while (link[y] >= 0)
                y = link[y];
            link[x] = link[y];
        for (x = 1; x < lb; x++)
            link[x] = -link[x];
        p = label;
        for (y = 0; y < h; y++, p += w)
            for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
                p[x] = link[p[x]];
        delete[] link;
        uchar* gDataHead = new uchar[1024 * 1024 * 1]();
        gData = gDataHead;
        uint32_t cacheLen = 0;
        ofstream f;
        f.open(savePath, ios::out);
        f << "G90" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 F" << speed << endl;
        f << "M3 S0" << endl;
        Mat tmpimg;
        tmpimg.create(h, w, CV_8UC1);
        tmpimg = Scalar(0);
        uchar *tmpdata = (uchar*)tmpimg.data;
        Mat dstImage = Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_8UC3);
        unsigned int contours_size = 0;
        double maxval;
        for (int k = 1; k < t; k++)
            for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
                    if (label[j + i * w] == k)
                        tmpdata[j + i * w] = 255;
            minMaxLoc(tmpimg, NULL, &maxval);
            while (maxval != 0)
                findContours(tmpimg, contours, hierarchy, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
                    WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][0].x, contours[i][0].y, 0);
                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < contours[i].size(); j++)
                        WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][j].x, contours[i][j].y, sMax);
                        if (cacheLen > 30000)
                            cacheLen = 0;
                            f << gDataHead;
                            memset(gDataHead, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 1);
                            gData = gDataHead;
                    WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][0].x, contours[i][0].y, sMax);
                for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index = hierarchy[index][0])
                    drawContours(tmpimg, contours, index, Scalar(0), 1, 8, hierarchy);
                minMaxLoc(tmpimg, NULL, &maxval);
        f << gDataHead;
        f << "M5" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 Z0" << endl;
        delete []gDataHead;
     * 快速模式转Gcode
    void ImageFastModeToGcode(Mat &srcImg, int linePerMillimetre, int engraveWidth, int engraveHeight, int sMax, int speed, string savePath)
        Mat M1 = srcImg;
        Mat M2;
        resize(M1, M2, cv::Size(M1.cols * linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight / M1.rows, linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
        quality = linePerMillimetre * 1.0;
        M2 = M2 > 250;
        flip(M2, M2, 0);
        Mat labelImg;
        Mat label;
        label.create(M2.size(), CV_32SC1);
        labelImg.create(M2.size(), CV_8UC1);
        labelImg = Scalar(255);
        labelImg.setTo(Scalar(0), M2);
        bwLabel(labelImg.data, (int *)label.data, labelImg.rows, labelImg.cols, sMax, speed, savePath);
     * 切割转Gcode
    void ImageContoursToGCode(Mat &srcImg, int linePerMillimetre, int engraveWidth, int engraveHeight, int sMax, int speed, string savePath)
        Mat M1 = srcImg;
        Mat M2;
        resize(M1, M2, cv::Size(M1.cols * linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight / M1.rows, linePerMillimetre * engraveHeight), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
        quality = linePerMillimetre * 1.0;
        M2 = M2 < 250;
        flip(M2, M2, 0);
        uchar* gDataHead = new uchar[1024 * 1024 * 1]();
        gData = gDataHead;
        ofstream f;
        f.open(savePath, ios::out);
        f << "G90" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 F" << speed << endl;
        f << "M3 S0" << endl;
        uint32_t cacheLen = 0;
        findContours(M2, contours, hierarchy, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
            WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][0].x, contours[i][0].y, 0);
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < contours[i].size(); j++)
                WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][j].x, contours[i][j].y, sMax);
                if (cacheLen > 30000)
                    cacheLen = 0;
                    f << gDataHead;
                    memset(gDataHead, 0, 1024 * 1024 * 1);
                    gData = gDataHead;
            WriteGcodeString2(contours[i][0].x, contours[i][0].y, sMax);
        f << gDataHead;
        f << "M5" << endl;
        f << "G0 X0 Y0 Z0" << endl;
    + (void)Image2GcodeFromImage:(UIImage *)image{
        //UIImage 转 Mat
        CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(image.CGImage);
        CGFloat cols = image.size.width;
        CGFloat rows = image.size.height;
        cv::Mat cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC4); // 8 bits per component, 4 channels (color channels + alpha)
        CGContextRef contextRef = CGBitmapContextCreate(cvMat.data,                 // Pointer to  data
                                                        cols,                       // Width of bitmap
                                                        rows,                       // Height of bitmap
                                                        8,                          // Bits per component
                                                        cvMat.step[0],              // Bytes per row
                                                        colorSpace,                 // Colorspace
                                                        kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast |
                                                        kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault); // Bitmap info flags
        CGContextDrawImage(contextRef, CGRectMake(0, 0, cols, rows), image.CGImage);
        cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, COLOR_BGR2RGB);
        cv::cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
        cv::resize(cvMat, cvMat, cv::Size(), 0.5, 0.5);
        //缓存路径 用来存储转换后的GCode文件
        NSString  *path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES).firstObject;
        NSString *path_1 = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"test.txt"];
        string OUTPATH = string([path_1 UTF8String]);    // NSString to string
        ImageToGCodeOpenVC(cvMat, 12, cvMat.cols / 10, cvMat.rows / 10, 1000, 2500, false, true, OUTPATH);

    在需要将图片转换成GCode代码的地方,调用 Image2GcodeFromImage 方法就OK了!



          本文标题:iOS 使用OpenCV 将UIImage 转为GCode码
