2019-03-14-Facial Recognition So

2019-03-14-Facial Recognition So

作者: 相思清狂 | 来源:发表于2019-03-14 19:41 被阅读0次


    Facial Recognition Software Could Turn You Into a Ticket to Ride

    By ALYSSA NEWCOMB March 13, 2019

    原文 译文(机译+略改)
    Imagine rushing through your commute without having to stop to pay train fare or add money to a subway pass. 想象一下,你在上下班路上匆匆而过,却不需要停下来付火车票钱或在地铁票上加钱。
    That might sound like a big city commuter’s dream, but the Futian subway station in Shenzen, China, wants to make it a reality. The station, which is located in a bustling city of 12.53 million residents, is testing facial recognition payments, according to the South China Morning Post. 这听起来像是大城市通勤者的梦想,但中国深圳的福田地铁站想让它成为现实。据《南华早报》报道,该车站位于人口1253万的繁华城市,正在测试人脸识别支付。
    Every time a commuter looks at a small tablet, it recognizes their face, and deducts their fare from a previously-linked payment method. The system is powered by a super-fast 5G network connection that could ultimately allow the technology to scale for millions of riders, if everything goes according to plan. 每次通勤者看到一个小平板电脑时,它都会认出他们的脸,并从先前链接的支付方式中扣除他们的费用。该系统由超高速5G网络连接提供动力,如果一切按计划进行,最终可以使该技术扩展到数以百万计的乘客。
    The report comes amid growing concern about how facial recognition data sets, and software, could be used in the future. Earlier this week, NBC News reported that millions of Flickr photos were scraped by IBM, under a Creative Commons license, but without user consent, to help them eliminate bias in facial recognition software. However, facial recognition technology is already used in public in China, allowing the government to do everything from shaming jaywalkers to predicting a person’s behavior. 这份报告发表之际,人们越来越担心未来如何使用面部识别数据集和软件。本周早些时候,美国全国广播公司(NBC News)报道称,IBM根据知识共享许可协议,在未经用户同意的情况下,对Flickr上的数百万张照片进行了擦除,以帮助他们消除面部识别软件中的偏见。然而,面部识别技术在中国已经被广泛应用,使得政府可以做任何事情,从羞辱乱穿马路的行人到预测一个人的行为。
    The world’s most populous country also tends to be a group of early adopters. While mobile payments are slowly catching on in the United States, they’re incredibly common in China. Of those surveyed, 40% of Chinese consumers reported using mobile payments on a weekly basis, while 77% of consumers said they had used a mobile payment in the past, according to a survey from Kantar TNS, a global insights consultancy. 这个世界上人口最多的国家也倾向于成为一个早期采用者群体。虽然移动支付在美国正慢慢流行起来,但在中国却非常普遍。全球咨询公司Kantar TNS的一项调查显示,在接受调查的中国消费者中,40%的人表示每周都会使用移动支付,而77%的人表示他们过去曾使用过移动支付。
    The subway test certainly isn’t the most unique payments experiment the country has tried. In 2017, a KFC restaurant in China let people pay for their fried chicken with something you can’t leave at home—a smile. 地铁测试当然不是这个国家尝试过的最独特的支付实验。2017年,中国的一家肯德基餐厅让人们用一些你不能留在家里的东西来支付炸鸡的费用——微笑。
    • facial
      ① (ADJ) 面部的;脸上的 Facial means appearing on or being part of your face.
      ② (N-COUNT) 面部护理;美容 A facial is a sort of beauty treatment in which someone's face is massaged, and creams and other substances are rubbed into it.
    • recognition
      ① (N-UNCOUNT) 认识;识别;认出 Recognition is the act of recognizing someone or identifying something when you see it.
      ② (N-UNCOUNT) 承认;接受;理解 Recognition of something is an understanding and acceptance of it.
      ③ (N-UNCOUNT) (政府对他国的)外交认可,正式承认 When a government gives diplomatic recognition to another country, they officially accept that its status is valid.
      ④ (N-UNCOUNT) 赞赏;好评;认可 When a person receives recognition for the things that they have done, people acknowledge the value or skill of their work.
    • rush
      ① (VERB) 猛冲;快速行进 If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly.
      ② (VERB) 赶忙做;赶紧做 If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it.
      ③ (N-SING) 仓促;匆忙;急忙 A rush is a situation in which you need to go somewhere or do something very quickly.
      ④ (N-SING) 热潮;争做;争先恐后 If there is a rush for something, many people suddenly try to get it or do it.
      ⑤ (N-SING) 高峰期;繁忙活动期 The rush is a period of time when many people go somewhere or do something.
      ⑥ (VERB) 匆忙做;仓促地做 If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care.
    • rush through
      (PHRASAL VERB) 加急处理;匆忙处理 If you rush something through, you deal with it quickly so that it is ready in a shorter time than usual.
    • commute
      ① (VERB) (经很远的路程)上下班往返;通勤 If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work.
      ② (N-COUNT) 上下班路程 A commute is the journey that you make when you commute.
      ③ (VERB) 减轻(刑罚) If a death sentence or prison sentence is commuted to a less serious punishment, it is changed to that punishment.
    • bustling
    • resident
      ① (N-COUNT) 居民;住户;居住者 The residents of a house or area are the people who live there.
      ② (ADJ) (在某地)居住的,居留的 Someone who is resident in a country or a town lives there.
      ③ (ADJ) (医生或教师)住在任职地的 A resident doctor or teacher lives in the place where he or she works.
      ④ (N-COUNT) 实习医生 A resident or a resident doctor is a doctor who is receiving a period of specialized training in a hospital after leaving university.
    • tablet
      ① (N-COUNT) 药片;片剂 A tablet is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.
      ② (N-COUNT) (黏土、石头制成的)牌,匾,碑 Clay tablets or stone tablets are the flat pieces of clay or stone which people used to write on before paper was invented.
    • deduct
      (VERB) 扣除;减去 When you deduct an amount from a total, you subtract it from the total.
    • ultimately
      ① (ADV) 最终;最后;终于 Ultimately means finally, after a long and often complicated series of events.
      ② (ADV) 根本上;归根结底 You use ultimately to indicate that what you are saying is the most important point in a discussion.
    • amid
      ① (PREP) 在…过程中;在…中 If something happens amid noises or events of some kind, it happens while the other things are happening.
      ② (PREP) 在…中间;在…之中 If something is amid other things, it is surrounded by them.
    • scrape
      ①(vt)擦,刮; 擦去; 擦伤,刮破; 挖空;
      ②(vi)刮,擦; 搔,抓; 掏; 发出刺耳的声音;
      ③(n)擦,刮; 刮痕; 刮擦声; 刮胡子,修面;
    • consent
      ① (N-UNCOUNT) 许可;允许 If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it.
      ② (VERB) 同意;允许 If you consent to something, you agree to do it or to allow it to be done.
    • eliminate
      ① (VERB) 消除,剔除,根除(尤指不需要之物) To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely.
      ② (V-PASSIVE) (在竞赛中)淘汰 When a person or team is eliminated from a competition, they are defeated and so take no further part in the competition.
      ③ (VERB) 消灭;干掉 If someone says that they have eliminated an enemy, they mean that they have killed them. By using the word 'eliminate', they are trying to make the action sound more positive than if they used the word 'kill'.
    • bias
      ① (N-VAR) 偏见;偏心;偏袒 Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing.
      ② (N-VAR) 偏好;偏爱 Bias is a concern with or interest in one thing more than others.
      ③ (VERB) 使有偏见;使偏向 To bias someone means to influence them in favour of a particular choice.
    • shame
      ① (N-UNCOUNT) 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has.
      ② (N-UNCOUNT) 丢脸;耻辱 If someone brings shame on you, they make other people lose their respect for you.
      ③ (VERB) 使羞愧;使惭愧;使难为情 If something shames you, it causes you to feel shame.
      ④ (VERB) 使蒙受耻辱;使丢脸 If you shame someone close to you, you make people lose their respect for that person, by behaving in an unacceptable way.
      ⑤ (VERB) 使…感到羞愧(而不得不做…) If you shame someone into doing something, you force them to do it by making them feel ashamed not to.
      ⑥ (N-SING) 令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事 If you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently.
    • jaywalker
    • populous
      (ADJ-GRADED) 人口众多的;人口稠密的 A populous country or area has a lot of people living in it.
    • adopter
    • catch on
      ① (PHRASAL VERB) 明白;认识到 If you catch on to something, you understand it, or realize that it is happening.
      ② (PHRASAL VERB) 时兴;流行 If something catches on, it becomes popular.
    • incredibly
    • insight
      ① (N-VAR) 洞悉;深入了解;深刻见解 If you gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.
      ② (N-UNCOUNT) 洞察力 If someone has insight, they are able to understand complex situations.
    • consultancy
      ① (N-COUNT) 咨询公司 A consultancy is a company that gives expert advice on a particular subject.
      ② (N-UNCOUNT) 咨询服务;专家咨询 Consultancy is expert advice on a particular subject which a person or group is paid to provide to a company or organization.
    • unique
      ① (ADJ) 唯一的;独一无二的 Something that is unique is the only one of its kind.
      ② (ADJ-GRADED) 独特的;无与伦比的 You can use unique to describe things that you admire because they are very unusual and special.
      ③ (ADJ) 独有的;特有的 If something is unique to one thing, person, group, or place, it concerns or belongs only to that thing, person, group, or place.



          本文标题:2019-03-14-Facial Recognition So
