The Argonian Account, Book IV

The Argonian Account, Book IV

作者: 异域风情 | 来源:发表于2016-03-21 14:42 被阅读0次

    Decumus Scotti was drowning, and he didn't think much of it. He couldn't move his arms or his legs to swim because of the paralysis spell the Argonian peasant had lobbed at him, but he wasn't quite sinking. The Onkobra River was a crashing force of white water and currents that could carry along large rocks with ease, so Scotti tumbled head over heels, spinning, bumping, bouncing along.

    Scotti 被水淹没,他也没什么办法,因为那两个乡巴佬的魔法搞得他手脚无法动弹,但他又不会那么快的沉入水底。Onkobra河水湍急,能够把大岩石冲刷成鹅卵石,Scotti顺水而下,在水流中翻滚。

    He figured that soon enough he would be dead, and that would be better than being in Black Marsh. He wasn't too panicked about it all when he felt his lungs fill with water and cold blackness fell upon him.

    他想是不是自己快要死了,至少也比在Black Marsh强的多。他的肺部灌满了河水,而寒冷也包围着他,这时他反而感到不那么惊慌。

    For a while, for the first time in some time, Decumus Scotti felt peace. Blessed darkness. And then pain came to him, and he felt himself coughing, spewing water up from his belly and his lungs.

    过了不知道多久,第一次,出发到Black Marsh以来的第一次,他感到平静,感谢黑暗。一阵刺痛袭来,他忍不住咳嗽起来,一阵猛吐,把体内的积水吐了出来。

    A voice said, "Oh bother, he's alive, ain't he, now?"


    Scotti wasn't quite sure if that were true, even when he opened his eyes and looked at the face above him. It was an Argonian, but unlike any he had seen anywhere. The face was thin and long like a thick lance; the scales were ruby-red, brilliant in the sunlight. It blinked at him, its eyelids opening and closing in vertical slits.


    "I don't suppose we should eat you, should we now?" the creature smiled, and Scotti could tell from its teeth that it was no idle suggestion.


    "Thank you," said Scotti weakly. He craned his head slightly to find out who the "we" were, and discovered he was on the muddy bank of the still, sludgy river, surrounded by a group of Argonians with similarly needle-like faces and a whole rainbow of scales. Bright greens and gem-like purples, blues, and oranges.


    "Can you tell me, am I near - well, anywhere?"


    The ruby-colored Argonian laughed. "No. You're in the middle of everywhere, and near nowhere."


    "Oh," said Scotti, who grasped the idea that space did not mean much in Black Marsh. "And what are you?"

    ”噢。“Scotti说到,突然想到了在Black Marshall没有位置的概念。”你们是谁?“

    "We are Agacephs," the ruby-colored Argonian replied. "My name is Nomu."


    Scotti introduced himself. "I'm a senior clerk in Lord Vanech's Building Commission in the Imperial City. My job was to come here to try to fix the problems with commerce, but I've lost my agenda, haven't met with any of my contacts, the Archeins of Gideon..."

    Scotti介绍了他自己。“我是Lord Vanech的公司职员派来这里解决这里贸易的一些问题,但是我丢失了我的合同文件,工作日程也打乱了。还约见了Gideon的Archeins。。。。。。”

    "Pompous, assimiliated, slaver kleptocrats," a small lemon-colored Agaceph murmured with some feeling.


    "...And now I just want to go home."


    Nomu smiled, his long mouth arching up like a host happy to see an unwanted guest leave a party. "Shehs will guide you."

    Nomu 笑的合不拢嘴,就像是主人看到不受欢迎的客人离开聚会的样子。“Shehs会带你走的。”

    Shehs, it seemed, was the bitter little yellow creature, and he was not at all pleased at the assignment. With surprising strength, he hoisted Scotti up, and for a moment, the clerk was reminded of Gemullus dropping him into the bubbling muck that led to the Underground Express. Instead, Shehs shoved Scotti toward a tiny little raft, razor-thin, that bobbed on the surface of the water.


    "This is how you travel?"


    "We don't have the broken wagons and dying horses of our brothers on the outside," Shehs replied, rolling his tiny eyes. "We don't know better."


    The Argonian sat at the back of the craft and used his whip-like tail to propel and navigate the craft. They traveled quickly around swirling pools of slime that stank of centuries of putrefaction, past pinnacled mountains that seemed sturdy but suddenly fell apart at the slightest ripple in the still water, under bridges that might have once been metal but were now purely rust.


    "Everything in Tamriel flows down to Black Marsh," Shehs said.

    “Tamriel的所有东西都冲到Black Marsh来了。”Shehs说着。

    As they slid through the water, Shehs explained to Scotti that the Agacephs were one of the many Argonian tribes that lived in the interior of the province, near the Hist, finding little in the outside world worth seeing. He was fortunate to have been found by them. The Nagas, the toad-like Paatru, and the winged Sarpa would have killed him on the spot.


    There were other creatures too to be avoided. Though there were few natural predators in inner Black Marsh, the scavengers that rooted in the garbage seldom shied away from a living meal. Hackwings circled overhead, like the ones Scotti had seen in the west.


    Shehs fell silent and stopped the raft completely, waiting for something.


    Scotti looked in the direction Shehs was watching, and saw nothing unusual in the filthy water. Then, he realized that the pool of green slime in front of them was actually moving, and fairly quickly, from one bank to the other. It deposited small bones behind it as it oozed up into the reeds, and disappeared.


    "Voriplasm," Shehs explained, moving the boat forward again. "Big word. It'll strip you to the bone by the second syllable."


    Scotti, desirous to distract himself from the sights and smells that surrounded him, thought it a good time to compliment his pilot on his excellent vocabulary. It was particularly impressive, given how far from civilization they were. The Argonians in the east did, in fact, speak so well.


    "They tried to erect a Temple of Mara near here, in Umpholo, twenty years ago," Shehs explained, and Scotti nodded, remembering reading about it in the files before they were lost. "They all perished quite dreadfully of swamp rot in the first month, but they left behind some excellent books."


    Scotti was going to inquire further when he saw something so huge, so horrifying, it made him stop, frozen.


    Half submerged in the water ahead was a mountain of spines, lying on nine-foot-long claws. White eyes stared blindly forward, and then suddenly the whole creature spasmed and lurched, the jaw of its mouth jutting out, exposing tusks clotted with gore.


    "Swamp Leviathan," Shehs whistled, impressed. "Very, very dangerous."

    “Swamp Leviathan”Shehs小声说道“非常非常危险!”

    Scotti gasped, wondering why the Agaceph was so calm, and more, why he was continuing to steer the raft forward towards the beast..


    "Of all the creatures in the world, the rats are sometimes the worst," said Shehs, and Scotti noticed that the huge creature was only a husk. Its movement was from the hundreds of rats that had burrowed into it, rapidly eating their way from the inside out, bursting from the skin in spots.


    "They are indeed," Scotti said, and his mind went to the Black Marsh files, buried deep in the mud, and four decades of Imperial work in Black Marsh.

    “确实如此”。Scotti说到。他的思绪飞到了Black Marsh他丢失文件的地方,被埋进了淤泥沼泽里面。40余年的辛苦研究资料毁于一旦。

    The two continued westward through the heart of Black Marsh.

    他们两个人穿过Black Barsh的中心继续朝西前进。

    Shehs showed Scotti the vast complicated ruins of the Kothringi capitals, fields of ferns and flowered grasses, quiet streams under canopies of blue moss, and the most astonishing sight of Scotti's life—the great forest of full-grown Hist trees. They never saw a living soul until they arrived at the edge of the Imperial Commerce Road just east of Slough Point, where Mailic, Scotti's Redguard guide, was waiting patiently.

    Shehs 给Scotti展示着河流沿岸的景色,Kothringi城的宏大繁杂遗迹,植被茂密的种类各异的林地。蓝色苔藓下的静静流淌着的溪流。这些景观深深的震撼着Scotti,更有Hist大树高耸入云让他毕生难忘。一路上安全无事没有遇到一个活物。直到抵达了Slough Point东部的帝国大道的边界,才看到了Mailic,他的护卫还在耐心的等着他。

    "I was going to give you two more minutes," the Redguard scowled, dropping the last of his food onto the pile at his feet. "No more, sir."


    The sun was shining bright when Decumus Scotti rode into the Imperial City, and as it caught the morning dew, it lent a glisten to every building as if they had been newly polished for his arrival. It astonished him how clean the city was. And how few beggars there were.


    The protracted edifice of Lord Vanech's Building Commission was the same as it had always been, but still the very sight of it seemed exotic and strange. It was not covered in mud. The people within actually, generally, worked.

    那座巨大的Lord Vanech的建筑物依然如故,仍然看起来别扭并且毫无美感可言。并没有被掩埋,里面的人也认真地工作着。

    Lord Vanech himself, though singularly squat and squinty, seemed immaculate, not only relatively clean of dirt and scabs, but also relatively uncorrupt. Scotti couldn't help but stare at him when he first caught sight of his boss. Vanech stared right back.

    Lord Vanech他自己,又矮又有斜视,但打扮的干净整洁,一尘不染。Scotti不由自主地打量他的老板,而这时Vanech也注视着他。

    "You are a sight," the little fellow frowned. "Did your horse drag you to Black Marsh and back? I would say go home and fix yourself, but there are a dozen people here to see you. I hope you have solutions for them."


    It was no exaggeration. Nearly twenty of Cyrodiil's most powerful and wealthiest people were waiting for him. Scotti was given an office even larger than Lord Vanech's, and he met with each.


    First among the Commission's clients were five independent traders, blustering and loaded with gold, demanding to know what Scotti intended to do about improving the trade routes. Scotti summarized for them the conditions of the main roads, the state of the merchants' caravans, the sunken bridges, and all the other impediments between the frontier and the marketplace. They told him to have everything replaced and repaired, and gave him the gold necessary to do it.


    Within three months, the bridge at Slough Point had disappeared into the muck; the great caravan had collapsed into decrepitude; and the main road from Gideon had been utterly swallowed up by swamp water. The Argonians began once again to use the old ways, their personal rafts and sometimes the Underground Express to transport the grain in small quantities. It took a third of the time, two weeks, to arrive in Cyrodiil, none of it rotten.

    3个月之内,在Slough Point的那座桥被淤泥淹没,车队也分崩离析,通往Gideon的主要道路也被沼泽所吞没。Argonian人再一次用他们的老办法,他们私人的小筏和地下快车来少量的运送粮食。不过比起以前只用了以前三分之一的时间,2周时间就抵达Cyrodiil,而且食物也没有变质。

    The Archbishop of Mara was the next client Scotti met with. A kindhearted man, horrified by the tales of Argonian mothers selling their children into slavery, he pointedly asked Scotti if it were true.


    "Sadly, yes," Scotti replied, and the Archbishop showered him with septims, telling the clerk that food must be brought to the province to ease their suffering, and the schools must be improved so they could learn to help themselves.


    Within five months, the last book had been stolen from the deserted Maran monastery in Umphollo. As the Archeins went bankrupt, their slaves returned to his parents' tiny farms. The backwater Argonians found that they could grow enough to feed their families provided they had enough hard workers in their enclave, and the buyers market for slaves sharply declined.


    Ambassador Tsleeixth, concerned about the rising crime in northern Black Marsh, brought with him the contributions of many other expatriate Argonians like himself. They wanted more Imperial guards on the border on the border at Slough Point, more magically lit lanterns posted along the main roads at regular intervals, more patrol stations, and more schools built to allow young Argonians to better themselves and not turn to crime.

    Tsleeixth大使,提到了Black Marsh北部的居高不下的犯罪率,带来了他和其他在异国他乡的Argonian们筹集的善款。他们希望多增加帝国的卫士在Slough Point,在主要大路上点上灯笼,和更多的巡逻站。还有建立学校让更多的年轻Argonian人提升自我而不是去犯罪。

    Within six months, there were no more Nagas roaming the roads, as there were no merchants traveling them to rob. The thugs returned to the fetid inner swamp, where they felt much happier, their constitutions enriched by the rot and pestilence that they loved. Tsleeixth and his constituency were so pleased by the crime rate dropping, they brought even more gold to Decumus Scotti, telling him to keep up the good work.


    Black Marsh simply was, is, and always shall be unable to sustain a large-scale, cash-crop plantation economy. The Argonians, and anyone else, the whole of Tamriel, could live in Black Marsh on subsistence farming, just raising what they needed. That was not sad, Scotti thought; that was hopeful.

    Black Marsha地区特色注定了它不能支持一个大型的经济作物种植区。不过,Argonian人和其他Tamriel人只要生活在这里自给自足那是完全可以的。这也不是什么坏事,Scotti想着,这也是他希望的。

    Scotti's solution to each of their dilemmas had been the same. Ten percent of the gold they gave him went to Lord Vanech's Building Commission. The rest Scotti kept for himself, and did exactly nothing about the requests.


    Within a year, Decumus Scotti had embezzled enough to retire very comfortably, and Black Marsh was better off than it had been in forty years.

    一年之内,Scotti捞足油水风光退休。而Black Marsh也风平浪静这是40多年从来没有过的情形。



          本文标题:The Argonian Account, Book IV
