js-xlsx - SheetJS 的社区版本。可以解析和写入各种格式的电子表格, 如果在前端你有导入导出excel 等电子表格的需求, js-xlsx是个很高的选择。当然,它也可以在服务端使用。
file-saver FileSaver.js implements the saveAs() interface in browsers that do not natively support it.
StreamSaver.js StreamSaver writes stream to the filesystem directly asynchronous
ejsExcel nodejs excel template engine. node export excel
canvas-datagrid - 一款高性能的、基于canvas的数据表格。 不用分页即可支持百万级行数的显示。
canvas-toBlob.js canvas-toBlob.js implements the standard HTML5 canvas.toBlob() and canvas.toBlobHD()
methods in browsers that do not natively support it. canvas-toBlob.js requires Blob
support to function, which is not present in all browsers. Blob.js is a cross-browser Blob
implementation that solves this.