
作者: Casanova秦 | 来源:发表于2016-11-15 21:58 被阅读0次

Let me tell you something.

There is no nobility in poverty.

I’ve been a rich man,and I’ve been a poor man,

And I choose to rich every fucking time!

‘Coz at least as a rich man,when I have to face my problems.

I show up in the back of the limo...

Wearing $ 2000 suite,and fourteen thousand dollar fucking gold watch.

If there anyone here thinks I am superficial of materialistic.

Go get a job in fucking McDonalds,’cause that’s where you fucking belong!

But before you depart this roomful of winners.

I want you to take a good look at the person next you ,go on.

‘Cause sometime in not so distant future.

You know, you pulled out to a red light and you bear-up old fucking Pinto,

and that person gonna be pulling up right along side you.

In the brand new Porsche.

With their beautiful wife by their side,who’s got big full up juiced tits.

And who will you be next to?

Some disgusting wildebeest with 3 days of razorstubble in a sleeveless moo-moo,

Crammed in the next you with a carload of groceries from the price club!

And that’s who you’re gonna be sitting next to!

So you listen to me and you listen well.

Do you want to possess more money?

Good,swot at the knowledge and studying!

Do you want more beautiful girls?

Good,swot at the knowledge and studying!

Is your girlfriend think you’re fucking worthless loser?

Good,swot at the knowledge and studying!

I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich!

All you have to do today!

Is hard-working.

And swot up the knowledge that I need them.

And I will make you richer than the most powerful CEO in the United States.

I want you to go out there.

And I want you to get more money and more beautiful girls.

That’s what I want to do!

You need ferocious!

You be relentless!

You’ll be money fucking terrorist!

Now let’s tart this motherfucker rolling around!


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