The theme of “The Mist”

The theme of “The Mist”

作者: 柑子的叶子 | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 12:40 被阅读0次

The theme of the film “The Mist” is about "Certainty". At the beginning of the film when the mist first showed itself, Graydon's family happened to be the first witnesses. Here cones their conversation:

——What is that, Dady?


——On the lake?

——We've had mist on the lake before.

——You sure?

Then comes no answer.

Our world is built on “Certainty”, in order. As long as we keep in order holding up on certainty, we feel safe and certain. Certainly the price of the house will go up, the expenses of the car will fall down, the money is buying less and a poor certainly cannot reach a rich girl. Everything is in its line and we can see it , we can feel it and then we become confident like a gaint Titan who is looking down from the height of the sky at the ground, knowing that the world is in his hand.

But, what if things start to get uncertain, into chaos?When the stock market is plunging down at a speed which is beyong everyone's imagination,  people start to feel less certain, feel less confident and feel less safe. When people start to feel less safe, it's a signal for disaster like what has happened in 1929, the Great Recession, which was a perfect example to demonstrate  how bad things could when people start feeling uncertain. We have seen in films what will happen to people when at the end of world and what people can do. It's like throwing them into a “Mist”, into the darkneas and scaring the shit out of them. And then order no longer exists. They start to turn at each other, like beasts, trying to sacrifice innocent virgins to offer whatever god they worship, like primitive did in ancient times. Civilization collapses into pieces.

At the end of the film, the lady who was the first one heading into the mist, the one who we assume to be dead when we watch her leave the supermarket and devoured by the dangerous mist, survived. Like what I have been talking, nothing is certain and no one can ever know the end,  just like the film.


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