
作者: 墓地樱花 | 来源:发表于2016-02-03 21:31 被阅读0次

Advertising platform 广告宣传平台

Inclusion of their music in these popular games has allowed previously obscure bands to achieve international fame 流行游戏中的音乐能够使之前不太出名的乐队成为国际明星

Guitar Hero has really opened up our music to the mainstream 吉他英雄把我们的音乐引入主流

Established artists 著名音乐人

The music games,which burst onto the scene in 2005 ,could burn up just as quickly 在2005年异军突起

Sth be a flash in the pan 昙花一现

Jim Boon is a hybrid kind of guy 某人对混合事物情有独钟

He recently placed the world's largest order for hybrid electric bues 他最近订购了世界上最大一批混合电力公交车 put order for sth 订购某物

Testing ground 试验田 demo fleets 示范车队 architecture treasures 建筑瑰宝 roll out 大量生产 cutting-edge technology 尖端科技

It came out spotless 一尘不染

The idea that coporations bear a responsibility that stretches beyond their shareholds is not new 企业不只对股东负责任,这一观念并不是最近才出现的

This has stretched way beyond the simple demand that companies stop belching smoke out of factory chimneys to a demand that they control their appetite for natural resources 这不仅仅是要求企业停止用烟囱排烟,还要求制约对自然资源的掠夺

Stretch beyond

Extreme free-markets 极端自由市场 whistleblower 举报者

When does generous corporate hospitality step over the line?企业各种慷慨接待的底线在哪?

Micro-lender 小额贷款者 development of both mind and body 身心发展 brute force蛮力

labour-saving appliances 省力的工具

The world bank have cause and effected reversed 世界银行似乎将事情本末倒置了

没看高数…定积分真是不想算…拖延症中= =


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